
פרופ' ורדה סוסקולני
קורות חיים
Current positions:
2017- present: Editor-in-Chief, Society and Welfare, Quarterly for Social Work. Israel
2015-present: Member, Research Committee, The National Institute for Health Services and Health Policy Research.
1970 B.S.W Paul Baerwald School of Social Work, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.
1973 M.P.H Department of Social Medicine, The Hebrew University - Hadassah Faculty of Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel.
1983 Ph.D (cum laudum). The Hebrew University - Hadassah Braun School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel.
Academic Affiliations
2006-2014 Associate Professor, School of Social Work, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan
2000-2006 Senior Lecturer, School of Social Work, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan
1992-1999 Lecturer, Braun School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Hadassah - Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem
1989-1992 Teacher, Braun School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Hadassah - Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem
Research Grants and Awards (since 2010)
2018-2021: Co-PI. Self-care management and weight loss after bariatric surgery: a comparison between support group participants and patients receiving individual dietary follow-up. PI: G. Kowen Sandbank. Co PI: H. Natarevich, Dr. S. Shinan Altman. Maccabi Research Institute.
2017- 2018 Co-PI: Barriers to pursuing a home care career among job seekers. Co-PI with Dr. S. Shinan-Altman and Prog. L. Ayalon. Israel Institute of Social Security.
2013-2016 PI Protective factors rather than risk factors for obesity among children in low socio-economic populations. Co-PIs: Prof. M. Rudolf', Dr. M. Cohen-Dar, Dr. S., Ubeid, N. Cohen. The National Institute for Health Services and Health Policy Research.
2011 Co-PI. Factors related to utilization of dental health services by older adults in Israel and Europe: a comparative and longitudinal study. Co-PI's: Prof. G. Auslander, Prof. WA Soskolne. The National Institute for Health Services and Health Policy Research.
2010 PI: The consequences of chronic exposure to security threats on glycemic control in patients with diabetes mellitus. Co-PI's: Prof. Rachel Dekel, Prof. Shlomo Vinker, Dr. Igor Bleichman. Chief Scientist Office, Israel Ministry of Health.
2009-2010 Co-PI. Socio-demographic disparities in hypertension control among Maccabi members with diabetes: magnitude of inequalities and explanatory factors. Maccabi Research Institute. Co-PI’s: Dr. R. Wilf-Miron, Prof. O. Manor. Dr. A Heimann.
2008-2010 PI: Family caregiving for disabled elderly people: perception of care by care-recipients and caregivers and the association with health and continuation of care The National Institute for Health Services and Health Policy Research.
February 2023: The 2023 award for research on social policy and promotion of social policy, Israel Council on Social Welfare – ESPAnet-Israel.
Outstanding Oral Presentation Award ("Health through the lifecycle" theme). 6th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health, Dublin, Ireland, July 2010.
Best Abstract Award. 5th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health, Hong Kong, China. December 2006.
ארגון כנסים מדעיים:
1995-2019 חברות בוועדות מדעיות של הכנסים International Conferences of Social Work in Health and Mental Health
יו'ר הכנס הארצי של שירותי עבודה סוציאלית במערכת הבריאות, ירושלים , 2014
2000-2023 – חברות בוועדות מדעיות של כנסים בישראל מטעם איגוד העובדים הסוציאליים (מסלול בריאות), שירותי עבודה סוציאלית במערכת הבריאות, הכנסים הארציים של האיגוד הישראלי לרווחה חברתית – אספנט ישראל.
תפקידים באוניברסיטה
2012 - 2014: סגנית ראשת בית הספר לעבודה סוציאלית וראש התכנית לתואר ראשון.
2005: ועדה פקולטטיבית לנושא הספרייה למדעי החברה, אוניברסיטת בר אילן
2004-2001: ראש התכנית לתואר שני, ביה"ס לעבודה סוציאלית, אוניברסיטת בר אילן
תפקידים אחרים
2014 – 2017: יו'ר האיגוד הישראלי לרווחה חברתית, אספנט-ישראל.
