פרופ' מנחם מוניקנדם
קורות חיים
Prof. Menachem Monnickendam began his career as a field social worker. This is reflected in his current research. He has fulfilled a variety of professional and public functions including participation as a member of the National Commission on Fighting Poverty, founding dean of the school of Social Work at the Ashkelon Academic College, and past president of ESPANET-Israel (the Israel Association of Social Policy Research). He has taught and researched in Israel and abroad and publishes extensively both in professional and popular media. His current research deals with service utilization of people living in poverty; the development of multidimensional poverty measures, and human and medical service personnel's perceptions of people living in poverty. Additional research focusses on the design of better functioning human services that are poor friendly and provide optimal services - within their limited means - through a system of prioritizing needs and rationing of services. He is currently founding director of "Maanim" (Solutions) - the Center for Applied Poverty Research in Israel. The center aims at assessing existing anti-poverty programs; formulating and publicizing guidelines for sound practice of anti-poverty programs and educating both professionals and the general public on the application of its research findings to effective practice
1973 - B.A.: Hebrew University, Jerusalem, School of Social Work
1979 - M.A.: Bar Ilan University, School of Social Work
1983 - Ph.D.: University of Pittsburgh, School of Social Work
Academic & other positions
2015: Founding Director, Maanim, The Center for Applied Poverty Research in Israel
2013-2014: Founding Co-Director, The Social Sciences Faculty Unit for Poverty Research
2003-2004: Honorary Visiting Fellow, Townsend Centre for International Poverty Research, University of Bristol, UK.
1994-2001: Founding Director, School of Social Work, Ashkelon Academic College
1991-1992: Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Social Work Rutgers University. New Brunswick, NJ
Professional-public service
Grant Reviewer
Various periods
Research Proposal Reviewer: Israel Science Foundation
Fifth Research and Development Framework Plan of European Union, Brussels
Editorial Activities and Reviewer
Various periods
Editorial Board, Journal of Technology in Human Services
Child Maltreatment
Computers in Human Behavior
Computers in Human Services
Journal of European Social Policy
Journal of Policy History
Journal of Technology in Human Services
Social Policy & Administration
Social Security
Society and Welfare
Iyunim Betkumat Israel (Studies in Israeli and Modern Jewish Society)
Committees and Consultations
2014: National Commission for War on Poverty
2012-present: National Commission for the Reform of the Local Social Services. Sub Committee on Human Resources, Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services
2008-present: National Commission for the Reform of the Local Social Services. Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services
1999-present: Social Welfare Policy Program, Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel
2009-2011: The Committee for Strengthening Community Involvement of Students and Faculty, Bar Ilan University
2001-2011: The Rappaport Center for Assimilation Research and Strengthening Jewish Vitality, Bar Ilan University
2000-2011: The Nathan O. Hurwich Chair for Community Services, Bar Ilan University
2007-2012: Tel Aviv Municipality, Department of Social Services: Family Poverty Reducing Measures
2006: The Tel Aviv/Los Angeles Partnership: Poverty Task Force Consultations
2006-2011: Award Committee of the Recanati-Chais-Rashi Award for Entrepreneur Social Workers
2005-2012: Advisory Committee to Minister of Social Affairs and Social Services – Council of Social Work
2001: Advisory committee, Social Survey, Israel Central Bureau of Statistics
2001-2004: Advisory committee, Longitudinal Poverty Measurement, Israel Central Bureau of Statistics
2000-2003: Board member, Not for Profit Service for Dutch Elderly Living in Israel
1998-2001: National Council for Fighting Poverty and Social Inequality, coordinator of social policy
1989-1991: Steering Committee, Israel Center of Municipal Policy
1980-1987: Chair and Implementation Consultant to Steering Committee of Jerusalem Municipal Association for Neighborhood Self-Management
1985-1988: Committee for Restructuring, Committee for International Relations, Israel National Association of Social Workers, member
1984-1996: Israel Defense Forces, Mental Health Department: Design and implementation of Computerized Clinical Information System
Professional Affiliations (various periods)
ESPANET ISRAEL, Founding member, Past Chair
SPA, Social Policy Association, UK
SSWR, The Society for Social Work and Research, US
IASW, Israel Association of Social Workers, Commission of Reorganization, Commission of Social Policy.
