פרופ' (אמריטוס) חיה יצחקי
קורות חיים
Bar-Ilan University Ph.D Sociology and Anthropology 1981-1985
Bar-Ilan University M.A. Social Work (MSW) 1976-1978
Bar-Ilan University B.A. Social Work (BSW) 1969-1972
Academic Experience in Israel
2013-Present: Head, Research center, The therapeutic riding center of Israel
2013-Present: Member, Appeals committee of appointments committee (ועדת ערעורים)
2010-2013: Member, Appointment Committee (ועדת מינויים של האוניברסיטה)
2010-2011: Senior researcher, Charuv center
2003-present: Full professor, School of Social Work, Bar Ilan University
2003-2008: Head, School of Social Work, Bar Ilan University
1999-2005: Editor, Society and Welfare
1998-2008: Director, School of Social Work, Zefat College
1995-2003: Senior lecturer and Associate professor, School of Social Work, Bar Ilan University
1978-1995: Senior teacher, School of Social Work, Bar Ilan University
1995: Director, School of Social Work, Ariel College
1973-1977: School of Social Work, Haifa University
Work Experience
2008-present: Social Planning for Matnasim company, welfare services, municipalities, etc.
2008- present: Consultant for to welfare services on community development and community organization in Australia and U.S.A.
2001-2007: Consultant, Rehovot Municipality. Developed and managed a pilot social program for a seriously deprived community
Lecturer, Courses and workshops in community work, supervision in social work and drug prevention.
Consultant to administrators of several social agencies regarding organization problems and community problems.
Organizational consultant to several industries.
Consultant to Mayors of several cities (12).
Consultant to Israel Community Centers Association.
Consultant to several Community Centers.
Consultant to Community school projects.
1993-1996: Consultant for J.D.C. Israel on development of Jewish community and leadership development in the Soviet Union Consultant to the Ministry of Absorption on immigration, community development and community organization.
1988-2005: Consultant to Toronto Federation
Consultant to Jewish Agency. Developed and managed a pilot program for a community organization.
Consultant to Elta Company for the development of welfare services for employees.
Consultant, Ranana Municipality. Planned and developed neighborhood rehabilitation and immigration absorption.
1988-1992: Consultant, Rehovot Municipality. Developed and managed a pilot social program for a seriously deprived community.
Teaching, supervision and consultation to: directors of departments of social services, directors of departments of Community organizations, and senior staff, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, Association of Israel Community Centers and Community Schools.
Active member, Israel Association of Social Workers, twice elected to the Association Board of Directors.
1974-1978: Yoseftal Institute: Lecturer and founding director of community social work program.
1972-1978: Senior community worker, in Kfar Haruzim.
Academic Experience abroad
2008-2009: Visitng Professor, School of Social Policy and Practice, University of Pennsylvania.
2008: Visitng professor, School of Nursing and Social Work, Melbourne University, Australia.
2008: Visitng professor, School of Social Work, Catrbery University, New Zealand.
1993: Visiting professor. Faculty of Social Work. Wilfrid Laurier University. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
Public Positions
2010- 2012: Consultant of the Minister of labor and Welfare.
2010- present: Member commeetee of the social protestation
2003-2007: Consultant of the Minister of labor and Welfare.
1995-present: Chair of Certification Committee for Community Social Workers.
Policy committee of the Minister of labor and Welfare.
1999-present:Community development committee Ministery of labor.
Consultant on Community Development in Local Authorities, Ministry of Immigrant Absorption.
1993-1996: Member of policy committee for client participation. Israel Association of Social Workers.
1991-1996: Member of Syria immigration policy committee. Ministry of Immigrant Absorption.
1998: Member of National Planning Committee for planning the last stage of Project Renewal.
1990-1992: Member of committee for Standards in Social Work, Israel Association of Social Workers.
Member, Planning Committee for Urban Renewal Project, Rehabilitation Committee.
1997-1988: Member of Strategic Planning Committee of the Israel Community Centers Association.
1985-1988: Member of committees of Israel Association of Social Workers.
Member of the Committee of Special Projects in the area of community work, Ministry of Labor Social Welfare.
1981-1985: Member, Board of director, Israel association of Social Workers.
1979-1982: Member, Committee for the establishment of policy regarding the employment of paraprofessional workers by the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare.
Member, Committee for Student Scholarship, JDC-Israel Community Centers Association.
