פרופ' ריקי פינצי-דותן

בניין 213 (מקסיקו), חדר 206 (קומה שנייה)
שעות קבלה
בתיאום מראש
    קורות חיים




    אוניברסיטת תל אביב, בית הספר לעבודה סוציאלית



    אוניברסיטת תל אביב, בית הספר לעבודה סוציאלית



    אוניברסיטת חיפה, בית הספר לעבודה סוציאלית


    מלגות, פרסים ומענקי מחקר:


    Israeli Science Foundation


    משרד הרווחה, Couples in Family Court

    מלגה ע"ש דפנה יזרעאלי, תכנית לימודי מגדר, אוניברסיטת בר-אילן

    2001 הועדה לקידום המחקר, אוניברסיטת בר-אילן

    עמיתי הג'וינט, ג'וינט ישראל, תחום ילדים בסיכון


    הצגות בכנסים:



    Subject of conference

    Subject of Presentation



    The International Conference of Social Work and Health,

    Short term group intervention as a means of improving the adjustment of children of mentally ill parents



    The 7th International Conference of Family Therapy

    Separation and divorce viewed through the attachment theory



    International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) 

    Attachment Styles in Maltreated Children: A Comparison Study


    Tel Aviv

    "The Promised Childhood Congress"; International child Psychiatry Conference

    Attachment in the Family – Divorce Process


    Sheraton Harborside Hotel & Conference Center, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA

    8th International family Violence Research Conference

    Comparison of Ego Defenses among Physically Abused, Neglected, and Non-Maltreated Children


    Milano, Italy

    XIth European Conference on Developmental Psychology


    ADHD and attachment – A real relationship?


    Sheraton Harborside Hotel & Conference Center, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA


    9th International family Violence Research Conference

    The perception of childhood emotional abuse in adulthood as mediated by defense mechanisms



    Tenerife, Spain


    XIIth European Conference on Developmental Psychology


    From Emotional Abuse in Childhood to Psychopathology in Adulthood: A Path Mediated by Primitive Defense Mechanisms and Self-Concept.


    Jena, Germany


    13th European Conference on Developmental Psychology


    What are the Desirable Traits in a Marriage Candidate? Who is Afraid of Intimacy?


    Crete, Greece


    2nd International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection

    The Role of Rejection and Acceptance Expectancy in Considerations Concerning Desirable Marriage Candidates



    Hong-Kong; China

    XVIIth ISPCAN International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect


    Childhood Emotional Abuse: Developmental Consequences 



    Port, Portugal

    International Congress on Family, School and Society Special Education


    PTSD Reactions among Adolescents with Learning Disabilities Who Were Exposed to Terror Attacks: The Role of Attachment.



    Padua, Italy

    3rd  International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection

    Children’s Personality in Relation to Family Size and Maternal Parenting


    London, UK

    ISSID 2011 – Personality & Individual Differences

    Stress related growth in parents of children with ADHD: The effects of emotional intelligence, social support, parental sense of competence and perception of parenting as challenge vs. threat


    Trieste, Italy

    16th European Conference on Personality

    Spillover of compassion fatigue into marriage quality: the role of self-differentiation, professional self-esteem, Colleague support, and traumatic life events


    15-16 October

    Crete, Greece

    International symposium- Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Various Difficulties and Disabilities

    Children with ADHD -  Clinical and research data:  Implications for practice


    5-7 November

    Tel Aviv, Israel

    1st International Conference on Cultural Psychiatry in Mediterranean Countries.

    Aggression, Guilt, and Conduct Disorder in

    Former Soviet Union Immigrant Adolescents: The Role of Parenting Style and Ego Identity.


