ד"ר ניווין עלי סאלח דראושה
Community violence, Family violence, Parenting and siblings, Mental Health & Policy, Arab Society
קורות חיים
Higher Education
2018-2020 - Postdoctoral fellowship, University of Minnesota, Department of Family and Social science & Institute of Child Development, hosted by Professor Abigail Gewirtz.
2012-2018 - PhD The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, The Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare. Name of supervisor: Professor Muhammad M. Haj-Yahia. Dissertation title: Exposure of Arab Parents and their Children to Community Violence and its Effects: Examining Protective and Risk Factors as Moderator and Mediator Factors.
2007-2010 - MA in Social work, The University of Haifa, School of Social Work, Faculty of Social Welfare & Health Sciences. Name of supervisor: Prof. Amnon Boehm. Dissertation title: Factors Influencing Political Involvement of Social Workers and Support of their Clients Political Involvement.
1999-2002 - BA in Social work, The University of Haifa, School of Social Work, Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences.
Professional Training
2019 Participation in Foundations and Applications of R (FAR): Tidying, Visualizing, Modeling workshop, College of Education & Human development, Research Methodology Consulting Center, University of Minnesota.
2019 Participation in workshop in the topic: Teaching with impact, by the Israeli Institute, New-York.
2011 Handling and treating trauma in Arab society, Israel Trauma Coalition.
2010 Applying the 12 steps program and treating domestic violence.
2006 Coping with domestic violence, Ministry of Social Affairs & Social Services.
2005 Biological and physiological aspects of sexuality - IFPA, Social and psychological aspects of sexuality.
2004 Education on sexuality for social workers. Israel Family Planning Association.
2003 Diagnosis and primary intervention of drug abuse. Ministry of Social Affairs & Social Services.
2002 Women leadership to promote women's health. Israel Association for Community Centers.
2002 The role of women in Israel and abroad. University of Haifa.
2001 Women in the community. Givat Haviva.
Clinical and Professional Experience
2023-2024 Member bord at the Ad’aar Association- Forum of professionals to oppose the murder of women.
2012-2014 Social worker, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Hadassah Hospital, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem.
2003-2005 Social work coordinator, Enosh Recreation Center for the Mentally Impaired, Iksal.
2006-2007 Group facilitator, Children for Peace Child Israel, Musmus.
2002-2001 Women’s activity coordinator, Yafia Community Center, Yafia.
2002-2012 Social work coordinator, Unit for Prevention and Treatment for Families Exposed to Domestic Violence, Bureau for Social Services, Iksal.
Teaching Experiencing
2021-2024 Senior lecturer at Bar-Ilan University, The Louis & Gabi Weisfeld School of Social Work.
2020-2021 Senior lecturer at Hadassah Academic Collage Jerusalem, Department of social work, Teaching 4 courses: 1. Primary intervention methods in social work for first year students, 2. Social work interventions: methods and techniques for third year students, 3. Developmental psychology across the life span and 4. The Arab society in Israel & social work.
2017-2018 Instructor at the Mechina Preparatory Program, Rothberg Sadarah/Kidma. An International School, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Taught an introduction to research methods and academic writing course.
2017-2018 Instructor in College of Sakhnin for Arab Teachers Education in Jerusalem. Taught four courses: 1. Emotional intelligence for early-childhood; 2. Social-emotional development in young children; 3. Early-childhood education, theory and practice. 4. Academic writing and research methods course.
Research Experience
2023-2024 Social work and community violence in Arab society
2021-2022 The personal, the professional, and the national domains: Relationship between Jewish and Palestinian social workers from Israel in conflict-ridden areas.