Research grants
2014:Follow-up research on battered women staying in shelters and return to the community. The Israel Ministry of Social Welfare
2011: Buttered Women in Shelters. Research Authority, Ministry of Welfare
2011: New-immigrant battered women staying in shelters. Research Authority, Ministry of Ajustment
2010: Chilren at risk: The role of the Pediatrists in the hospitals. Haruv center
2009: Ultra Aurtox: Leadership development and community and personal resources. Research Authority, Ministry of Welfare
2007: Leadership development as a strategy in community work. Research Authority, Ministry of Welfare. (Phase 2).
2005: Leadership development as a strategy in community work. Research Authority, Ministry of Welfare.
2003: Community development in deprived neighborhood. JFT, Canada. (Phase 2).
2002: Community development in deprived neighborhood. JFT, Canada.
2001: Client participation as a strategy in community work. Research Authority, Bar Ilan University.
2000: The relationship between parent’s sense of empowerment and their involvement in their child school. Keren Shalem.
2000: Social work during processes of change and privatization on kibbutzim. Yad Tabenkin Institute (Phase 3).
1999: Social work during processes of change and privatization on kibbutzim. Yad Tabenkin Institute (Phase 2).
1998: Social work during processes of change and privatization on kibbutzim. Yad Tabenkin Institute (Phase 1).
1998: Factors of intervention among teenagers in the community. Research Authority, Bar Ilan University.
1997: Creation of software for operational control of after-school centers in Israel. Phase 2, Ministry of Education.
1997: Training social workers for effective care of HIV-infected patients. Research Authority, Bar Ilan University.
1996: Inclusion of new immigrants as residents in a Project Renewal neighborhood. Research Authority, Bar Ilan University.
1996: Evaluation of the characteristics of day centers in Israel. Ministry of Education. Stage 1).
1995: Coordination and inclusion of clients in drug prevention programs. Research Authority, Bar Ilan University.
1994: Definition of the role of anti-drug coordinator in the war against drug addiction. Anti Drug Authority .
1994: New immigrants and their adjustment to pregnancy. Research Authority, Bar-Ilan University.
1992: Client participation and community center outputs. Israel Community Centers Association.
1991: Action research in the field of client participation in the community center. J.D.C. Israel and Israel Community Centers Association.
1990: The adaptation and the absorption of immigrants from Iran and in a transient setting in Vienna-J.D.C., Israel.
1990: Client participation and effectiveness in community work. Israel Community Centers Association, Israel,
1987: Action research in the field of parent participation in community schools. Israel Community centers association. J.D.C. Israel and Community Schools Project.
1985: Satisfaction and promotion of non-professional workers in the field of welfare. International Committee for Project Renewal.
1983: Doctoral Scholarship. (Miphal Hapais).
Additional Information
University and Academic Positions
2010-Present: Member, Appointment Committee
2005-present: Member of University Senate
2006- 2009: Member of Board of Trustees, Bar Ilan University
2006- 2009: Member of Management Committee, Bar Ilan University
2005-2007: Chairman of Council of Heads of University Schools of Social Work in Israel
2003-2007: Head of the School of Social Work, Bar Ilan University
2003-2007: Member of Executive Committee of the Institute for the Advancement of Social Integration in the Schools, Bar-Ilan University.
2003-present: Cochair, PhD committee
1995-2003: Chair, PhD committee.
1993-present: Academic director of community work method.
1993-2004: Coordinator: Academic Exchanges, Israel-Canada Foundation
1985-present: Academic director of Master's level sequence in advanced clinical supervision.
2000-2005: Editor, “Society and Social Welfare”.
2000-2003: The Social Science Faculty Teaching Committee
1995-2000: Chair, Social work methods committee.
1990-2000: Co-chair, advisory board of school of social work.
1985-2000: Co-chair, MSW committee.
1994 -1999: Co-chair. University committee of teaching by teleconference.
1993-1997: Coordinator: Academic Exchanges, Israel-Iowa School of Social Work.
1988-1995: Co-chair, Executive committee of Research Institute for Community Studies, Bar-Ilan University Education Department.
1980-1995: Coordinator, Community field work.
1978-1995: Co-chair, Field work committee.
1979-1990: Co-chair, Student admissions committee.
Co-chair, Ethiopian students program.
Review of Manuscript
2003-present: Reviewer of thesis proposals for The FIS
2001-present: Reviewer of thesis proposals for The Israel Science Foundation (ISF).