    10-13 January

    Chandigarh – India

    4th International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance & Rejection

    Predictors of warmth and involvement in child rearing among married and divorced fathers





    Dublin, Ireland

    13th ISPCAN European Regional Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect

    Promoting Mental Health and Future Outlook for Youngsters at Risk Leaving Out-of Home Care


    2nd-3rd January, 2014

    Hod Ha'Sharon, Sha'arei Mishpat

    International Family Law with Emphasis on the Work of the Hague Conference on Private international Law

    The Welfare of the Child and Return of Children Under the Hague Convention: A Mental Health Practitioner's Perspective


    24-27 June


    Kishinev Moldova


    5th international Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection

    Paternal Warmth and Involvement: The Impact of Paternal Narcissism

    3-6, September, 2014 Madrid, Spain Congress of the European Society on Family Relations (ESFR). Involvement and warmth of custodial fathers: Comparison with married and non-residential divorced fathers

    7-10, July, 2015


    Milan, Italy

    The 14th European Congress of Psychology

    Aggression, Guilt, and Conduct Disorder in Former Soviet Union Immigrant Adolescents: The Role of Parenting Style and Ego Identity

    27-30 September, 2015 Bucharest. Romania

    14th ISPCAN European Regional Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect

    The Intergenerational Transmission of Abuse: The Effect on Parenting

    7-10 June, 2016

    Madrid, Spain

    6th International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection ISIPAR

    Predictors of parental acceptance and warmth: Gender or responsibility?

    20-24, July, 2016


    Toronto, Canada

    International Association for Relationship Research (IARR)

    Are parental caregiving and affections affected by gender or responsibility?


    London, UK.

    International Attachment Conference

    Parental caregiving: Gender differences between married and divorced custodial mothers and fathers

    11-14 July, 2017

    Amsterdam, Nederland

    15th European Congress of Psychology


    Involvement and acceptance of custodial fathers: The role of narcissism and caregiving

    May 15-18, 2018

    Athens, Greece

    7th International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection Antecedents of spousal marital satisfaction: Remembered parental acceptance in childhood, self-differentiation and fear of intimacy

    June 4 – 7, 2019

    Madrid, Spain

    EASSW Conference 2019

    How can social workers overcome compassion fatigue and its spillover into family life?

    Implications for education and training

    June 5-8, 2022 Ljubljana, Slovenia 17Th European Congress of Psychology Children under fire: The role of maternal caregiving, reflection functioning and post traumatic stress disorder
    June 15-18, 2022 Geneva, New York, USA 9th International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance Rejection Couple relationship satisfaction: The role of recollection of parental acceptance, self-differentiation, and spousal caregiving (Poster – in abstinence)

    כנסים בארץ

    נובמבר, 1991

    תל השומר

    כינוס החברה הפסיכיאטרית של הילד והמתבגר


    שאלון לסיווג סגנונות התקשרות לילדים בגיל החביון

    מרץ, 1993

    תל אביב

    כינוס האגודה הישראלית לטיפול במשפחה ונישואין – הפרעות אכילה

    שליטה עצמית באכילה

    אוקטובר, 1993

    אוניברסיטת בר אילן

    המדעי ה-24 של הסתדרות הפסיכולוגים

    מודל של עבודת צוות באבחון והערכה של ילדים בסיכון

    דצמבר, 1995

    תל אביב

    איג"ה, האגודה הישראלית לגדילה והתפתחות

    דילמות אתיות ומעשיות במתן חוות דעת על ילדי רוצחים ונרצחות

    דצמבר, 1995

    תל השומר

    לחיות עם מחלת נפש במשפחה, האגודה הישראלית לטיפול במשפחה ונישואין, ובחסות "אנוש" ומשרד הבריאות

    ילדים להורים חולי נפש

    פברואר, 1997

    מעלה החמישה

    השתלמות פרקליטים, משרד המשפטים

    אלימות כלפי ילדים במשפחה – כלי אבחוני לסיוע ראייתי

    אפריל, 1997


    כנס III של אנשי הגיל הרך בישראל

    כשאבא ואמא מתגרשים בראשית החיים – מהי טובת הילד?

