פרופ' מאיר לבנברג

    קורות חיים



    Harvard University, A.B., 1947 - history and literature

    Columbia University, M.S., 1949 - social group work

    Wayne State University, Ph.D., 1965 - sociology and social work



    Bar-Ilan University, School of Social Work., 1973-93: professor; since 1994  professor emeritus

    Tel-Aviv University, School of Social Work., 1971-74: associate professor

    St. Louis University, School of Social Work., 1965-67: assistant professor

    University of Pennsylvania, School of Social Work., 1979-80: K. L. M. Pray Visiting Professor

    Boston College Graduate School of Social Work., 1986-87: Visiting Professor

    Council on Social Work Education., 1967-71: accreditation, undergraduate education, research

    Jewish Community Centers, Detroit and Chicago 1949-51, 1952-65



    Ethical Decisions for Social Work Practice (with Ralph Dolgoff and Donna Harrington). 9th edition.  Belmont CA: Brooks/Cole Publishers, 2012. Chinese   translation, Bejing, 2005.

    From Charity to Social Justice: Emergence of Communal Institutions for the Support of the Poor in Ancient Judaism. New Brunswick NJ:Transaction Books. 2001.

    Meeting the Challenges of a Changing Society: Fifty Years of Social Work in Israel. (Editor). Jerusalem: Magnes Press,1998.

    Religion and Social Work Practice in Contemporary American Society. New York: Columbia University Press, 1988.  

    Fundamentals of Social Intervention. 2nd edition. New York: Columbia University Press, 1983.

    Immigrant Absorption and Welfare in Israel: A Reader for Social Workers(ed. F M. Loewenberg). Bar-Ilan University, 1979 (in Hebrew).



    Columbia University School of Social Work Hall of Fame (2007)





    Working with program sub-committees. JCC Program Aids, 21 (4), 7-10, 1960.



    Training part-time staff. New York:National Jewish Welfare Board, (Edited by FML). 1966.



    Who did NOT attend head start? Childhood Education, 43, 309-310, 1967.

    American Jewry at the Crossroads. South African Jewish Observer, September 1967.

    The challenge of change. Jewish Life, 34(5), 50-55, 1967.

    The American Jury by Kalve, Jr. H. & Zeisel, H. in Saint Louis Law Review, 11, 278-282, 1967. (Book review)



    Drop-outs and transfer students. Social Work Education Reporter, 16(2) 1968.

    Social workers and indigenous nonprofessionals: Some structural dilemmas. Social Work, 13, 65-71, 1968.

    Statistics on Social Work Education 1967. New York: Council on Social Work Education, 1968.

    Undergraduate education:A multi-purpose program. Public Welfare, 26, 151-154, 1968.

    The Psychodynamics of American Jewish Life.  Ed. Kiell, N. in Jewish Bookland, October 1968. (Book review)



    Non-white doctoral students and graduates in social work. Social Work Education Reporter, 17,13, 1969.

    Report on a survey: Undergraduate faculty institutes. Social Work Education Reporter, 17,  20-23, 58-59 (with Shey, T.H.), 1969.

    Social work education responds to the manpower shortage: A statistical review, 1957-1967. Social Service Review, 43, 69-73, 1969.

    Statistics on Social Work Education 1968. New York:Council on Social Work Education, 1969.

    Continuities in Undergraduate Social Work Education. New York:Council on Social Work Education, 1969.

    Essentials for Undergraduate Social Work Education. New York:Council on Social Work Education, 1969.

    Designing an undergraduate social welfare program for the nineteen seventies.

    Pp.51-59 in ֺ Continuities in Undergraduate Social Work Education. New York: Council on Social  Work Education, 1969.

    The role of field experience in higher education.  Pp.21-26 in Essentials for Undegraduate Social Work Education. New York:Council on Social Work Education, 1969.

    New responsibilities and new opportunities for social agencies: Relation between

    agency and university.  Pp.27-37 in Essentials for Undegraduate Social Work Education. New York: Council on Social  Work Education, 1969.