2001- 2003: Co-chair, Editorial board of a book:
Romi, S. & Shmida, The informal education in Israel. Ramat Gan: Bar Ilan University Press.
1990- present:Reviewer of manuscripts of journals such as
Families in Society,
Research on Social Work Practice,
Society and Welfare,
Journal of Social Work and Policy in Israel,
Social Security.
Child Abuse and Neglect
British Journal of Social Work
The Journal of Early Adolesnence
Social Work
J. of Social Work
J. of Community Practice
Journal of Community Psychology,
Clinical Supervision
1994- present: Reviewer of thesis proposals of Ministry of education, ministry of labor and welfare, Ministry of Immigrant Absorption, Keren Shalem.
Scientific Conferences Organized
Academic Conference of Teachers in Social Work Schools in Israel. School of Social Work, Beer Sheba University, 1986.
International Conference on Neighborhood Renewal, Jerusalem, 1986.
National Conference of Community Workers, Jerusalem, 1987.
National Conference of Social Workers, Bar-Ilan University, 1989.
National Conference of the Community Center Corporation Headquarters: The Community Centers in the Twenty-first Century, 1990.
National Conference of Community School Principals, Community Schools Project, Ministry of Education and Community Centers Association, Jerusalem 1991.
Joint Conference of Ministry of Labor and Welfare and the Israel Joint: Advanced Community Work in Israel and Elsewhere, February 1994.
National Conference of Community Workers, Ministry of Labour and Welfare, Jerusalem, 1995.
National Conference of Teachers of Social Work Schools in Israel on Social Workers Training in View of the New Social Reality. Council of Schools of Social Work, Tel Aviv University, 1997.
National Conference of Community Social Workers on Empowerment, Jerusalem, 1997.
Joint World Congress of the International Association of Schools of Social Work and the International Federation of Social Workers. Peace and Social Justice– The Challenges Facing Social Work, (pre conference on community work), Jerusalem, July 1998.
National Conference of Teachers of Social Work Schools in Israel on Post Modern Approaches in Social Work. Tel Hay College. October, 1999, 12-13.
National Congress of the International Association of Schools of Social Work and the National Federation of Social Workers. The Diversity in Social Work, Tel Aviv, February, 2000.
National Congress of the National Federation of Community Social Workers. Client participation as a strategy in community work. The Diversity in Social Work, Jerusalem, January, 2001.
National Congress of the National Federation of Community Social Workers and Social Work with Bar Ilan University. (Yanuv memorial). Conflict in the Community. Bar Ilan University, June 2001.
National Conference of Community Workers, Ministry of Labour and Welfare, Jerusalem, 2002.
National Conference of Community Workers, Ministry of Labour and Welfare, Jerusalem, 2003.
National Conference of Community Workers, Ministry of Labour and Welfare, Jerusalem, 2008.
Refereed monographs and Books
Itzhaky, H. (1981). Paraprofessional workers. Makor-Federation of Social Workers (4).
Itzhaky, H. (1985). Characteristics of paraprofessional community workers in Project Renewal. International Committee for Project Renewal (40 pages).
Itzhaky, H. (1988). Manual of Citizen Participation, Jerusalem, JDC-Israel.
Itzhaky, H., & York, A. (1989). New Directions in Community Work. Jerusalem: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
Itzhaky, H. (as author). (2003). A community in maze: the social worker in a changing kibbutz. Ramat Efal: Yad Tabenkin.
Itzhaky, H. & Zanbar, L. (2010). In the first line: The functioning of hospital doctors who were trained to treat children at risk. Jerusalem: Haruv Institution.
Chapter in refereed book
Itzhaky, H. & York, A. (1998). Social work practice in the community. In F.M. Loewenberg (ed). Meeting the challenges of a changing society: Fifty years of social work in Israel. Jerusalem: Magnes, 179-196.
Itzhaky, H. & Gerber, P. (1999). The connection between universal values and empowerment: Implications for social work practice. In, W. Shera & L.M. Wells (Eds.). Empowerment Practice in Social Work: Developing Richer Conceptual Foundation. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, Inc. 418- 430.
Itzhaky, H. (1992). The paraprofessional option. In Elazar, D. J., Urban Revitalization. New York: Univ. Press of America, pp. 401-411.