    יוני, 1997


    הכנס הבין-תחומי הראשון "ילדים בסיכון"

    ילדים מוכים – פרופיל מאפיין וכלי אבחוני

    אוקטובר, 1997

    תל אביב

    כנס סגלים של בתי הספר לעבודה סוציאלית

    ילדים מוכים – בחזרה ל-case-work

    ספטמבר, 2003

    תל אביב

    הכינוס ה- 16 של איגוד העובדים הסוציאליים ומועצת מנהלי בתי הספר לעבודה סוציאלית

    התעללות רגשית בילדות – השלכות בבגרות

    נובמבר, 2003

    תל אביב

    תינוקות, טף ומשפחותיהם בישראל, בחסות קרן הריס, אוניברסיטת בר אילן

    ילדים ומשפחותיהם במאה ה-21

    מאי, 2004

    מעלה החמישה

    כנס ארצי לעו"ס בפנימיות ילדים ונוער

    התעללות מינית במשפחה בילדות והשלכותיה בבגרות

    נובמבר, 2005

    רמת אפעל

    האגודה הישראלית לטיפול בנישואין ובמשפחה

    זוגיות בהפרעה

    ינואר, 2008

    תל אביב

    כינוס אל"י בנושא פגיעה מינית בין אחאים

    "אמנון ותמר זו לא פריחה" – פגיעה מינית  בין אחאים

    אפריל, 2011

    מעלה החמישה

    השתלמות שופטי בתי המשפט לנוער, משרד המשפטים

    התעללות רגשית- השלכות התפתחותיות

    נובמבר, 2014

    תל-אביב כינוס העובדים הסוציאליים ה-18 אבות משמורנים – מה מטריד אותם? 

    ארגון כנסים מדעיים:

    2005 יום עיון במסגרת האגודה לטיפול במשפחה ובנישואין: "זוגיות בהפרעה - מתסכול לאתגר בטיפול"
    2002 יום עיון באוניברסיטת תל-אביב: "הרעב לאב"


    ראש מסלול "ילדים ונוער בסיכון והתערבויות טיפוליות עם ילדים ובני נוער" – כינוס עבודה סוציאלית, פברואר 2000; הכנס הארצי ה-15 של איגוד העובדים הסוציאליים ומועצת מנהלי בתי הספר לעבודה סוציאלית (תל אביב, ישראל)


    תפקידים באוניברסיטה:

    2002-עד היום: מרכזת התכנית הדו-שנתית לטיפול זוגי ומשפחתי, היחידה ללימודי המשך, ביה"ס לעבודה סוציאלית, אוניברסיטת בר-אילן

    2016: ראש התוכנית לתואר שני בעבודה סוציאלית במכללה האקדמית ספיר

    2014-2013: מרכזת אקדמית של התכנית לתואר שני במכללת החרדים בירושלים

    תפקידים ציבוריים:

    2007 עד היום - יו"ר ועדת מומחיות "עבודה סוציאלית בבריאות נפש"

    1999 עד היום - חברת ועדת האתיקה במרכז לבריאות הנפש 'גהה'

    2016 - יו"ר הוועדה לשיפוט בקשות למענקי מחקר בעבודה סוציאלית עבור ה-ISF

    2015-2014 - בדיקת הצעות עבור ISF

    2013-1999 - חברת המועצה הלאומית לבריאות נפש

    2000-1990 - יו"ר הוועדה לכתיבה ועריכת הספר "מומחיות עבודה סוציאלית בבריאות הנפש"

    חברות באיגודים מקצועיים:

    - האיגוד הישראלי לפסיכותרפיה

    - האגודה לטיפול במשפחה ובנישואין

    - International Society for /interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection

    שיפוט מאמרים:

    Journal of Family Violence; Children & Youth Services Review; Personality & Individual Differences; Personal Relationships; Journal of Child and Family Studies; Stress & Health; Psychology of Men Masculinity; Psychological Trauma; Self & Identity; Violence & Victims



    Articles in Refereed Journals

    Pardess, E., Finzi, R., Sever, J. (1993). Evaluating the best interests of the child - a model of multidisciplinary teamwork. Medicine and Law, 12, 205-211.  (PubMed- 13 quotations).