2010 – עתה: חברתי הנהלה, האיגוד הישראלי לרווחה חברתית, אספנט-ישראל
2016 -2017: ו"ר הועדה לעדכון מסמך המומחיות בע"ס בשדה הבריאות, משרד הווחה והשירותים החברתיים
2013 -2014: יו"ר ועדת משנה בנושא בריאות, הוועדה למלחמה בעוני בישראל (וועדת אלאלוף), משרד הרווחה והשירותים החברתיים
2010- 2018: חברה במועצה לעבודה סוציאלית, הגוף המייעץ לשר הרווחה והשירותים החברתיים בנושאים מרכזיים של המקצוע, ויו'ר תת-הוועדה למוסדות ותארים.
2001 -2010: חברה בוועדת ההיגוי הבין-משרדית לתכנית למניעת איידס בקרב העולים מאתיופיה
2001-1995: אחראית מקצועית על תכנון, ביצוע והערכה של תכנית התערבות באמצעות מגשרים תרבותיים/מתאמי טיפול בקרב עולים מאתיופיה חולי איידס, משרד הבריאות
1997-1992: חברה בוועדה העליונה לאיידס, משרד הבריאות, ובמספר תת-ועדות שגיבשו המלצות למדיניות ודרכי עבודה
1993-1992: חברה בצוות שפיתח ויישם את תכנית ההסברה למניעת איידס בקרב העולים מאתיופיה, וחברה.
השתתפות בכנסים מדעיים:
הרצאות רבות בכנסים בינלאומיים וכנסים ארציים החל מסוף שנות השמונים.
Shtarkshall RA & Soskolne V. (2000). Migrant Populations and HIV/AIDS. A model for the development and implementation of programs for culturally diverse groups in conditions of cultural transition and cross-cultural interaction: theory, methodology and practice. UNAIDS, Best of Practice Series, Geneva.
Chapters in books
Birman, Z., Lewin, A., Soskolne, V., Greenspan, D., Laufer, N., & Schenker, J.G. (1990). Psycho-social profile of IVF patients. In: Mashiach, S. (ed.) Advances in assisted reproductive technologies. New-York: Plenum Press.
Soskolne, V., & Goldsmidt R. (1998). Psychosocial and behavioral aspects of HIV infections and high-risk populations. In: Morag, A., & Honingman, A. (Eds.). AIDS - a global phenomenon. Jerusalem: Academon Press. Hebrew.
Soskolne, V. & Auslander, G.K. Help-seeking for health-related problems among aging immigrants. (2007). In: Carmel, S., Morse, C. A. & Torres-Gil, F. M. (Eds.). Lessons on aging from three nations. Vol. I. The art of aging well. Amityville, New-York. Baywood Publishing Company.
Soskolne V. (2007) Social networks, social support, social capital and HIV risks among migrants. In: Apostolopoulos, Y., & Sonmez-Apostolopoulos, S (Eds.). Population mobility and infectious disease. New-York, Springer.
Daoud, N., Soskolne, V., & Manor, O. (2009). Correlates of poor health among Arab women in Israel. In: Azaiza, F., Abu-Baker, K., Hertz-Lazarowitz, R. & Ghanem , A. (Eds.). Arab women in Israel, current status and future trends. Tel-Aviv, Ramot.
Soskolne, V. (2013). Socioeconomic inequalities in health and in wellbeing: a review of research and the case of Israel. In: Marklund, C. (Ed.). All well in the welfare state? Welfare, well-being and the politics of happiness. NordWel Studies in Historical Welfare State Research Series 5. Jyvaskyla, Bookwell Oy.
Soskolne, V., Auslander, G. K. & Soskolne, W. A. (2013). Explanatory factors of utilization of dental health services by older adults in Israel. In: Litwin, H. & Ahdut, L. (Eds.) Preliminary findings from SHARE-Israel, Wave 2. Jerusalem: The Hebrew University.
Soskolne, V. Auslander, G.K. & Ben-Shahar, I. (2019). Social work in health care in Israel: historical development and future challenges. In: Gal, J. & Holler, R. (Eds.) “Justice instead of charity”: Historical perspectives on social work in Israel. Beer-Sheva: Ben Gurion University Press. (Hebrew).