Yedidia, T. & Itzhaky, H. (2003). A Drawing Technique for Diagnosis and Therapy of Adolescents Suffering Traumatic Stress and Loss Related to Terrorism. In Boyd, N.(Ed.), Mass Trauma and Violence: Helping Families and Children Cope (pp. 283-303). New York: Guilford press.
Shalev, O., Baum, N., & Itzhaky, H. (2009). First intercourse experience: Stress situation among national religious (Dati Le'umi) women. In A. Sarid, D. Segal, & G. Zvikel (Ed.), Mind-Body Mosaic: Women’s Health in Israel (Hebrew). Be-er Sheva: Ben-Gurion University. 26-41.
Ben-Porat, A., & Itzhaky, H. (2009). Family violence therapists: Personal and social resources, role competence, secondary traumatization and growth. In R. V. Schwartzhoffer (Ed.), Psychology of burnout: predictors and coping mechanisms (Chap. 10). Nova Science Publishers Inc.
Itzhaky, H. & Yablon, Y.B. (2012). The Roles of Community Social Workers in Dealing with Violent Acts of Terrorism: Three Modes of Intervention. In H. R. Cunningham., & W. F. Berry (Eds.) Handbook on the psychology of violence (pp. 231-246). Hauppauge, N.Y: Nova Science Publishers.
Refereed articles in periodicals
Itzhaky, H. (1983). Supervising para-professional workers in the welfare services. Society and Welfare, 2, 160-169 (Hebrew).
Itzhaky, H. (1987). Paraprofessional roles in rehabilitation. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 4, 302-306.
Itzhaky, H. (1987). Social work supervision as a basis for community and innovation. Journal of Social Work and Policy in Israel, 1, 65-79.
Itzhaky, H. (1988). Role perception, role behavior and job satisfaction among paraprofessional community workers: A frame of reference for social development theory, Social Development Issues, 11, 13-24.
York, A. S. & Itzhaky, H. (1991). How can we measure the effect of client participation on the effectiveness of social work intervention? British Journal of Social Work, 21, 647-662.
Itzhaky, H. (1991). Non-professionals in social welfare agencies: Factors that affect perception of autonomy. New England Journal of Human Services, 10, 26-35.
Itzhaky, H. & York, A.S. (1991). Client participation and the effectiveness of community social work intervention. Research on Social Work Practice, 1, 387-398.
Itzhaky, H. (1993). Role stress and job satisfaction in non-professional female human service workers in Israel. Social Development Issues, 15, 38-49.
Itzhaky, H. & Aloni R. (1993). Didactic techniques for the utilization of resistance as a positive force in social work supervision. Society and Welfare, 13, 403-418.
Itzhaky, H. & York, A.S. (1994). Different types of client participation and the effect on community social work intervention. Journal of Social Service Research, 19, 85-98.
Itzhaky, H. (1994). The effect of supervising nonprofessionals on the role of the community worker. Research on Social Work Practice, 4, 464-481.
Itzhaky, H. & HaIsraeli, A. (1995). Gender, participation in work and in social and recreational activities of elderly people in the kibbutz. Social Security, 43, 54-67.
Itzhaky, H. & York, A.S. (1995). The autonomous apartment block: Israel house committees. International Social Work, 38 (4), 355-365.
Itzhaky, H. (1995). Can social work intervention increase organization effectiveness? International Social Work, 38 (3), 277-286.
Itzhaky, H. & Schwartz, C. (1995). A role analysis of a unique organization in the Israeli condominium system: The building management committee. Community Development Journal, 30 (3), 285-296.
Itzhaky, H. (1995). Effects of organizational and role components on job satisfaction: A study of nonprofessional female workers. Social Work Administration, 19 (3), 1-17.
Itzhaky, H. & York, A. S. (1996). Neighborhood committee roles and the sense of community. Journal of Community Practice, 3 (1), 71-87.
Itzhaky, H. & Aloni, R. (1996). The use of deductive techniques for developing mechanism of coping with resistance in supervision. Clinical Supervisor, 14 (1), 65-77.
Itzhaky, H., & Ribner, D. (1996). The relationship of values to work place satisfaction among emigres from a totalitarian regime. Social Development Issues, 18, 95-103.
Itzhaky, H., & Itzhaky, T. (1996). The therapy supervision dialectic. Clinical Journal of Social Work, 24 (1), 77-88.