2020-2021 Main researcher on research titled: “Mental health service use by women victims of intimate partner violence following mental health reform in Israel” Faculty of Public Health, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
2017-2018 Research assistant, Faculty of Public Health, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
2014-2015 Main researcher lead and instructor 25 research assistances in collecting data aimed on examining exposure to community and family violence among Palestinian Israeli family, dyads parents and their adolescents
Nihaya Daoud, Nabil Geraisy, Omaima Farhat, Sammy Rahal, Neveen Ali-Saleh Darawshy, Evgeny Knaifel, Beatris Agronsky. May 29-30, 2024 "Accessibility of mental health services in the Arab community following the mental health reform: Attitudes, barriers, and facilitators for utilization. The Triennial Conference of the Psychiatric Association – Psychiatry in the Era of Innovation in the Shadow of War. Herzliya, Israel. Oral presentation.
Neveen Ali-Saleh Darawshy & Maya Lavie-Ajayi - May 15-18, 2024 “Dialogue and silence in a reality that make no sense: We don't know anything but that: relationship is knowledge. The 20th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Neveen Ali-Saleh Darawshy, Sagit Lev, & Shlomit Weiss-Dagan – April 16-19, 2024 "WhatsApp Interactions Amid Conflict: Palestinian Israeli and Jewish Israeli Social Workers in May 2021". Tthe 13th European Conference for Social Work, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Neveen Ali-Saleh Darawshy- January 10-14, 2024. Exposure to Community Violence: Mental Health Outcomes in Social workers. EPoster in Society for social Work and Research (SSWR) 28th Annual Conference, Washington DC USA.
Sagit Lev, Neveen Ali-Saleh Darawshy, & Shlomit Weiss-dagan- When the outside penetrates the inside: The relationship between Palestinian Israeli and Jewish Israeli social workers in mixed cities during the events of May 2021. June 19-21, 2023
Neveen Ali-Saleh Darawshy, Sagit Lev, & Shlomit Weiss-dagan- June 15-16 , 2023 Voicing or Silence: Palestinian Israeli and Jewish Israeli Social Workers' Relationships during Political Turmoil. Social Work Education and Research Annual Conference -JSWEC- Glasgow
Neveen Ali-Saleh Darawshy (Chair): Maya Lavie-Ajayi, Adi Barak, Ayelet Oreg, Alison S. Perez. Autoethnography: A Love letter to Urbana: collaboration and autoethnography. May 15-17, 2023. Panel Presentation in The 19th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI)Urbana, Illinois, USA.
Neveen Ali-Saleh Darawshy & Muhammad M. Haj-Yahia - May 16, 2023. The Relationship Between Experiencing Childhood Abuse, Deterioration of Psychological Well-Being, and Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms During Adulthood: The Mediating Roles Self-Efficacy and Collective Efficacy. Presentation in Haruv Conference- Haifa.
Neveen Ali-Saleh Darawshy- March 5, 2023 Participating in a panel discussion focused on women's leadership in a challenging reality at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem.Jerusalem.
Neveen Ali-Saleh Darawshy, Sagit Lev, & Shlomit Weiss-dagan - February 15, 2023 Voicing or Silence: Palestinian Israeli and Jewish Israeli Social Workers' Relationships during Political Turmoil. The Forum 13 for Social Policy Research ,Espanet Israel- , Israel [Hebrew].
Neveen Ali-Saleh Darawshy- March 22, 2022 Teaching cultural sensitive and competence in social work, what we know and what we still need to know? Seminar Department, The Louis & Gabi Weisfeld School of Social Work
Neveen Ali-Saleh Darawshy & Nihaya Daoud- April 6-8, 2022 Barriers for accessing mental health service among women experiencing intimate partner violence and mental health issues. 11 th European Conference for Social Work Research, Amsterdam The Netherlands. (ECSWRA)
Neveen Ali-Saleh Darawshy & Nihaya Daoud March 27, 2022 Barriers for treatment following the mental health reform among women suffering from dual problem of intimate partner violence and mental health distress. The Forum for Social Policy Research ,Espanet Israel.
Neveen Ali-Saleh Darawshy & Nihaya Daoud March 30, 2022 Barriers among women suffering from Intimate Violence and Mental Health Distress Following the Mental Health Reform. The Israel National Institute For Health Policy Research, Tel Aviv.