Bershtling O., Soskolne, V. & Prager, M. (eds.) (2019). Social work in health care in Israel. Jerusalem: Israel Ministry of Health.
Song, H. I., Soskolne, V. Zuojian, Z. Browne, T. & Wong, J. (2019). Global health social work. In: Sarah Gehlert and Teri Browne (Eds.). Handbook of Health Social Work. 3rd Ed. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Articles in refereed journals/periodicals
Bar-Gal, D., & Soskolne, V. (1978). Illness as stages of crisis in family life. Society and Welfare, 1, 227-238. (Hebrew).
Soskolne, V. (1980). Social profile of families of dialysis patients. Society and Welfare, 3, 231-244. (Hebrew).
Soskolne V. (1984). The effects of ethnic origin on personality resources and psychophysiological health in a chronic stress situation: The case of spouses of dialysis patients. Israel Journal Psychiatry Related Sciences, 21, 137-150.
Soskolne, V. (1986). Psychosocial problems of hospital patients. Society and Welfare, 7, 116-130 (Hebrew).
Soskolne V., & Kaplan-DeNour A. (l987). The psychosocial adjustment of patients and spouses on home hemodialysis, CAPD and center‑dialysis, Nephron, 47, 266-273.
Soskolne, V. (1988). The social and psychological impact of AIDS on the family. Harefuah, Journal of the Israel Medical Association, 114, 390-393. (Hebrew).
Soskolne, V. (1988). The contribution of research to social work practice in health care. Society and Welfare, 8, 225-237. (Hebrew).
Raz, I., Soskolne, V., & Stein, P. (1988). The influence of small group education sessions on glucose hemostasis in Type II Diabetes. Diabetic Care,11, 67-71.
Soskolne, V, & Kaplan DeNour, A. (l989). The adjustment of patients and spouses to dialysis treatment. Social Science & Medicine, 29, 497-502.
Soskolne, V. (l989). The roles and contribution of social work services to discharge planning. Society and Welfare, 10, 17-28. (Hebrew).
Stabholz, A, Soskolne, V., Machtei, E., Or, R., & Soskolne, W.A. (1990). Effect of benign familial neutropenia on the periodontium of Yemenite Jews. Journal of Periodontology, 61, 51-54.
Birman, Z., Soskolne, V., Greenspan, D, Laufer, N, Lewin, A., & Schenker, J.G. (l991). Social and psychological status of women undergoing in-vitro fertilization treatment. Society and Welfare, 12, 44-55. (Hebrew).
Aral, S.O., Soskolne, V., Joesoef, R.M., & O'Reilly, K.R. (1991). Sex partner recruitment as risk factors for STD: clustering of risky modes. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 18, 10-17.
Soskolne, V., Aral, S. O., Magder, L.S., & Bowen, G.S. (1991). Condom use with regular and casual sex partners: women attending family planning clinics. Family Planning Perspectives; 23, 222-225.
Yodfat, Y., Shwarzman, P., Soskolne, V., & Bronner, S. (1993). Life events readjustment scale in a Kibbutz. Israel Journal Medical Sciences, 29, 221-224.
Chemtov, D., Rosen, H., Shtarkshall, R., & Soskolne, V. (1993). The development of a culturally specific educational program to reduce the risk of HIV and HBV transmission among Ethiopian immigrants: A preliminary report on training veteran immigrants as health educators. Israel Journal of Medical Sciences, 29, 437-442.
Soskolne, V., & Auslander, G.K. (1993). Follow-up evaluation of discharge planning by social workers in an acute-care medical center in Israel. Social Work in Health Care, 18, 23-48.
Auslander, G.K., & Soskolne, V. (1993). The administrative and post hospital care outcomes of discharge planning: Preliminary results of an experimental intervention. Journal of Social Service Research, 17, 99-117.
Maayan, S., Soskolne, V., Engelhard, D., Moses, A., Rahav, G., Raveh, D, Newman, D., & Weinberger M. (1993). Sexual behavior of homosexual and bisexual men attending an HIV- testing site in Jerusalem, 1986/7 and 1990. Israel Journal Psychiatry Related Sciences, 30, 150-154.