    Finzi, R., Har-Even, D., Weizman, A., Tyano, S., & Shnit, D. (1996). The adaptation of the attachment style questionnaire for latency-aged children. Psychologia [Hebrew- Psychology], 5, 167-177. 

    Finzi, R, Stange D. (1997). Short term group intervention as a means of improving the adjustment of children of mentally ill parents. Social Work with Groups, 20, 69-80. (Google Scholar 12 quotations)    

    Finzi, R.  Peled,  E., Ram, A. (1998).  The impact of incest on witnessing siblings. Chevra VeRevacha [Hebrew-Society and Welfare[, 18, 269-280. 

    Finzi, R. Shnit, D. Weizman, A.  (1999). Physical child abuse: A characteristic profile and a diagnostic tool. Chevra VeRevacha [Hebrew-Society and Welfare[19 (4), 433-460.

    Cohen, O., Finzi, R., & Avi-Yonah, O. (1999). An attachment based typology of divorcing couples. Family Therapy, 26, 167-190.  (JCR- 12 quotations; Google Scholar 17 quotations) – Equal contribution.  

    Finzi, R., Cohen, O., & Weizman, A. (2000). Features and consequences of emotional abuse in children and adolescents. Ha’Refua [Hebrew – Medicine], 138, 237-240. 

    Finzi, R.,  Cohen, O., &  Ram,  A. (2000).  Attachment and divorce. Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 11, 1-20.   (JCR- 8 quotations; Google Scholar 30 quotations)

    Finzi, R., Cohen, O., Sapir, Y., & Weizman, A. (2000) Attachment styles in maltreated children: A comparative study. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 31, 113-128.  (IF -1.43 Q4 70/82;  JCR- 38 quotations;  Google Scholar 143 quotations)

    Finzi, R., Ram, A. Shnit, D., Har-Even, D.,  Tyano, S., &  Weizman, A. (2001).  Depressive symptoms and suicidality in physically abused children. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 71, 98-107.   (IF – 2.047;  Q1 5/43; JCR- 32 quotations;  Google Scholar 76 quotations)

    Finzi, R. & Cohen, O. (2001). Couples in divorce: a contribution of attachment theory. Sichot [Hebrew- Dialogue], 15, 235-244.

    Cohen, O., Slonim, I., & Finzi-Dottan, R. (2001). How women perceive their family resiliency. Chevra VeRevacha [Hebrew-Society and Welfare[, 21, 177-194.

    Finzi, R., Ram, A., Har-Even, D., Shnit, D., & Weizman, A. (2001) Attachment styles and aggression  in physically abused and neglected children. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 30, 769-786. (IF-3.259  Q1 17/73 ; JCR- 78 quotations; Google Scholar 249 quotations)

    Cohen, O., & Finzi-Dottan, R. (2002). Parental narcissism – the difficulties of the non custodial father. Sichot (Hebrew-  Dialogue), 16, 64-73 – Equal contribution

    Ram, A. Finzi-Dottan, R.., & Cohen, O. (2002). The non-custodial parent and his infant. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 36, 41-55. (JCR- 7 quotations; Google Scholar 12 quotations) – Equal contribution.

    Cohen, O., Slonim, I., Finzi-Dottan, R., & Leichtentritt, R. (2002). Family Resilience: The Israeli Women’s Perspective. American Journal of Family Therapy, 30, 173-187. (IF – 0.965  Q3 93/130 ; JCR- 15 quotations; Google Scholar 76 quotations)

    Finzi-Dottan, R.., & Tyano, S. (2002). Les caractéristiques des symptômes post traumatiques de maltraitance infantile : inceste et maltraitance physique. Perspectives Psychiatriques, 41, 389-399. (Google Scholar 3 quotations)

    Finzi-Dottan, R., Har-Even, D., Shnit, D., & Weizman, A. (2002). Psychosocial characterization of physically abused children from low socio-economic households in comparison to neglected and non-maltreated children. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 11, 441-453(IF-1.556; Q2 22/46; JCR- 14 quotations; Google Scholar 42 quotations).