Neveen Ali-Saleh Darawshy & Muhammad M. Haj-Yahia - November 1, 2021 The Long-Term Outcomes of Childhood Abuse: Mental Health, Self-Efficacy and Collective Efficacy. Poster presented in The International Society for Trauma Stress Studies- ISTSS, Virtual 37th Annual Meeting, Trauma in Context Moving Beyond the Individual.
June 3, 2021 Extending a Military Family Stress Model: Gender Differences and Implication for Prevention. Presentation at the SPR Virtual 29 Annual Meeting. Addressing Racism and Disparities when Considering Biology and Context, The Premier Prevention Research Conference, USA.
August 31, 2020 Israeli Palestinian adolescents' exposure to community violence and their academic achievements: The indirect effects of internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Poster presented in the 25th San Diego International Virtual Summit on Violence, Abuse and Trauma Across the Lifespan, USA.
November 14-16 ,2019 The association between parents’ combat exposure, parental locus of control, and PTSD symptoms. Poster presented in The International Society for Trauma Stress Studies- ISTSS, Boston, USA.
May 15-16, 2019 Second international conference on child maltreatment: Intervention prevention programs for exposure to community violence: Conclusion and implications. Haruv USA at OU-Tulsa.
November 8-9, 2018 Intervention and prevention programs for exposure to community violence among children and youth: A systematic review- Abstract presented in the Haruv post doc semi-annual meeting- New York City, John Jay College and Graduate Center, CUNY.
February 27, 2018 Political involvement among social workers: Comparison between minority groups (Arabs) vs. majority groups (Jewish). Paper presented to the 2018 Zefat Declaration of Macro Practice in Social Work.
November 20, 2017 Exposure of Palestinian Adolescents from Israel to Community Violence and its Consequences. National Conference of Social Workers, Power and Empowerment, 80th Anniversary of Social Work in Israel. David Intercontinental Hotel, Tel Aviv.
July, 2017 Exposure of Palestinians in Israel to community violence and its Implications, A presentation at the Mada Al-Carmel Third Conference for Palestinian PhD Students. Mada Al-Carmel the Arab Center for Applied Social Research- Nazareth.
April 19-21, 2017 Post-traumatic stress symptoms and psychological well-being as effects of exposure to community violence among Palestinian parents from Israel. Paper presented to ECSWR 2017, Aalborg, Denmark.
March 23-25, 2017 Post-traumatic stress symptoms and psychological well-being as effects of exposure to community violence among Palestinian parents from Israel. Poster presentation, the 2017 International Convention of Psychological Science -Vienna, Austria.
February 7, 2017 Posttraumatic stress symptoms and psychological well-being as effects of exposure to community violence among Palestinian parents from Israel. Paper presented to the Third National Conference of Doctoral Students of Social Work Schools. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Charlotte and Jack Spitzer Department of Social Work.
Honors and Awards
2025-2026 Member of The Young Scholars Forum in the Humanities and Social Sciences- The Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities
2025-2027 The Israeli National Institute for Health Policy Research. Community Violence, Workplace Violence, and their Impacts on Health and Burnout in Medical and Nursing staff in Primary Care Clinics in Arab localities in Israel: Nihaya Daoud & Neveen Ali-Saleh Darawshy
2024-2025 The Minerva Center on Intersectionality in Ageing (MCIA). Exploring Vulnerability and Resilience Among Arab Older Adult Israeli Citizens in Post-Iron Swords War and Northern Tensions Evacuation Context" (Neveen Ali-Saleh Darawshy and Dr. Sagit Lev)
2021-2022 Research grant from The Walter-Lebach Institute for Jewish-Arab Coexistence, Tel-Aviv University. “Relationship between Jewish and Palestinian social workers from Israel in conflict-ridden areas” (With Dr. Sagit Lev & Dr Sholamit Weiss-Dagan)
2019-2020 The Hebrew University scholarship program for post-doctoral students to excellent female doctoral students.