Soskolne, V. (1993). Bringing it home: Israeli social workers implement leadership program values. Social Work in Health Care, 18, 103-114.
Shtarkshall R., Soskolne, V., Chemtob, D., & Rosen, H. (1993). A culturally specific educational program to reduce the risk of HIV and HBV transmission among Ethiopian immigrants to Israel. II: Evaluating the effect of the training program on veteran immigrant trainees. Israel Journal of Medical Sciences, 29(Supp), 48-54.
Soskolne, V., Maayan S., & Dormoi, N.E. (1993). Sexual behavior of heterosexual men and women attending an HIV testing clinic. Israel Journal of Medical Sciences, 29(Supp), 37-40.
Kaplan, E.H., Slater, P.E., & Soskolne, V. (1995). How many HIV infections are there in Israel? Reconstructing HIV incidence from AIDS case reporting. Public Health Reviews, 23, 215-235.
Pinus, U., & Soskolne, V. (1996). Evaluation of emotional distress, social support and disease perception among cancer patients in their first visit to the Oncology Clinic. Society and Welfare, 16, 343-359. (Hebrew).
Soskolne, V., Baras, M., Palti, H., & Epstein, L. (1996). Exposure to missile attacks: The impact of the Persian Gulf War on physical health, health behaviours and psychological distress in low and high risk areas in Israel. Social Science & Medicine, 42, 1039-1047.
Soskolne, V., Bonne, O., Kaplan DeNour, A., & Shalev A. (1996). Depressive symptoms in medical inpatients. International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, 26, 271-285.
Soskolne, V., & Maayan, S. (1998). HIV knowledge, beliefs and sexual behavior of male heterosexual drug users and non-drug users attending an HIV testing clinic in Israel. Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences, 35, 307-317.
Soskolne, V., & Maayan, S. (1998). Factors associated with non-use of condoms in heterosexual men and women attending an HIV testing clinic: in Israel. Public Health Reviews, 26, 175-187.
Liebergall, M., Soskolne, V., Mattan, Y., Feder, N., Schniedman, G., Shapira, S., Segal, D., Stern, Z., & Israeli A. (1999). Pre-admission screening of patients scheduled for hip and knee replacement: impact on length of stay. Clinical Performance and Quality Health Care, 7, 17-22.
Soskolne, V., Acree, M., & Folkman, S. (2000). Social support and mood in gay caregivers of men with AIDS. AIDS and Behavior, 4, 221-232.
Thawatwiboonpol-Entz, A., Prachuabmoh-Ruffolo, V., Chinveschakitvanich, V., Soskolne, V., & van Griensven G.J.P. (2000). HIV Prevalence, HIV Subtypes and Risk Factors among Fishermen in the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea. AIDS, 14, 1027-1034.
Marx, R., Hirozawa, A.M., Soskolne, V., Liu, Y., & Katz, M.H. (2001). Barriers to getting needed services for Ryan White CARE clients. AIDS Care, 13, 233-242.
Soskolne, V. (2001). Single parenthood, occupational drift and psychological distress among immigrant women from the former Soviet Union in Israel. Women and Health, 33, 67-84.
Paltiel, O., Avitzour, M., Peretz, T., Cherny, N., Kadouri, L., Feffer, R., Wagner, N., & Soskolne, V. (2001). Determinants of the use of complementary therapies by cancer patients. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 19, 2439-2448.
Entz, A., Prachuabmoh, V., van Griensven. G.J.P., & Soskolne. V. (2001). STD history, self treatment and health care behaviours among fishermen in the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 77, 436-440.
Soskolne, V. & Shtarkshall, R.A. (2002). Migration and HIV prevention programs: linking structural factors, culture, and individual behaviour– an Israeli experience. Social Science & Medicine, 55, 1299-1309.
Kaplan, E.H., Soskolne, V., Adler, B., Leventhal, A, & Shtarkshall, R.A. (2002). A model-based evaluation of a cultural mediator outreach program for HIV + Ethiopian immigrants in Israel. Evaluation Review, 26, 382-394.