Itzhaky, H. & Grooper, M. (1997). An exploratory profile of the anti-drug authority coordinator in Israel. Social Work in Health Care, 25, 37-53.
Itzhaky, H. (1997). Successful adaptation of immigrants from the former Soviet Union to project renewal neighborhoods. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare 3, 25-43.
Itzhaky, H. & Lazar, A. (1997). Field instructor's position in the organization and their function with students. Clinical Supervisor, 16(2), 153-167.
Itzhaky, H. & Ha’Israeli, A. (1998). Differences in participation and satisfaction between elderly males and females in the kibbutz. Social Development Issues, 20(1), 63-75.
Itzhaky, H. & York, A.S. Differences in participation and copying techniques between male and female migrants in a transient community. Applied Community Studies (in press).
Itzhaky, H., Harzano-Lati, M. (1998). The dialogical between supervisors and supervisees in social work, Society and Welfare,18 (3), 407-419. (hebrew)
Itzhaky, H. (1998). Marital status, social network, sense of belonging to the community and the feeling of well being among immigrant families. Journal of Jewish Communal Services, 74(1), 76-81.
Itzhaky, H. (1998).. Adaptation of Israeli immigrants to local communities. Journal of Applied Social Sciences, 23(1) ,3-12.
Itzhaky, H. & Ribner, D. (1998). Resistance as a phenomenon in clinical and student social work supervision. Australian Journal of Social Work, 51(3), 25-31.
Itzhaky, H. & Aviad, A. (1998). Supervision - How supervision and role stress in social work affect burnout. Areta, 22(2), 29-44.
Itzhaky, H. & Schwartz, C. (1998). Empowering the disabled: A multidimensional approach. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 21, 301-310.
Itzhaky, H. & Atzmon, R. (1999). The role of the supervisor in training social workers treating HIV infected persons in a hospital. Social Work in Health Care, 29(1), 57-73.
Itzhaky, H. & Ribner, D. (1999). Gender, values and the work place: Considerations for immigrant acculturation. International Social Work, 42, 127-138.
Itzhaky, H. (1999). Gender, work variables and satisfaction among non-professional immigrant workers. Social Work and Social Science Review, 18. 11- 25.
Itzhaky, H. (1999). Community –level drug- prevention workers: A field examination of their functioning. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse, 8(3), 21-35.
Itzhaky, H. & Eliahu, A. (1999). Do students reflect their field instructors? The relationship between supervisory and learning styles in social work field instruction. The Clinical Supervisor, 18(1), 75-83.
Itzhaky, H. & Stern, L. (1999). The take over of parent-child dynamics in a supervisory relationship: Identifying the role transformation. Clinical Social Work Journal, 27, 247- 258.
Itzhaky, H. & Hertzanu-Laty, M. (1999). Application of Martin Buber’s dialogue theory in social work supervision. The Clinical Supervisor, 18(1), 17-33.
Itzhaky, H. (2000). The role of the supervisor: Differences between “internal” and “external” supervisors. Arete, 24(1), 22-29.
Itzhaky, H. & York, A. (2000). Sociopolitical control and empowerment: An extended replication. Journal of Community Psychology, 28(4), 407-415.
Itzhaky, H. & Schwartz, C. (2000). Empowerment of parents of children with disabilities: The effect of community and personal variables. Journal of Family Social Work, 5(1), 21-36.
Itzhaky, H. & York, A.(2000). Empowerment and community participation: Does gender make a difference. Social Work Research, 24(4), 225-234.
Itzhaky, H. (2000). The secret in supervision: An integral part of the social worker’s professional development. Families in Society,81(5), 529-537.
Itzhaky, H. & Bustin, E.. (2000). Differences between participation of veterans and new immigrants in community social work. Social Security, 57, 158-166. (Hebrew).
Lazar, A & Itzhaky, H. (2000). Field instructors’ organizational position and their instructional relationships with students. Arete, 24, 80-91.
Itzhaky, H. & Stern, L. (2000). Dominance of parental patterns over supervisory relations: How to identify the slip. Society and Welfare, 20(2), 213-225 (Hebrew).
Itzhaky, H. & York, A. (2001). Transient migrants passing through: Participation and the investment model among male and female volunteers. The Journal of Applied Social Sciences, 25(2), 143-156.
Itzhaky, H. & York, A. (2001). What makes up community leadership competence. The Journal of Social Work Research and Evaluation, 2(1), 83-94.