    Ethnic characteristics of full-time master's degree students in U.S. schools of social work. Social Work Education Reporter, 18, 14-17, 48 (with Shey, T. H.), 1970.

    Toward a system analysis of social welfare utilization patterns. Child Welfare, 49, 252-259, 1970.

    Growing old in America today - Some implications for practice. JCC Program Aids, 31(2),13-16, 1970.

    Jewish Americans by Goldstein, S. & Goldschneider, C. inֺ Jewish Booklandֺ,February  1970. (Book review)

    The New Social Work Series, vols. 1-4, ed. Weissman, H.H. in American Sociological Review, 31,602-603, 1970. (Book review)



    Teaching practice skills. New York: Council on Social Work Education, (with Dolgoff, R.), 1971.

    Survey of Manpower Needs in Jewish Communal Service. .New York:Bureau for Careers in Jewish Service, 1971.

    On the training of paraprofessionals and professionals for social welfare services. Public Welfare, 29ֺ, 328-332, 1971.

    Standard setting in social work education. Pp.29-39 in The Current Scene in Social Work Education. New York:Council on Social Work Education (with Stamm, A.), 1971.

    Social Work Practice: A Response to the Urban Crisis by Meyer, C. H. in JCC Program Aids, 33(1), 18, 1971. (Book review)



    Doctoral Students in Schools of Social Work. New York:Council on Social Work Education, 1972.

    The Practice of Social Intervention: Roles, Goals and Strategies (with Dolgoff, R.). Itasca IL:Peacock Publishers, 1972.



    School-based Community Centers: Report on an Experiment. Jerusalem: Hebrew  University, Schwartz Graduate Program. (Also in Hebrew), 1973.

    Time and Quality in Graduate Social Work Education. New York:Council on Social Work Education, 1973.



    Toward a sociological perspective on social welfare strategies. Pp. 43-69 in Social

    Science and Social Welfare  (Ed. Romanyshyn, J. M.). New York:Council on Social Work Education, 1974



    Utilization of schools for community centres in Israel. Community Development Journal, 10, (London), 126-131, 1975.

    Identifying the basic core content of social work education: A working paper. New York: Council on Social Work  Education, 1975.

    Professional Components in Education for Fundraising. New York:Council on Social Work Education, 1975.

    Hamashber b'avoda sozialit: Nitu'ah t'guvot l'mehkar ha'araha (The crisis in social work: Analysis of responses to evaluation research). Sa'ad, 19 (3), 16-18, 1975. (Hebrew).

    Developing manpower for Jewish communal services. Proceedings. International Conference on Jewish Communal Services, Jerusalem. 1975.

    Regulating the Poor by Piven, F. F. & Cloward, R. A. in JCC Program Aids, 36 (3), 23-24, 1975. (Book review)



    Fundamentals of Social Intervention. New York: Columbia University Press, 1977.

    The current crisis is social work education. Contemporary Social Work Education, 1, 61-68 (Australia), 1977.

    Arahim mikzoi'im v'etika mikzo'it. (Professional values and professional ethics). Sa'ad, 21, 3-7, 1977.  (Hebrew).



    Core themes in social work education. Pp. 41-51 in Discovery and Development in Social Work Education. Proceedings of XIX International Congress of Schools of Social Work, Jerusalem, 1978a.

    Contenido basico y central en la educacion para el trabajo social. Selecciones de Servicio Soxial, 6, 11-20, Argentinia, 1978b.  (Spanish translation of 1978a.)

    Professional values and professional ethics in social work education. Pp. 115-129 in Baer, L. and Federico, R., Educating the Baccalaureate Social Worker. Cambridge:Ballinger Publishing Co., 1978c.

    Social work education in Israel. Pp. 4-8 in Spiro, S.S.(Ed.). Issues and Explorations in Social Work Education. Jerusalem: Israeli Association of Schools of Social Work, 1978d.

    Goals and strategies for the future of social welfare in  Israel. Kidma, 4, 5-8, 1978.