2019-2020 Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Institute for translational research in children’s mental health, College of educational and human development, University of Minnesota.
2019-2020 Post-Doctoral Fellowship by the Israeli Institute.
2018-2019 Post-Doctorate Fellowship, Haruv Institute scholarship, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and the Israeli Institute grant.
2017 Mada al-Carmel Grant for supporting Palestinian PhD research students in Israel.
2014-2017 President’s Scholarship for Outstanding Doctoral Students, the Faye Kaufman Memorial Prize, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
2014 Hevruta Scholarship, through the Faculty of Social Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
2013-2014 Funding supporting the PhD research, The Jean & Fanny Tolkowsky-Gutman Foundation, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Current Professional Activities and Associations
2019- present Ad-hoc reviewer International Journal of Psychology
2019- present Ad-hoc reviewer Journal of Child Abuse and Neglect
2019- present Ad-hoc reviewer Journal of Child and Family Studies
2019- present Ad-hoc reviewer. Children and Youth Services Review
2020- present Ad-hoc reviewer. Children and Youth Services Review
2021- present Ad-hoc reviewer Journal of Child Abuse and Neglect
2021- present Ad-hoc reviewer Children and Youth Services Review
2022- present Ad-hoc reviewer International Journal of Psychology
2022- present Ad-hoc reviewer Journal of Child and Family Studies
2022- present Ad-hoc reviewer. The British Journal of Social work
2023- present Ad-hoc reviewer Journal of Child Abuse and Neglect
2023- present Ad-hoc reviewer Journal of Child and Family Studies
2023- present Ad-hoc reviewer. Children and Youth Services Review
2023- present Ad-hoc reviewer The British Journal of Social Work
Articles in Refereed Journals
Ali-Saleh, D. N., Lavie-Ajayi, M., & Timor Shlevin, S. (2024). Exploring the Correlation Between Professional Attitudes Towards Sexuality Discourse, Personal Attitudes Towards Sexuality, Degree of Religiosity. Social Work (Accepted).
Ali-Saleh Darawshy. N. (2024). The Correlation Between Exposure to Violence and Parental Behavior: Differences Between Mothers and Fathers from Palestinian-Israeli Families. Child & Family Social Work. DOI: 10.1111/CFS.13211
Cheuk H. C, Ali-Saleh Darawshy, N., Lee, S., Brigman, H., DeGarmo, D., Gewirtz, A. (2023). Replication and extension of the military family stress model: The after deployment adaptive parenting tools ADAPT4U study. Family Process. https://doi.org/10.1111/famp.12918
Karni‐Visel, Y., Roth, D., Ali‐Saleh Darawshy, N., & Schertz, M. (2023). Quality of life between the hammer and the anvil: Challenges of living with a disability in areas of protracted political conflict. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities. https://doi.org/10.1111/jppi.12472
Ali-Saleh, D. N., Lev, S., Weiss-Dagan, S. (2023). Voicing or Silence: Palestinian Israeli and Jewish Israeli Social Workers' Relationships during Political Turmoil. The British Journal of Social work. 54, 587-606. DOI:10.1093/bjsw/bcad219
Lev, S., Ali-Saleh, D. N., Weiss-Dagan, S. (2023). When the outside penetrates the inside: The relationship between Palestinian Israeli and Jewish Israeli social workers in mixed cities during the events of May 2021. The European Journal of Social Work. DOI - 10.1080/13691457.2023.2297146
Gillespie, S., Banegas, J., Maxwell, J., Chan, A., Ali-Saleh Darawshy. N., & Wasil, A., Marsalis, S., & Gewirtz, A. (2022). Parenting interventions for forcibly displaced families: A systematic review. Clinical Child & Family Psychology Review
Ali-Saleh Darawshy. N., Cheuk, H. C., Piehler, T. F., & Gewirtz, A. (2022). Associations of combat exposure, parental locus of control, and PTSD symptoms, among deployed mothers and fathers. Family Relations, 1-15 (Social work, Q1). https://doi.org/10.1111/fare.12725
Ali-Saleh Darawshy. N., Boehm, A., & Boehm-Tabib, E. (2021). Political involvement of social workers in majority and minority groups: Comparison of Palestinians-Israeli and Jewish-Israeli. The British Journal of Social work, 1-19. doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bcab078
Ali-Saleh Darawshy. N., Giwertz, A., & Marsalis, S. (2020). Psychological intervention and prevention programs for exposure to community violence: A systematic review. Clinical child & Family Psychology Review. (DOI: 10.1007/s10567-020-00315-3.