Itzhaky, H. (2001).Factors relating to “interferences” in communication between supervisor and supervisee: Differences between the external and internal supervisor. The Clinical Supervisor,20(1), 73-85.
Itzhaky, H. & Segal, O. (2001). Models of after- school treatment: Programs as agents of empowerment. Journal of Family Social Work , 5(4), 51-67.
Itzhaky, H., Karin, N., & Ribner, D. (2001) Supervision of therapy with patients diagnosed as psychotic. Clinical Social Work Journal, 29, 147-158.
Itzhaky, H. & York, A. (2001). Child sexual abuse and incest: Community based intervention. Child Abuse and Neglect: The International Journal, 25, 959-972.
Itzhaky, H. (2002). Social work at Kibbutzim as perceived by social workers and role participants. Society and Welfare, (22)1, 35-54. (Hebrew).
Itzhaky, H. & Levy, D. (2002). Contributions of self-esteem and gender to the adaptation of immigrant youth from Ethiopia: Differences between two mass immigrations. The Journal of Social Work Research and Evaluation,3(1), 33-47.
Itzhaky, H. (2002). Enlisting the supervisor’s pregnancy to facilitate the supervisory process. Families in Society, 83(2), 189-197.
Itzhaky, H. & York, A. (2002). Showing results in community organization. Social Work, 47(2), 125-132.
Itzhaky, H. & Eliahu, A. (2002). The effect of learning styles and empathy on perceived effectiveness of social work student supervision. The Clinical Supervisor, 20(2), 19-30.
Itzhaky, H. & Bustin, E. (2002). Strengths and pathological perspectives in community social work. Journal of Community Practice, 10(3), 61-75.
Itzhaky, H. (2003). Developing empowerment and leadership: The case of immigrant women in Israel. Affilia-Journal of Women and Social Work, 18(3), 289-302.
Itzhaky, H. & York, A. (2003). Leadership competence and political control: the influential factors. Journal of Community Psychology, 31(4), 371-381.
Itzhaky, H. & Makaros, A. (2003). The impact of culture on collaboration between social workers and role participants. Society and Welfare, 23(3), 295-310.
Itzhaky, H. & Lipschitz-Elhawi, R. (2004). Hope as a strategy in supervising therapists of the terminally ill. Health and Social Work, 29(1), 46-55.
Boehm, A. & Itzhaky, H. (2004). The social marketing approach: A way to increase reporting and treatment of sexual assault. Child Abuse and Neglect: The International Journal, 28(3), 253-265.
Itzhaky, H., Gerber, P., & Dekell, R. (2004). Empowerment, skills, and values: A comparative study of nurses and social workers. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 41(4), 447-455.
Itzhaky, H. & Rudich, V. (2004). Communication and values in the cross-cultural encounter and their influence on supervision in social work. Arete, 27(2), 50-63.
Itzhaky, H. & Ben Porat A. (2005). Battered women in shelters: Internal resources, well-being and integration. Affilia, 20(1), 39-52.
Itzhaky, H. & York, A. (2005).The role of the social worker in the face of terrorism: Israeli community-based experience. Social Work, 50(2), 141-151.
Lipschitz-Elhawi, R.& Itzhaky, H. (2005). Social support, mastery, self-esteem and individual adjustment among at-risk youth. Child and Youth Care, 34(5), 329-346.
Itzhaky, H. & Dekell, R. (2005). Helping victims of terrorism: What makes social work effective. Social Work, 50(4), 335-343.
Itzhaky, H. & Chopra, M. (2005). Hope in the supervision of therapy for patients with psychotic disorders. Psychoanalytic Social Work, 12(2), 63-82.
Itzhaky, H. & York, A. (2005). How community-based intervention can reduce family violence: A case study. Arete, 29(2), 1-10.
Baum, N. & Itzhaky, H. (2005). Pregnancy as a Secret in Supervision. Arete, 29(2), 33-43.
Itzhaky, H. & Bustin, E. (2005). Promoting client participation by social workers: Contributing factors, Journal of Community Practice, 13(2), 77-92.
Itzhaky, H. & Dekell, R. (2006). Community intervention with Jewish Israeli Mothers in Times of Terror. British Journal of Social Work Advance Access, doi:10.1093/bjsw/bc1368, 1-14.
Solomon Even Chen, M. & Itzhaky, H. (2007). Exposure to terrorism and violent behavior among adolescents in Israel. Journal of Community Psychology, 35(1), 43-55.