    Finzi-Dottan, R., Cohen, O., Iwaniec, D., Sapir, Y., & Weizman, A. (2003). The drug-user husband and his wife: Attachment styles, family cohesion, and adaptability. Substance Use and Misuse, 38, 271-292. (IF 1.38 Q4 64/78; JCR- 27 quotations; Google Scholar 89 quotations).

    Finzi-Dottan, R., Har-Even, D., & Weizman, A. (2003).  Comparison of ego defenses among physically abused children, neglected and non-maltreated children. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 44, 388-395.  (IF  2.833; Q2 68/146; JCR- 12 quotations; Google Scholar 27 quotations)

    Finzi-Dottan, R., Cohen, O.,  & Tyano, S. (2004). Le couple : sa formation, sa destruction et ce qu’il y a entre les deux. Perspectives Psychiatriques, 43 (4), 310-317. (Google Scholar 1 quotation).

    Cohen, O., & Finzi-Dottan, R. (2005). Parent child relationships during the divorce process, from attachment theory and intergenerational perspectives. Contemporarily Family Therapy, 27, 81-99.  (Q4 28/29; I.F. 0.20; JCR- 21 quotations; Google Scholar 77 quotations) - Equal contribution.

    Finzi-Dottan, R., Cohen, O., Iwaniec, D. Sapir, Y., & Weizman, A. (2006).The child in the family of a drug-user father: Attachment styles and family characteristics.  Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 6(1-2), 89-111.  (Google Scholar - 15 quotations)

    Finzi-Dottan, R., Dekel, R., Lavi, T.,  & Su’ali, T.  (2006). PTSD reactions among children with learning disabilities exposed to terror attacks. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 47, 144-151. (IF  2.833; Q2 68/146; JCR- 18 quotations; Google Scholar 34 quotations)

    Finzi-Dottan, R. & Karu, T(2006). From emotional abuse in childhood to psychopathology in adulthood: A path mediated by immature defense mechanisms and self-esteem. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 194, 616-210.  (IF 2.333 Q3 145/199 ; JCR-18 quotations; Google Scholar 132 quotations).

    Finzi-Dottan, R., Manor, I. & Tyano, S. (2006). ADHD, temperament, and parental style as predictors of the child’s attachment patterns. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 37, 103-114. (IF 1.024;  Q2 30/76; JCR- 41 quotations; Google Scholar 134 quotations)

    Bauminger, N., Finzi-Dottan, R., Chanson, S., & Har-Even, D. (2008).  Intimacy in Adolescent Friendship: The role of attachment, coherence, and self-disclosure. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 25, 409–428.  (IF 2.235; Q2 38/88; JCR- 47;  Google Scholar 168  quotations)  Equal contribution.

    Finzi-Dottan, R. & Zubery E. (2009). The role of depression and anxiety in impulsive and obsessive-compulsive behavior among anorexic and bulimic patients. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention, 17, 162 – 182. (IF-1.347; Q3 83/130; JCR- 8 quotations; Google Scholar 21 quotations).

    Finzi-Dottan, R. & Sharon Garty, R (2010). The contribution of attachment styles and self-efficacy to the mental health and future outlook of  youngsters at risk. Chevra VeRevacha [Hebrew-Society and Welfare[, 30, 423-452.

    Finzi-Dottan, R. & Cohen, O. (2011) Young adult sibling relations: The effects of perceived parental favoritism and narcissism. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 145, 1-22.  (IF- 1.43 Q2 56/135; JCR- 11 quotations; Google Scholar 47 quotations).