Ali-Saleh Darawshy. N. (2020). Israeli Palestinian adolescents' exposure to community violence and their academic achievements: The indirect effects of internalizing and externalizing symptoms and parental psychological well-being. Journal of Child and Family Studies. DOI: 10.1007/s10826-020-01841-y
Daoud, N., Ali Saleh-Darawshy, N., Gao, M., Setito. S.R., & Geraisy, N. (2019). Multiple forms of discrimination and postpartum depression among indigenous Palestinian-Arab, Jewish immigrants and non-immigrant Jewish mothers. BMC Public Health, 19, 1741-1755. doi:10.1186/s12889-019-8053-x
Boehm, A., & Ali-Saleh Darawshy. N., Boehm-Tabib, E. (2018). Social workers and politics: Direct political involvement and encouragement of client involvement in politics. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 45 (2), 3-24. https://scholarworks.wmich.edu/jssw/vol45/iss2/2/ .
Ali-Saleh Darawshy. N., & Haj-Yahia, M. M. (2018). Internalizing and externalizing symptoms among Palestinian adolescents from Israel as consequences of their exposure to community violence: Are they moderated by their self-efficacy and collective efficacy? Child Abuse and Neglect, 79, 61-73. doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2018.01.021
Ali-Saleh Darawshy. N., & Haj-Yahia, M. M. (2018). Self-efficacy and collective efficacy as moderators of the psychological consequences of exposure of Palestinian parents in Israel to community violence. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 62 (3), 1-20. doi:10.1177/0306624X18757616
Ali-Saleh Darawshy. N., & Haj-Yahia, M. M. (2018). Palestinian adolescents’ exposure to community violence and internalizing and externalizing symptoms: Parental factors as mediators. Children and Youth Services Review, 95, 397- 406. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2018.11.017
Other publications
Ali-Saleh, D. N. (2017). The consequences of exposure to community violence among Palestinian parents and their adolescents’ offspring. Mada al-Carmel, Arab Center for Applied Social Research, Haifa. (Arabic). https://bit.ly/2PH0k6A
Ali-Saleh, D. N. (2010). Factors Influencing the Political Involvement of Social Workers and Their Support for the Political Involvement of Their Clients (in Hebrew). MSW Thesis. University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel.
Doctoral Dissertation
Ali-Saleh, D. N. (2018). Exposure of Palestinian Parents in Israel and their Children to Community Violence and its Effects: Examining Protective and Risk Factors as Moderator and Mediator Factors. (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation). The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel.
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7610201 - זהות ורגישות תרבותית בעבודה סוציאלית
7610601 - יסודות בעבודה סוציאלית
7647101/02/03 - כתיבה מקצועית ואקדמית
- סוגיות קונפלקטואליות בעבודה סוציאלית
- תופעת האלימות והשלכותיה על הפרט, המשפחה והקהילה
- התמודדות עובדות ועובדים סוציאליים עם אלימות ועם טראומה
- כשירות ורגישות תרבותית בפרקטיקה של העבודה הסוציאלית, בזיקה למערכת הבריאות, לשירותי הרווחה ולאקדמיה
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 10/10/2024