    The crisis in social work: An analysis of responses to evaluation research. Sa'ad in 1975. Pp.23-27, 1978

    Ethnic Integration in Israel by Inbar, M. & Adler, C. inֺ Jewish Books in Review, July, 3, 1978. (Book review)

    Models of group therapy and sensitivity training  by Shaffer,J.B.F. & Galinsky, D. in Social Work with groups, 2, 414-415 (with F. Mittwoch), 1978. (Book review)



    The causes of turnover among social workers. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 6, 622-642, 1979.

    Is American social work exportable? Canadian Journal of Social Work Education, 5, 12-14, 1979.

    N'shira ovdim sozi'alim - darhei iv'hun (An exploration of social work turnover), Hebrew (with Glantz, D.).  Hevrah  v'revaha,2,  267-282, 1979.

    K'lita v'revaha b'yisrael: Mikra'a  (Immigrant absorption and welfare in Israel: A reader). Ramat-Gan:Bar-Ilan University, 1979.

    Klitat aliyah v'tafkid ha'oved ha'soziali biyisra'el (Immigrant absorption and the task of the Israeli social worker). Pp. 388-404 in Klita v'revaha b'yisrael: Mikra'a (Immigrant absorption and welfare in Israel: A reader). Ramat-Gan:Bar-Ilan University, 1979.



    Applied research for social policy by Arrow, K.J., Abt, C.C., & Fitzsimmons, S. J. in Administration in Social Work, 4, ֺ 104-105, 1980. (Book review)



    The stigmatization of public dependency. Social Service Review, 55,  435-452, 1981.

    Comparing public policies: New Concepts and methods by Ashford, D. E. (Ed.). in Administration in Social Work, 5, 110-111, 1981. (Book review)



    Ethical Decisions for Social Work Practice . (With Ralph Dolgoff). Itasca: Peacock Publishers, 1982.



    Fundamentals of Social Intervention. New York:Columbia University Press, 2d ed., 1983.

    On teaching social work practice. Unstructor's Manual for Fundamentals of Social Intervention.New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 3-10, 1983.



    Professional ideology, middle range theories and knowledge building for social work practice. British Journal of Social Work, 14, 309-322, 1984.



    Ethical Decisions for Social Work Practice . (With Ralph Dolgoff). Itasca: Peacock Publishers. 2d ed., 1985.

    Chapters 1, 3, 4, 7, and 9 of Fundamentals of Social Intervention (1977a) in Italian translation. InMetodologia del Servizio Sociale. Milano: Par Franco Angeli Libro, 1985.



    Another look at unethical professional conduct. Journal of Applied Social Sciences, 11, 220-229, 1987.



    Ethical Decisions for Social Work Practice . (With Ralph Dolgoff). Itasca: Peacock Publishers, 3d ed., 1988.

    Religion and Social Work Practice in Contemporary American Society. New York: Columbia  University Press, 1988.



    Documents from the history of social welfare in Eretz Yisrael: Helene H. Thon (1886-1953) on social work in Palestine in the 1920s. Journal of Social Work and Policy in Israel, 2, 111-122, 1989.

    Is 'prior experience' an effective selection criterion for social work education? Journal of Social Work and Policy in Israel, 2, 57-66 (with Zila Balalty), 1989.



    The interface of halakha (Jewish law) and social work practice in a case of adultery. Journal of Social Work and Policy in Israel, 3, 29-37, 1990.



    Documents from the history of social welfare in Eretz Yisrael: The Peel Commission Report (1936). Journal of Social Work and Policy in Israel, 4, 115-124, 1991.

    Voluntary organizations in developing countries and colonial societies: The Social Service Department of the Palestine Jewish Community in the 1930's. Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 20, 415-428, 1991.



    Ethical Decisions for Social Work Practice . (With Ralph Dolgoff). Itasca: Peacock Publishers, 4th ed., 1992.

    Ideology or pragmatism: Further reflections on voluntary and public sector relations in the 19th century. Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 21, 119-133, 1992.

    Federal Relief Programs in the 19th Century: A Reassessment. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 19(3), 121-136, 1992.