    Finzi-Dottan, R., Segal Triwitz, Y. & Golubchik, P. (2011). Predictors of stress- related growth in parents of children with ADHD. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32, 510-519. (IF-2.376; Q1 9/41; JCR- 14 quotations; Google Scholar 76 quotations). 

    Finzi-Dottan, R., Bilu, R. & Golubchik, P. (2011). Aggression and conduct disorder in Former Soviet Union immigrant adolescents: The role of parenting style and ego identity. Children and Youth Services Review, 33, 918-926.  (IF- 1.68; Q2 18/46; JCR- 17 quotations; Google Scholar 46 quotations).

    Finzi-Dottan, R., Goldblatt, H. & Cohen-Masica, O. (2012). The experience of motherhood for alienated mothers. Child & Family Social Work, 17, 316-325. (IF- 1.23; Q2 16/46;  JCR- 3 quotations; Google Scholar 16 quotations)

    Cohen, O. & Finzi-Dottan, R. (2012). Reasons for divorce and mental health following the break-up. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 53, 581-601.  (Google Scholar- 37 quotations)-  Equal contribution.

    Golobchik, P., Sever, J., Finzi-Dottan, R., Kosov, I., & Weizman, A. (2013). The factors influencing decision making on children’s psychiatric hospitalization: A retrospective chart review. Community Mental Health Journal, 49,  73-78. (IF-1.46; Q3 58/82; JCR- 5 quotations; Google Scholar 7 quotations)

    Cohen. O. & Finzi-Dottan R. (2013). Defense mechanisms and negotiation as predictors of co-parenting among divorcing couples: A dyadic perspective. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 30, 430-456. (IF 2.235; Q2 38/88; JCR- 4 quotations; Google Scholar 36 quotations)

    Finzi-Dottan, R., & Cohen, O.  (2014). Predictors of parental communication and cooperation among divorcing spouses.  Journal of Child and Family Studies,  23, 39-51. (IF-1.556; Q2 22/46; JCR- 4 quotations; Google Scholar 16 quotations).

    Finzi-Dottan, R. & Harel, G. (2014). Parents' potential for child abuse: An intergenerational perspective. Journal of Family Violence, 29, 397-408.  (IF 1.647; Q3 97/130; JCR- 9 quotations; Google Scholar 38 quotations).

    Cohen O. & Finzi-Dottan, R. (2014). Contribution  of health, maturity of defense mechanisms and co-parenting to the quality of life of divorced parents: A longitudinal study. Marriage & Family Review, 50, 395-415.  (IF-0.47; Q3 21/33; Google Scholar 3 quotations)

    Cohen O., Finzi-Dottan, R., Tangir G. (2014). The fatherhood experience of divorced fathers raising their children on their own in Israel. Chevra VeRevacha [Hebrew-Society and Welfare[, 34, 359-383. Equal contribution

    Cohen O., Finzi-Dottan, R., G Tangir G. (2014). The fatherhood experience of divorced custodial fathers in Israel.  Family Relations, 63, 639-653. (IF-1.28; Q2 21/46; JCR- 1 quotations; Google Scholar 15 quotations) – Equal contribution.

    Waldman-Levi,  A., Finzi-Dottan, R. & Weintraub, N.  (2015). Attachment security and parental perception of competency among abused women in the shadow of PTSD and childhood exposure to domestic violence. Journal of child and Family Studies, 24, 57-65. (IF-1.556; Q2 22/46; JCR- 6 quotations; Google Scholar 25 quotations).

    Finzi-Dottan, R. & Cohen, O. (2016). Predictors of involvement and warmth of custodial fathers in Israel: Comparison with married and non-custodial divorced fathers. Family Process, 55, 171-187. (IF-2.67; Q1 28/127; JCR- 3 quotations; Google Scholar 18 quotations).

