Prof. Meir Loewenberg
Harvard University, A.B., 1947 - history and literature
Columbia University, M.S., 1949 - social group work
Wayne State University, Ph.D., 1965 - sociology and social work
Bar-Ilan University, School of Social Work., 1973-93: professor; since 1994 professor emeritus
Tel-Aviv University, School of Social Work., 1971-74: associate professor
St. Louis University, School of Social Work., 1965-67: assistant professor
University of Pennsylvania, School of Social Work., 1979-80: K. L. M. Pray Visiting Professor
Boston College Graduate School of Social Work., 1986-87: Visiting Professor
Council on Social Work Education., 1967-71: accreditation, undergraduate education, research
Jewish Community Centers, Detroit and Chicago 1949-51, 1952-65
Ethical Decisions for Social Work Practice (with Ralph Dolgoff and Donna Harrington). 9th edition. Belmont CA: Brooks/Cole Publishers, 2012. Chinese translation, Bejing, 2005.
From Charity to Social Justice: Emergence of Communal Institutions for the Support of the Poor in Ancient Judaism. New Brunswick NJ:Transaction Books. 2001.
Meeting the Challenges of a Changing Society: Fifty Years of Social Work in Israel. (Editor). Jerusalem: Magnes Press,1998.
Religion and Social Work Practice in Contemporary American Society. New York: Columbia University Press, 1988.
Fundamentals of Social Intervention. 2nd edition. New York: Columbia University Press, 1983.
Immigrant Absorption and Welfare in Israel: A Reader for Social Workers(ed. F M. Loewenberg). Bar-Ilan University, 1979 (in Hebrew).
Columbia University School of Social Work Hall of Fame (2007)
- Social work ethics.
- Social work history.
- Development of social welfare institutions in Eretz Yisrael.
- Medieval Jewish history.
Last Updated Date : 18/05/2022