    Notes on ethical dilemmas in wartime: Experiences of Israeli social workers during Operation Desert Shield. International Social Work, 35, 429-439, 1992.



    Die Organsation der Eingliederungshilfe in Israel. Pp. 64-73 in Bade, K. J. and Troen, S. I. (Eds.).Zuwanderung und Eingliederung von Deutschen und Juden in Deutschland und Israel. Bonn, 1993.

    Preparing for the welfare state? A Re-assessment of the decision to establish the Social Service Department of the Va'ad Le'ummi. Journal of Social Work and Policy in Israel, 7-8, 21-30, 1993.

    Hospitality for poor travelers in ancient Judea: An exploration of the origins of organised charity. Le'la, 36  (September), 21-24, (London),  1993.

    Tzedakah: Can Jewish philanthropy buy Jewish survival?     by Jacob Neusner  in Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 70, 1, 88-91, 1993. (Book review)



    Migration services in the 1990s: Some thoughts for planning and research on public/voluntary/market sector relations in post-welfare societies. Pp. 61-72 in Troen, S.I. and Bade, K.J. (Eds.). Returning home. Beer Sheva: Humphrey  Institute of Social Ecology, 1994.

    The support system of fathers and mothers raising their children alone. Bitahon Soziali, 41,  57-72, 1994. (with Orna Cohen). {Hebrew}.                        

    Support systems in the divorce transition. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 7, 2/3, 168-174, 1994. (with Orna Cohen).

    On the development of philanthropic institutions in ancient Judaism: Provisions for poor travelers. Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly,23, 193-207, 1994.



    Financing philanthropic institutions in Biblical and Talmudic times. Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 24, 307-320, 1995.

    Wurzeln jüdischer Sozialarbeit in Palästina by F.M.Konrad in Paedagogica Historica, 31,2, 533-537, 1995. (Book review)



    Ethical Decisions for Social Work Practice . (With Ralph Dolgoff). Itasca: Peacock Publishers, 5th ed., 1996.



    What does Judaism say about voluntarism? A survey of Biblical, Talmudic, and Rabbinic sources. Journal of Social Work and Policy in Israel, 9-10, 77-87,1997.



    Meeting the challenges of a changing society: Fifty years of social work in Israel. Jerusalem: Magnes Press. 1998.



    Ethical Decisions for Social Work Practice . (with Ralph Dolgoff). Itasca: Peacock Publishers, 6th ed. 2000.

    Napoleon’s Balfour Declaration. Queens College of Jewish Studies, 2, 116-124.

    Korean translation of Ethical Decisions for Social Work Practice . (With Ralph Dolgoff). Itasca: Peacock Publishers, 5th ed., 1996.



    From Charity to Social Justice: The emergence of communal institutions for the support of the poor in Ancient Judaism. New Brunswick NJ:Transaction Publications.



    Ethical Decisions for Social Work Practice (with Ralph Dolgoff and Donna Harrington ). Belmont CA: Brooks/Cole Publishers, 7th ed. 2004.

    Hakhshara akademit l'avoda sozialit b'Yisrael: Avar, hove, v'atid by A.Aviram (ed.) in Hevra v'Revakha, 24,3, 355-358, Bookreview,  2004.

    Entries on Israel, Judaism, Voluntarism, Voluntary Organizations, Volunteers. In   Fitzpatrick, Tony (ed). International Encyclopedia of Social Policy. London:Routledge, 2004.



    Chinese translation of Ethical Decisions for Social Work Practice (with Ralph Dolgoff      and Donna Harrington ).7th ed. Beijing, China



    Hakhnassat Orhim – Hospitality for Poor Travelers. Pp.107-127 in Poverty and Tzedakah in Jewish Law (eds. Walter Jacob with Moshe Zemer). Pittsburgh PA: Rodef Shalom Press.



    Ethical Decisions for Social Work Practice (with Ralph Dolgoff and Donna Harrington ). Belmont CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole Publishers, 8th ed.

    Hakhnassat Orhim – Mosdot tzedaka b'tekufot hamikra v'hatalmud [Hospitality – charitable institutions in the time of the Bible and the Talmud]. Pp.70-73 in Sha'ar Efrat. Efrat: Kollel Efrat, 2008.