HUSITA, Human Service Information Technology Applications, US. Board, International Advisory Board; Founder and Coordinator of Area Group, Israel.
CSWE, Council on Social Work Education, US
ISTR, The International Society for Third-Sector Research, US
ENITH, European Network for Information Technology and Human Services, Member Executive Committee – Israel
Grants Funded
2013: Prioritizing target populations. Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services
2010: Local social services in Israel in international perspective. Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services.
2007/8: Service provision to poor people in local social services. Ministry of Welfare.
2006: Social workers' perceptions of poverty and service provision. Funded by Ben Gurion University of the Negev (with Ch. Katz)
2005: Health professionals' perceptions of poverty and service provision. Funded by The Israel Institute for Health Policy and Health Services Research (with M.S. Monnickendam).
2003/4: Cross National Poverty Research in The UK and Israel. Funded by The British Academy (with D. Gordon).
2003: The relationship between services for the poor and perceptions of poverty. Funded by the Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel (with Y. Katan).
2002: Health professionals’ perceptions of poverty. Rotter Fund.
2000: Poverty measurement in Israel. Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel.
1997: Evaluation of a computerized decision support system for youth probation officers. Ministry of Welfare (with R. Savaya and M. Weisman)
Major Faculty Activities
2008-2012: Director, Graduate Studies
1998-2012: Coordinator, Management and Community Organization Graduate Studies
1991-2015: Graduate Studies Committee
1988, 1995-2015: Member, Advisory Committee to Dean
2005-2007, 1992-1995: Member, B.A. Committee
1988-1992: Coordinator, Social Policy and Computer Areas
1991: Chair, Task Force, Skills Laboratories Project
1990: Coordinator, Task Force, Undergraduate Program Evaluation
Leiderman, M., Monnickendam, M., Guzetta, C., & Struminger, L. (Eds.). (1993). Technology in people services: Research, theory, applications, and ethical issues. Binghamton NY: The Haworth Press.(517 pages).
Chapters in Books
Monnickendam, M., & Monnickendam, M. S. (2009). Perceptions of poverty and service provision among general practitioners and medical social workers working in health and human services in the community. In J. Chandler, J. Barry, E. Berg., & S. Piippola (Eds), Dillemmas for Human Services, (pp 127-131). London, University of East London.
Monnickendam, M., & Katan, Y. (2003). The measurement of poverty in Israel in international perspective. In Y. Kop (Ed). Israel's Social Services 2003, (pp. 273-288). Jerusalem, Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel (Hebrew).
Karger, H. J., & Monnickendam, M. (1991). The Israeli right and the social welfare state. In J. Midgley, & H. Glennester (Eds.), The radical right and the welfare state: An international assessment (pp. 124-140). London: Harvester Wheatsheaf, a division of Simon and Schuster.
Monnickendam, M. (1991). Enosh 2001. In Yitzhak Berman (Ed.), Information technology in local social service departments in Israel (pp. 33-41). Jerusalem: The Central Library of Social Work.
Monnickendam, M., & Berman, Y. (1985). Information systems in the social services in Israel. In J. Michael (Ed.), Computerization in the Human Services (pp. 45-58). New York: Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of N.Y.
Articles and Publications
Jaul, E., Spivak, M., Zabari, Y., & Monnickendam, M. (2015). The relationship between bereaved family caregivers and the hospital team in long term care: cases of home condolence visits. Gerontology & Geriatric Research (in press)
Monnickendam, M. (2014). Prioritizing and rationing of obligatory and non-obligatory human services in municipalities in Israel, Jerusalem, Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services (Hebrew)http://www.molsa.gov.il/About/OfficePolicy/Documents/גבולות%20גזרה%20-%20סופי.pdf
Monnickendam, M. (2014). Poverty and Deprivation in Europe by B. Nolan & C.T. Whelan, Society and Welfare, 34, 164-168.
