פרופ' משה הלוי ספירו
פסיכואנליזה תאורטית וקלינית; דת וטיפול פסיכואנליטי; יחסי אובייקט; הסקה פרשנותית
קורות חיים
1983 |
Ph.D. |
University of Michigan, Social Work and Psychology |
1979 |
M.A. |
University of Michigan, Clinical Psychology |
1977 |
M.A. |
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, Psychiatric Social Work |
1975 |
B.A. |
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, Psychology, History |
2000: Member of Editorial Board and Reviewer: American Journal of Psychoanalysis, Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalytic Social work
2000: Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Israel Psychoanalytic Journal
1999: International Editorial Consultant, Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis & Dynamic Psychiatry
1998: Guest Editor, Special Issue: Contemporary Psychoanalysis in Israel, Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, vol. 26: 325-485
1998: Guest Editor, Special Issue: Psychoanalysis in Israel, American Journal of Psychoanalysis, vol. 58: 113-244
1994: Consulting Editor, Psychoanalytic Social Work
1990: Guest co-Editor: Special issue on religion and psychotherapy Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice, vol. 26: 1-141.
1987-1997: Editor-in-Chief: Journal of Social Work and Policy in Israel, vols. 1-10.
1987: Editorial Board, American Journal of Psychoanalysis
1976-1999: Co-Founder and co-Editor, Journal of Psychology and Judaism
חברות בועדות מקצועיות:
- Israel Association of Social Workers (No. 3827)
- Israel Psychological Association (No. 1615)
- Israel Psychotherapy Association (no. 123)
- Israel Ministry of Health Clinical Psychology License (No. 2261), 1987
- Israel Ministry of Health Supervisor in Clinical Psychology, 1992
- International Affiliate, American Psychological Association (Division 29 [Psychotherapy], Division 30 [Psychoanalysis])
- Scientific Associate, American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic psychiatry
- Council of Editors of Psychoanalytic Journals
BOOK (author):
Spero, M.H. (2001). Self-Effacement as self-inscription: Reconsidering Freud's anonymous "Moses of Michaelangelo." Madison, Conn: International Universities Press.
BOOK (co-editor):
Glas, G., Spero, M.H., Verhagen, P. & Van der Pragg, H. (Eds.). (2007). Hearing visions and seeing voices: Psychological aspects of Biblical concepts and personalities. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag.
Spero, M.H. (2003). Dreams, death and desire in the psychotherapy of the obsessive-schizoid Kohen. In S. Arzi, M. Fechler & B. Kahana (Eds.), The homiletics of the soul: Jubilee volume in honor of the seventieth birthday of Mordekhai Rotenberg: Studies in psychology and Judaism (pp. 70-102). Tel Aviv: Yediot Ahronot. [Hebrew].
Spero, M.H. (2005). A garland for ashes: Diagnostic considerations regarding Jay F. Schechter’s ‘Diagnosis and treatment of psychotic depressive’. In D. Shatz & J. Wolowelsky (Eds.), Judaism and mind, body and psychology (pp. 189- 202). New York: Yeshivah University Press/Ktav.
Spero, M.H. (2006). To whom, to where and to when does one “return” in te’shu‘vah? In Y. Berger (Ed.), Jewish perspectives on self (pp. 243-359). Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson.
Spero, M.H. (2007). The hidden subject of Job: Mirroring and the anguish of interminable desire. In G. Glas, M.H. Spero, P. Verhagen & H. Van der Pragg, (Eds), Hearing visions and seeing voices: Psychological aspects of biblical concepts and personalities (pp. 231-266). Dordrecht: Springer Verlag.
Spero, M.H. (2000). A garland for ashes: Regarding the diagnosis of religious rituality in Jay F. Schechter's "Diagnosis and treatment of a psychotic depressive". Torah u-Madda Journal, 9, 152-168.
Spero, M.H. (2003). Inaugural communication: On writing in the Land of the Book. Israel Psychoanalytic Journal, 1, 7-32
Spero, M.H. (2003). A preoedipal representation of the analytic breast as illuminated by a patient's use of rabbinic legend. Israel Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1, 605-642.
Spero, M.H. (2004). What con-verges and what di-verges when religious object representations transform? An annotated critique of Cohen (2002). Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry, 32, 669-709.
Spero, M.H. (2004). Hearing the faith in time: Countertransference contributions to the unexpected emergence of religious metaphor during an oncology patient's psychotherapy. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 73, 971-1021.
Spero, M.H. (2006). Reading notes on the beginning phase of the treatment of a religious patient: A commentary. Psychoanalytic Social Work, 13, 13-29.
Spero, M. H. (in press). The Well-House: A psychoanalytic reconsideration of the Judaic concept of teshuvah (repentance). Madison, Conn: International Universities Press .
Spero, M.H. (in press). The civilization of discontent: Notes on the hidden Unbehagen in Freud's relationship with the aesthetic dimension of civilization. In R. King, P. Neubauer, S. Abrams & A.S. Dowling (Eds.),The psychoanalytic study of the child, 63. New Haven, Conn: Yale University Press.
Spero, M.H. (in press). The psychoanalytic experience of religious transformation as an event horizon. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 18.
Spero, M.H. (in press). Screen time: Clinical notes regarding Meissner’s (2006) chronically late patient. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 25.
Spero, M.H. (in press). Moses as Madonna: Some evidence for the latent maternal dimension in the "Moses" by Michelangelo. American Imago.
Spero, M.H. (in press). Touched by Grace during the analytic hour: The analysis of a religious resistance. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 67.
1. פסיכואנליזה תאורטית וקלינית.
2. התהליך הדתי בטיפול הפסיכואנליטי.
3. דרכי מדידה ושימוש באיכות של יחסי אובייקט.
4. הסקה פרשנותית.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 02/10/2022