    Kaimana MacDonald; Michael Thomas; Andres Sciolla; Beacher Schneider; Katherine Pappas; Gijs Bleijenberg; Martin Bohus; Bradley Bekh; Linda Carpenter; Alan Carr; Udo Dannlowski; Martin Dorahy; Claudia Fahlke; Ricky Finzi-Dottan; Arne Gerdner; Heide Glaesmer; Hans Jörgen Grabe; Marianne Heins; Dianna Kenny; Kaimana MacDonald; Daeho Kim; Hans Knoop; Jill Lobbestael; Christine Lochner; Grethe Lauritzen; Edle Ravndal (2016). Minimization of childhood maltreatment is common and consequential: Results from a large, multinational sample using the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire. PLoS ONE 11(1): e0146058. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0146058  (IF-2.77; Q1 15/64; JCR- 39 quotations; Google Scholar 68 quotations).

    Finzi-Dottan, R., Dayan-Gazith , E. Borosh , T., & Golubchik, P. (2016). Involvement and warmth of fathers with mental illness: The role of the caregiving system, parental self-efficacy, social support and child characteristics. Community Mental Health Journal, 52, 972-982.  (IF-1.46; Q3 58/82; JCR- 1 quotations; Google Scholar 3 quotations)

    Finzi-Dottan, R. & Berckovitch Kormosh, M. (2016) Social workers in Israel: Compassion fatigue and spillover into married life. Journal of Social Service Research, 42, 703-717.    (IF-0.78; Q4 38/42; JCR- 2 quotations; Google Scholar 15 quotations)

    Finzi-Dottan, R. & Cohen, O. (2017). Fatherhood: Comparison between divorced custodial fathers, married fathers and divorced non-custodial fathers in Israel.  Marriage & Family Review, 53, 320-346. (IF-0.47; Q3 21/33; JCR- 1 quotations; Google Scholar 5 quotations)

    Gewirtz-Meydan, A.  & Finzi-Dottan, R.  (2018): Sexual satisfaction among couples: The role of attachment orientation and sexual motives. The Journal of Sex Research,  55, 178-190. (IF-2.63; Q1 31/127; JCR- 8 quotations; Google Scholar 14 quotations)

    Finzi-Dottan, R., & Berckovitch Kormosh, M. (2018) The Spillover of compassion fatigue into marital quality: A mediation model. Traumatology, 24, 113-122. (IF-0.67; Google Scholar 5 quotations).

    Harel, G. & Finzi-Dottan, R. (2018). Childhood maltreatment and its effect on parenting among high-risk parents. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27, 1513-1524. (IF- 1.23; Q2 23/46) – Equal contribution.

    Finzi-Dottan, R.  & Gilerenter, N. (2018). Ultra-orthodox Jews fathers in Israel: Predictors of involvement and acceptance. Family Issues, 39, 2735–2756. (IF-1.67; Q2 20/46;  Google Scholar 3 quotations)

    Gewirtz- Meydan, A. & Finzi-Dottan, R.  (2018). Narcissism and relationship satisfaction from a dyadic perspective: The mediating role of psychological aggression. Marriage & Family Review, 54,  296-312. (IF-0.47; Q3 21/33; JCR- 1 quotations).

    Finzi-Dottan, R. & Cohen, O. (2019). Involvement and acceptance of custodial fathers: The role of narcissism and caregiving. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 20, 82-92. (IF-3.202; Q2 26/63; JCR- 1 quotations; Google Scholar 1 quotations)

    Finzi-Dottan, R.  (2019). Acceptance and caregiving of married and divorced custodial mothers and fathers.  Marriage & Family Review, 55, 384-401(IF-0.47; Q3 21/33; Google Scholar 1 quotations ).

    Waldman-Levi,  A., Finzi-Dottan, R. & Cope, A. (2019). Mother-child joint play: The role of maternal caregiving and reflective function. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 29, 94-104. DOI 10.1007/s10826-019-01638-8 (IF-1.556; Q2 22/46). Equal contribution

    Finzi-Dottan, R. & Shraybom, H. (2019). Coming home: Fatherhood following release from prison.  Children and Youth Services Review. 10.1016/j.childyouth.2019.104539 (IF- 1.68; Q2 18/46; Google Scholar 2 quotations).