Monnickendam, M. (2012). Organizing Principles of Local Social Services in the EU. Jerusalem, Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services (Hebrew). http://www.molsa.gov.il/About/OfficePolicy/Documents/הרפורמה%20ועקרונות%20בארגון.pdf
Monnickendam, M. (2011). Minimum Income Standards in Israel: A recent history in economic and humanistic discourses. Social Policy and Administration. 45(5), 525-538
Monnickendam, M. (2010). Poverty Perceptions of Social Workers and General Practitioners in Israel. Social Work in Health Care, 49(10), 963-980.
Monnickendam, M.S., & Monnickendam, M. (2010). The physician and his poor patient, a time for change. Harefua. 145(12).
Monnickendam, M., & Gordon, D. (2010) Poverty, Government Policy and Public Opinion in Britain and Israel: A Comparative Analysis. Social Policy and Administration, 44(5), 554-574
Monnickendam, M., Katz. C., & Monnickendam, M. S. (2010). Social workers serving poor clients: Perceptions of poverty and service policy. The British Journal of Social Work, 40, 911-927.
Katz, C., Monnickendam, M., & Katan, Y. (2009). Local Social Services and Escalating Poverty: Practice, Perceptions and Expectations. Jerusalem, Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel. (Hebrew).https://www.google.com/url?q=http://taubcenter.org.il/index.php/publications/discussion-papers/social-welfare/local-social-services-and-escalating-poverty-practice-perceptions-and-expectations/lang/he/&sa=U&ei=hZPlUJOUFoeh4gT1n4HQDg&ved=0CAkQFjAB&client=internal-uds-cse&usg=AFQjCNEv97qi-vIawePk8ZpUv_28JdHYMA
Krumer-Nevo, M., Weiss, I., & Monnickendam, M. (2009). Poverty aware social work practice: A conceptual framework for social work education. Journal of Social Work Education, 45, 225-243.
Monnickendam, M., & Berman, Y. (2008). An empirical analysis of the interrelationship between components of the social quality theoretical construct. Social Indicators Research, 86, 525-538
Monnickendam. M., Savaya, R., & Waysman, M. (2008). Targeting implementation efforts for maximum satisfaction with new computer systems: Results from four human service agencies. Computers in Human Behavior, 24(4), 1724-1740
Krumer-Nevo, M., Weiss, I., & Monnickendam, M. (2008). Poverty awareness in social work practice: A conceptual framework for field work education. Society and Welfare, 28, 177-202 (Hebrew)
Monnickendam, M. (2007). Serving the poor in the Municipal Local Social Services in Israel. Jerusalen,Ministry of Welfare. Working paper. (Hebrew).
Monnickendam, M., Monnickendam, M. S., Katz, C., & Katan, Y. (2007). Health care for the poor - an exploration of primary-care physicians' perceptions of poor patients and of their helping behaviors. Social Science & Medicine, 64, 1463-1474
Savaya, R., Monnickendam. M., & Waysman, M. (2006). Extent and type of worker utilization of an integrated information system in a human services agency. Evaluation and Program planning, 29(3), 209-216
Monnickendam. M. (2006). Poverty and work in the early resettlement period in Israel (1777-1904). Society and Welfare, 26(3), 265-283 (Hebrew)
Monnickendam, M., Savaya, R., & Waysman, M. (2005). Thinking processes in Social Workers' use of a clinical decision support system: A qualitative study. Social Work Research. 29(1), 21-30.
Monnickendam. M. (2005). From charity to rights. Services for the poor in the pre-state period (1905 - 1948),Society and Welfare, 25(4), 461-484 (Hebrew)
Monnickendam, M., & Manor, D. (2005). Whose job is it anyway? Performing Hospital Social Workers' job elements by Doctors and Nurses, Society and Welfare, 25(1), 37-54 (Hebrew)
Monnickendam, M., Savaya, R., & Waysman, M. (2004). Equity perceptions as a determinant of computer user satisfaction in human services. Journal of Social Service Research. 31(2), 41-50.
