Master's Degree in Social Work for Students with other Degrees
The Master's Degree in Social Work for Students with other Degrees is intended for candidates with a first or second degree in other disciplines. The program includes theoretical and professional studies, as well as field training, in each year of study.
On the successful completion of all course requirements, including field training, students will be awarded an MA degree in Social Work, and will be eligible for registration as social workers with the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.
The teaching staff in the Master's Degree in Social Work for Students with other Degrees includes top-class lecturers in the field of social work.
Graduates of the Master's Degree in Social Work for Students with other Degrees integrate into a variety of positions after graduation: from social workers and therapists to team leaders and managers of social services departments, social services departments as well as key positions in the relevant government ministries or in private organizations and associations. Students who have completed their studies in the research track and wrote a thesis, may continue to study in a doctoral program and can become researchers and lecturers in academia and research institutes.
Study Tracks
Students may enroll on a thesis or a non-thesis track.
Details of each track (in Hebrew) are available at
First year – Supplementary courses - 24 - 34 SC - semester-based credits (Dependent upon exemptions received on the basis of previous studies)
Second and Third years – Track A (with Thesis) - 36 SC
Second and Third years – Track B (without Thesis) - 48 SC
Areas of Specialization
Clinical Practice
This specialization is aimed towards developing the professional identity of the student as a social worker and providing the knowledge and skills of therapeutic psychodynamic intervention. The curriculum focuses on the theory and practice of psychodynamic treatment, knowledge of a variety of other therapeutic approaches in social work practice, and development of diagnostic skills in individuals and in groups.
The studies combine courses and practical training that takes place throughout the three years of study. The students integrate into the practical work in a variety of work places where social workers are employed such as: welfare services, services for the community, mental health services, health services, child and family care centers, addiction treatment centers, centers for the treatment of the elderly, work with at-risk youth, the fields of rehabilitation, work with people with a disability, working in philanthropic associations and more.
Rehabilitation - Clinical
In this specialization, in addition to psychodynamic courses intended for all students in the Clinical Practice specialization, the curriculum also includes unique content courses from the worlds of disability, rehabilitation, health and the sick, such as: Disabilities: Introduction to theory and practice, issues in health and illness, rehabilitation and recovery in mental health, the family in illness and disability, third wave approaches in cognitive-behavioral therapy in healthy and rehabilitation populations.
Management and Community
This specialization is aimed towards developing the professional identity of the student as a social worker and providing theoretical knowledge and skills in the areas of management, administration, organizational counselling, and community work. The curriculum focuses on equipping the student with theoretical knowledge in the fields of management, organizational consulting, and community work. In addition, it focuses on equipping the student with the skills necessary for working with communities, organizations, families, and with individuals.
Among the courses taught as part of the specialization: community dialogue, group dynamics, individual work for community workers, methods of intervention in community social work, methods of intervention with the group, theory and practice in working with families, entrepreneurship and social innovation from a business perspective, domestic violence, the welfare state in a changing reality , leadership strategies in social organizations, the team as a small group, critical thinking in social work, dealing with stressful situations, crisis and trauma, issues in old age and social work, ethics in social work and more.
The studies combine courses and practical training that takes place throughout the three years of study. The students integrate into the practical work in a variety of community organizations and various welfare organizations where community social workers are employed such as: institutions for children and youth, social service bureaus, marriage and family counseling stations, immigration services, community centers, aid organizations, shelters, psychiatric institutions, schools, various private associations and in the public and private health system.
More information about the program and admission requirements (in Hebrew)