    The Western Wall: Is it the Kotel or Al-Buraq Wall? Israel Resource Review, 17 December 2010, or follow this link: The Western Wall: Is it the Kotel or Al-Buraq Wall?http://www.israelbehindthenews.com/bin/content.cgi?ID=4233&q=1



    We have returned to the Temple Mount! Israel Resource Review, 12 June 2011,                  http://israelbehindthenews.com/bin/content.cgi?ID=4412&q=1

    The Middle East Turmoil: Its Impact on Arab-Israeli Peace Prospects. Israel Resource Review, 21 July 2011, http://israelbehindthenews.com/bin/content.cgi?ID=4452&q=1

    Palestinians Push for 1947 lines - not 1967 lines: Once again, the UN Partition Plan for Palestine, Winnipeg Jewish Review, August 8, 2011. Also at http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=1417&sec=




    Ethical Decisions for Social Work Practice (with Ralph Dolgoff and Donna Harrington ). Belmont CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole Publishers, 9th ed.

    "The Persian Conquest of Jerusalem," The Jewish Magazine, January 2012.


    "Who was Abraham's mother?", The Jewish Magazine, February 2012


    "How many cups of wine do you drink at the Seder? 3-4-5?" The Jewish Magazine, April 2012http://www.jewishmag.com/164mag/passover_four_cups/passover_four_cups.htm

    "Did Maimonides really pray on the Temple Mount?" Jewish Magazine, October-November  2012,




    "The Sacred and the Profane - A photo essay of the Temple Mount", The Jewish Magazine, January 2013. http://www.jewishmag.com/171mag/temple-mount-photo-essay/temple-mount-photo-essay.htm

    "May a Jew live in Egypt?" The Jewish Magazine, March 2013. http://www.jewishmag.com/173mag/jew_live_in_egypt/jew_live_in_egypt.htm   

    "Gaza is an integral part of the Land of Israel: A Brief Historical Review of the Gaza Jewish community", The Jewish Magazine, June 2013. http://www.jewishmag.com/176mag/jewish_gaza/jewish_gaza.htm or link  

    "Did Jews Abandon the Temple Mount?" Middle East Quarterly 20, 3 (Summer 2013), pp. 37-48. http://www.meforum.org/3556/temple-mount

    "How Many Shofar-blasts Must be Sounded on Rosh Hashanah?" The Jewish Magazine, August-September 2013. http://www.jewishmag.com/177mag/rosh_hashannah_shofar/rosh_hashannah_shofar.htm   

    "Where Jerusalem Jews Worship: Tracing the changing location of the "holiest" site in Judaism", Hakirah, vol. 16, Winter 2013, pp. 213-231. link Also at http://israelbehindthenews.com/bin/content.cgi?ID=7042&q=1   

    "The Jewish Roots Of Nablus – Shechem", The Jewish Magazine, December 2013. http://jewishmag.com/180mag/jewish_nablus_shechem/jewish_nablus_shechem.htm 



    When Iran Ruled Jerusalem, Segula, January 2014, pp. 30-38. http://www.academia.edu/9448222//When_Iran_Ruled_Jerusalem

    כשהאירנים שלטו בירושלים. סגולה,   January 2014, pp. 24-33.   

    Poverty in Eighteenth-Century New York City: A Jewish Pauper Demands Kosher Meals, New York History, 95/3 (Summer 2014), pp. 432-445.



    The Temple Mount status quo: Law or Myth?, Jewish Magazine , Summer 2015.



    What happened on the original Yom Yerushalayim in 1967?,  Israel Resource Review, May 4, 2016.

    A Synagogue on Har Habayit in the 7th Century: Dream or Historical Fact?, Hakirah, vol. 21, Summer 2016, pp.253-262.





    - Social work ethics.

    - Social work history.

    - Development of social welfare institutions in Eretz Yisrael.

    - Medieval Jewish history.


    תאריך עדכון אחרון : 18/05/2022