Soskolne, V., & van Griensven, F. (2002). AIDS 2002 Year in Review. Overview: Epidemiology, social, cultural and political (Editorial). AIDS, 16 (Suppl. 4), S33-S34.
Shtarkshall, R., Soskolne, V., Bubis-Feder, P., & Daoud, N. (2002). The teaching of social science, health behavior, and health behavior change in public health. Public Health Reviews, 30, 201-208.
Gilbert, L., & Soskolne, V. (2003). Self-Assessed Health - A case study of social differentials in Soweto, South Africa. Health and Place, 9, 193-205.
Griffin, J., & Soskolne, V. (2003). Psychological distress among Thai migrant workers in Israel. Social Science & Medicine, 57, 769-774.
Gilbert, L., & Soskolne, V. (2003). Health, ageing and social differentials: A case study of Soweto, South Africa. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 18, 105-125.
Peleg-Oren, N., Sherer, M., & Soskolne, V. (2003). Effect of gender on the social and psychological adjustment of cancer patients. Social Work in Health Care, 37, 17-34.
Schreiber, S., Soskolne, V., Kozohovitch, H., & Deviri, E. (2004). Holocaust survivors coping with open-heart surgery decades later: post-traumatic symptomatology and quality of life. General Hospital Psychiatry, 26, 443-452.
Paltiel, O., Marzec-Boguslawska, A., Soskolne,V., Massalha, S., Avitzour, M., Pfeffer, R., Cherny, N., Peretz, T. (2004). Use of tranquilizers and sleeping pills among cancer patients is associated with a poorer quality of life. Quality of life Research, 13, 1699-1706.
Soskolne, V., Kozohovitch, H., Deviri, E. & Schreiber, S. (2005). Past history of prolonged traumatization and health-related Quality-of-life: Holocaust survivors before and after open-heart surgery. Stress and Health, 21, 61-72.
Auslander, G.K., Soskolne, V., & Ben-Shahar, I. (2005). Utilization of health social work services by older immigrants and veterans in Israel. Health and Social Work, 30, 241-251. doi:10.1093/hsw/30.3.241
Auslander, G.K., Abramovich, A., Ben-Shahar, I. Soskolne, V., Feigin, R., Frank, T., & Rabin, B. (2005). Social Work in the health system: international issues and their relevance for Israeli social workers. Society and Welfare, 25, 11-36. (Hebrew).
Soskolne, V., Ben-Shahar, I., & Auslander, G.K. (2006). Help seeking and barriers to utilization of medical and health social work services among ageing immigrants to Israel from the former Soviet Union. Health and Social Care in the Community, 14, 74-87. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2524.2005.00601.x
Soskolne, V., Halevy-Levin, S., Cohen, A. & Friedman, G. (2006). Caregiving stressors and psychological distress among veteran resident and immigrant family caregivers in Israel. Social Work in Health Care 43 (2&3), 73-95.
Soskolne, V., Halevy-Levin, S., & Cohen, A. (2007). The socio-cultural context of family caregiving and psychological distress: a comparison of immigrant and non-immigrant caregivers in Israel. Aging & Mental Health, 11, 3-13.
Soskolne, V., Marie, S. & Manor, O. (2007). Beliefs, recommendations and intentions are important explanatory factors of mammography screening behavior among Muslim Arab women in Israel. Health Education Research, 22, 665-676.
Soskolne, V., Halevy-Levin, S., & Ben-Yehuda, A. (2007). The context of caregiving, kinship tie and health: a comparative study of caregivers and non-caregivers. Women & Health, 45, 75-94.
Auslander, G.K., Soskolne, V., Stanger V. Ben-Shahar, I, & Kaplan, G. (2008). Discharge planning in acute care hospitals in Israel: services planned and levels of implementation and adequacy. Health and Social Work, 33, 178-188.
Kongnyuy, E. J, Soskolne, V., & Adler, B. (2008). Hormonal contraception, sexual behaviour and HIV infection among women in Cameroon. BMC Women's Health 2008, 8, 19, pp 1-10.