Monnickendam, M. (2004). The evolution of poverty measurement in Israel. Townsend Center for International Poverty Research Working Paper.http://www.bris.ac.uk/poverty/defining%20and%20measuring%20poverty.html
Monnickendam, M., & Katan, Y. (2003). The measurement of poverty in Israel in international perspective. In Y. Kop (Ed). Israel's Social Services, 2003, (pp. 273-288). Jerusalem, The Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel (Hebrew)
Monnickendam, M. (2002). The internet in service of human service managers. Hadeah Harovachat, 31, 7-8 (Hebrew).
Several articles in Haaretz newspaper on poverty in Israel (2001)
Savaya, R., Monnickendam, M., & Waysman, M. (2001). An assessment of the utilization of a computerized decision support system, for youth probation officers. The Journal of Technology in Human Services, 17(4), 1-14.
Monnickendam, M. (2000). Participative system implementation for creating user oriented computer systems in human services, Administration in Social Work. 24(1), 57-74.
Published also in Spanish: Monnickendam, M. (2002). Implementación de un método participativo para crear sistemas informáticos orientados al usario de los servicios sociales. Revista de Trabajo Social, 165, 111-133.
Monnickendam, M. (1999). Computer systems that work: A review of variables associated with system use.Journal of Social Service Research. 26(2), 71-94.
Monnickendam, M., & Markus, E. J.(1996-97). Effects of a practice-centered, cognitive oriented computer course on computer attitudes: Implications for course content. Social Work & Social Sciences Review, 6(3), 175-185.
Monnickendam, M., Yaniv, H., & Geva, N. (1996). The graphical case record: An interface congruent with professional work style. Computers in Human Behavior,12(1), 121-134.
Monnickendam, M. (1996). Managed system conceptualization: Knowing when to say no. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 23(2), 95-106.
Monnickendam, M., Yaniv, H., & Geva, N. (1996). A practitioner congruent case management system. Society and Welfare, 16 (4), 521-540. (Hebrew).
Monnickendam, M. (1996). Determinants of computer use in human services. New Technology in the Human Services. 9(4), 18-24.
Monnickendam, M., & Berman, Y. (1996). Stabilizing the Israel welfare state in the face of economic change.Social Development Issues, 18(3), 14-28.
Monnickendam, M., Yaniv, H., & Geva, N. (1994). Practitioners and the case record: Patterns of use.Administration in Social Work, 18(4), 73-88.
Monnickendam, M., & Eaglstein, A. S. (1993). Computer acceptance by Social Workers: Some unexpected research findings. Computers in Human Services, 9(3/4), 409-424.
Monnickendam, M., & Karger, H. J. (1993). Ideological purity versus pragmatic considerations in the development of social welfare in Israel. International Social Work, 36(2), 242 - 255.
Cwikel, J., & Monnickendam, M. (1993). Factors in acceptance of advanced information technology among Social Workers: An exploratory study. Computers in Human Services, 9(3/4), 279 - 292.
Monnickendam, M. (1990). KnoW, an alternative approach in decision support systems for the human services. Computers and Society, 20(3), 27.
Monnickendam, M., & Cnaan, R. (1990). Teaching Information Technology to Human Service Students. Meeting the Needs of the Future. Computers in Human Services, 7(1/2), 149-163.
Monnickendam, M. (1989). The personal dimension in computerizing human services: An organizational approach. Social Work and Social Policy in Israel, 2,67-80.
Monnickendam, M., & Morris, A. (1989). Developing an integrated computerized case management system for the Israeli defense forces: An evolutionary approach. Computers in Human Services, 5(1/2), 133-149.
Monnickendam, M. (1988). The prototype approach to computerization in human services. Society and Welfare, 9(2), 173-184. (hebrew)
Monnickendam, M., & Berman, Y. (1985). Information systems in the personal social services in Israel.Computer Applications in Social Work, 2(3), 41-52.
1. מדיניות רווחה.
2. מדידת עוני.
3. תפיסות עוני של עניים ונותני שירותים.
4. מינהל בשרותי אנוש.
5. רשתות חברתיות ושירותי רווחה.
6. מאפייני פונים לשירותי רווחה בארץ.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 18/05/2022