    Finzi-Dottan, R. & Segev M. (2020). Well-being of people diagnosed with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: The role of attachment style, parental treatment and couple relationship. Social Work in Mental Health, 18, 217-235. https://doi.org/10.1080/15332985.2020.1721040

    Talmon, A., Finzi-Dottan, R., & Ginzburg, K. (2020, October 8). “I Will Love You (Me) Forever”—A Longitudinal Study of Narcissism and Emotional Adjustment During the Transition to Motherhood. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. Advance online publication. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/per0000442

    Gewirt-Meydan, A. & Finzi-Dottan, R. (2020) Psychological abuse perpetration as a mediator between insecure attachment orientations and relationship satisfaction. Family Relations. DOI: 10.1111/fare.12490 Equal contribution.

    Finzi-Dottan R. & Schiff, M. (In Press).  Couple relationship satisfaction: The role of recollection of parental acceptance, self-differentiation, and spousal caregiving. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships DOI: 10.1177/02654075211033029

    Finzi-Dottan, R., & Gewirtz-Meydan, A. (2021). Children under fire: The role of maternal caregiving, reflection functioning, and posttraumatic stress disorder. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/tra0001205

    Finzi-Dottan, R., Chaitchik-Chowers, G., & Segal Trivitz, Y.   (2022). Caregiving dispositions as predictors of postpartum depression and mother-baby bonding: Parental self-efficacy and marital satisfaction as resources. Early Child Development and Care,    http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03004430.2022.2029429

    Finzi-Dottan, R. (2023). The Role of Fear of Intimacy as Mediator between Self-Differentiation and Marital Relationship Satisfaction: A Dyadic Model. The Family Journal31(3), 392-398. https://doi.org/10.1177/10664807231163254

    Gewirtz-Meydan, A., Estlein, R., & Finzi-Dottan, R.  (2023).  The Relationship Between Narcissistic Traits and Attitudes Toward Infidelity: A Dyadic Analysis. Journal of Family Psychology. https://dx.doi.org/10.1037/fam0001126

    Finzi-Dottan, R. & Gewirtz-Meydan, A.  (in press). In love with a trauma survivor: When a history of childhood abuse interferes with relationship satisfaction among couple.  Journal of Interpersonal Violence.  

    Articles or Chapters in Scientific Books (which are not Conference Proceedings)

    Finzi- Dottan, R. & Cohen O. (2014). Paternal Narcissism: Fathering very young children as comparison to fathering adolescents. A. Besser (Ed.) Handbook of the psychology of narcissism: Diverse perspectives (pp. 259-279). New York: Nova.

    Finzi-Dottan, R. (2015). Parenting Children with ADHD: Study findings and implications for practice (2015). In E. Kourkoutas & A. Hart, Innovative Practice and Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Psychosocial Difficulties and Disabilities (pp. 537-548). UK, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

    Articles in Conference Proceedings

    Finzi-Dottan, R., Har-Even, D., & Raz, G. (2011). Who is sensitive to rejection? The role of attachment, narcissism and fear of intimacy. In, E. Kourkoutas & F. Erkman (Eds.) Interpersonal acceptance and rejection: Social, emotional, and educational contexts.  (pages 183-196)  Boca Raton, FL: Brown Walker Press.

    Finzi-Dottan, R. & Segal O. (2012). Children’s Psychological Adjustment in Relation to Family Size and Maternal Parenting. In 3rd. book of ISIPAR Conference (pp. 21-34).  Boca Raton, FL: Brown Walker Press.

    Entries in Encyclopedias

    Finzi-Dottan, R. (2011).  Vulnerability for learning disorders. In, N.M. Seel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. New-York, NY: Springer. (Entry).


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