Daoud, N., Soskolne, V., & Manor, O. (2009). Examining cultural, psychosocial, community and behavioral factors in relationship to socio-economic inequalities in limiting longstanding illness among the Arab minority in Israel. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 63, 351-358.
Daoud, N., Soskolne, V., & Manor, O. (2009). Educational inequalities in self-rated health within the Arab minority in Israel: Explanatory factors. European Journal of Public Health, 19 (5), 477–483. doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckp080
Soskolne, V., & Manor, O. (2010). Health inequalities in Israel: Explanatory factors of socio-economic inequalities in self-rated health and limiting longstanding illness. Health & Place, 16, 242-251. doi:10.1016/j.healthplace.2009.10.005.
Baor, L., & Soskolne, V. (2010). Mothers of IVF and spontaneously conceived twins: a comparison of prenatal maternal expectations, coping resources, and maternal stress. Human Reproduction. 25(6), 1490-1496.
Soskolne, V., Kaplan, G. Ben-Shahar, I, Stanger V. & Auslander, G. K. (2010). Social work discharge planning in acute care hospitals in Israel: clients’ evaluation of the discharge planning process and adequacy. Research on Social Work Practice, 20(4), 368-379. DOI: 10.1177/1049731509338934
Waldman, A. , Baum N. & Soskolne, V. (2011). “Not That Pink”: the meaning of inter-personal relationships among elderly gay men. Gerontology, 38(1), 53-69, (Hebrew).
Vered, Y., Soskolne, V., Zini, A., Livny, A., & Sgan-Cohen, H. D. (2011). Psychological distress and social support are determinants of changing oral health status among an immigrant population from Ethiopia. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 39, 145-153. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0528.2010.00581.x
Baor, L. & Soskolne, V. (2012). Mothers of IVF twins: the mediating role of employment and social coping resources in maternal stress. Women & Health, 52 (3), 252-264. Doi: 10.1080/03630242.2012.662934.
Hudson, C, & Soskolne, V. (2012). Disparities in the geography of serious mental illness in Israel. Health & Place, 18, 898-910. doi:10.1016/j.healthplace.2012.02.008.
Soskolne, V. (2012). Explanatory variables to gender differences in psychological distress among family caregivers of the elderly. Gerontology, 39 (4), 27-51. (Hebrew).
Mindell, J. S., Knott, C. S., Ng Fat,, L. S., Roth, M. A., Manor, O., Soskolne, V., & Daoud, N. (2014). Explanatory factors for health inequalities across different ethnic and gender groups: data from a national survey in England. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. doi:10.1136/jech-2014-203927.
Pessach, N., Glasser, S., Soskolne,V., Barash, A., & Lerner-Geva, L, (2014). The Israeli National Committee for sex selection by pre-implantation genetic diagnosis: a novel approach (2005-2011). Israel Journal of Health Policy Research, 3-33. doi:10.1186/2045-4015-3-33.
Soskolne, V. (2015). Commentary: Preventive health behaviors and physician visits: relevance to health inequality. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research, 4:9 doi:10.1186/s13584-015-0006-y.
Klonover, E., Soskolne, V., & Kulik, L. (2016). Predictors of possession and use of condoms among homosexual men in Israel. Megamot, 50 (2), 153-189. (Hebrew).
Soskolne, V. Dekel, R. & Vinker, S. (2016). Glycemic control of diabetes patients under continuous rocket attacks. Disaster and Military Medicine. (2016) 2:1. DOI 10.1186/s40696-016-0011-x.
Vilchinsky, N., Soskolne, V., Taha-Fahoum, A., & Shehadeh, J. (2016). Dynamics of culture and health: Perceived behavioral control and differences in smoking behavior between Arab and Jewish cardiac patients in Israel. Journal of Socialomics, 5:1. http://dx.doi.org/10.41 72/2167-0358.1000146
Pachter-Alt, A. Soskolne, V., & Shaoul, R. (2017). Illness severity and psychosocial variables as correlates of quality of life in adolescents living with inflammatory bowel disease. Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal, 7, Suppl: 18–19.
Muhsen, K., Green, M. S., Soskolne, V., & Neumark, Y. (2017). Inequalities in non-communicable diseases between the major population groups in Israel: achievements and challenges. Lancet, 389, 2531–2541. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(17)30574-3
Daoud, N., Soskolne, V., Mindell, J. S., Roth, M. A., & Manor, O. (2018). Ethnic inequalities in health between Arabs and Jews in Israel: the relative contributions of individual factors and the living environment. International Journal of Public Health, 63(3), 313–323. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00038-017-1065-3
Soskolne, V., Cohen-Dar, M., Obeid, S., Cohen, N & Rudolf, M. C. I (2018). Risk and protective factors for child overweight/obesity among low socio-economic populations in Israel: A cross sectional study. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 9, 456. https://doi.org/10.3389/fendo.2018.00456
Soskolne, V., Cohen-Dar, M., Obeid, S., Cohen, N., & Rudolf, M. (2019). Socio-economic, psychosocial, lifestyle and community factors do not explain ethnic inequalities in obesity in disadvantaged Israeli mothers. The British Journal of Social Work. 49, 899–919. https://doi.org/10.1093/bjsw/bcz048
Shiggins, C., Soskolne, V., Olenik, D., Pearl, G., Haaland-Johansen, L., Isaksen, J., Jagoe, C., McMenamin, R., & Horton, S. (2020). Towards an asset-based approach to promoting and sustaining well-being for people with aphasia and their families: an international exploratory study. Aphasiology, 34(1), 70-101. https://doi.org/10.1080/02687038.2018.1548690
Shinan-Altman, S., Soskolne, V., & Ayalon, L. (2020). Becoming a home care worker: Job-seekers’ push and pull factors. Research on Aging, 42(2) 62–71. https://doi.org/10.1177/0164027519886176
Tur-Sinai, A. & Soskolne, V. (2021). Socioeconomic status and health behaviors as predictors of changes in self-rated health among older persons. Health & Social Care in the Community, 29, 1461–1472. https://doi.org/10.1111/hsc.13205
Michael, S. |& Soskolne, V. (2020). Internalized homophobia and sexual risk behavior among HIV-infected men who have sex with men in Israel. Social Work in Health Care, 59 (9-10), 709-724. https://doi.org/10.1080/00981389.2020.1859045
Shinan-Altman, S., Abarbanel-Cna'ani, L., & Soskolne, V. (2021). "How the world turns around": Mental health responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and implications for social work. Society and Welfare: Quarterly for Social Work, 41 (2). (Hebrew).
Pachter-Alt, A. & Soskolne, V. (2022). It’s all in the head: Illness perception is the major correlate of quality of life among adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal. Published online. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10560-022-00823-x
Gouzman, J., Soskolne., V., & Dekel., R. (2022). Framing the meaning of COVID-19 and the psychological responses to it: Insights gleaned from selected theoretical approaches. Journal of Health Psychology, 27(13) 3046-3058. https://doi.org/10.1177/13591053221079178
Soskolne, V. & Herbst-Debby, A. (2022). Health and psychological distress implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for single mothers in Israel. Journal of Family Studies. Online first. https://doi.org/10.1080/13229400.2022.2068452
Shinan-Altman, S., Kowen Sandbank, G., Natarevich – Katzav, H., & Soskolne, V. (2023). Participating in bariatric support groups: The effects on self-management changes. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 30, 19–29. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12529-022-10066-w
Shinan-Altman, S., Kowen Sandbank, G., Natarevich – Katzav, H., & Soskolne, V. (2023). Self-management after bariatric surgery: A comparison between support group participants and patients receiving individual dietary follow-up. Obesity Surgery, 33, 826–835. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11695-022-06302-7
1. גורמים חברתיים, התנהגותיים ונפשיים בחולי ובריאות.
2. הסתגלות למצבי דחק (stress) ומשבר: משאבים אישיים, תמיכה חברתית ודרכי התמודדות.
3. בני משפחה המטפלים בבית בחולים או קשישים סיעודיים (family caregivers).
4. אי-שוויון חברתי-כלכלי בבריאות פיזית ונפשית בישראל.
5. עבודה סוציאלית במערכת הבריאות.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 12/03/2023