Makaros, A. & Itzhaky, H. (2008). Work Related Stress and the Social Worker's Perception of Effectiveness in Light of the Recent Changes in Social and Economic Policies in Israel. Social Development Issues, 30(2), 45-58.
Lipschitz-Elhawi, R. & Itzhaky, H. (2008). The contribution of internal and external resources to emotional adjustment: A comparison of at risk and normative adolescents. The Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal, 25(5), 385-396.
Ben-Porat, A. & Itzhaky, H.(2008). Factors that influence life satisfaction among battered women in shelter: Those who stay versus those who leave, Journal of Family Violence, 23 (7), 597-604 .
Lipschitz-Elhawi, R., Itzhaky, H., & Hefetz M., (2008). The contribution of background variables, internal and external resources to life satisfaction among adolescents in residential treatment centers. Residential Treatment for Children and Youth, 25 (3), 271 - 288.
Ben-Porat, A. & Itzhaky, H. (2009). Implications of treating family violence for the therapist: Secondary traumatization, vicarious traumatization, and growth, Journal of Family Violence, 24(7), 507-515.
Itzhaky, H. & Levy, D. (2011). The Contribution of Intervention Program to Development of Leadership among Ethiopian Immigrant Women Who Engage in Volunteer Activity. Social Development Issues, 33 (2), 46-60.
Ben-Porat, A. & Itzhaky, H. (2011). The contribution of supervision and professional training to role competence, secondary traumatization and burnout among family violence therapists, The Clinical Supervisor, 30(1), 95-109.
Yablon, Y. B., Itzhaky, H., & Pagorek-Eshel, S. (2011). Positive and negative effects of long –term bombardment among Israeli adolescents: The role of gender and social environment. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 28(3), 189-202.
Levy, D. & Itzhaky, H. (2011). The contribution of intervention programs to leadership development among Ethiopian immigrant women who engage in volunteer activity, Social Development Issues, 33, 46-61.
Levy, D., Itzhaky, H., Zanbar, L & Schwartz, C. (2012). Sense of cohesion among community activists engaging in volunteer activity. Journal of Community Psychology, 40, 735-746.
Shalev, O., Baum, N., & Itzhaky, H. (2012). Mate selection and marriage decision in bi-cultural society. Marriage and Family Review, 48 (2), 210-226.
Ben Shlomo, S., Levy, D. & Itzhaky,H. (2012). Development of professional identity among social work students: The contributing factors. The Clinical Supervisor, 31, 1-16.
Shalev, O., Baum, N. Itzhaky, H. "There's a man in my bed" :The first experience of sex among Modern Orthodox newlyweds in Israel. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. (24 pp) DOI:10.1080/0092623X.2012.675021
Ranz, R. Dekel, R. & Itzhaky, H. (2012),"Therapeutic communities for drug addicts in Israel: comparing addicts born in the Former Soviet Union and in Israel", Therapeutic Communities: The International Journal of Therapeutic Communities, Vol. 33 Iss: 4 pp. 155 – 165.
Levy, D., Itzhaky, H. & Schwartz, C. (2012). The Contribution of Personal Resources and Community Variables to the Development of Self-Perceptions of Activists as Community Leaders. Society & Welfare, 32(4), 535-551. (Hebrew)
Ben-Porat, A., Yablon, Y. B., & Itzhaky, H. (2013). Is the development of PTSD blind to differences in social resources? Evidence from high school students facing terrorism. Journal of Community Psychology, 41(2), 175-187.
Yablon, Y. B., & Itzhaky, H. (2013). Children’s relations with homeroom teachers as a protective factor in times of terror. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 30(4), 482-496.
Zanbar, L. & Itzhaky, H. (2013). Community activists' competence: The contributing factors. Journal of Community Psychology, 41(2), 249-263.
Zanbar, L. & Itzhaky, H. (2013). Effectiveness perception: Contributing resources among community activists in a traditional society. Social Development Issues, 35(2), 70-92.
Itzhaky, H. & Makaros, A. (2013). Perceived Effectiveness of Micro and Macro-Level Intervention at Times of Economic Crisis. Journal of Social Work, 13(6) November, 582-598.
Topilsky, T., Itzhaky, H., Dekel, R. & Yariv N. (2013). Marmor Mental health and posttraumatic growth in civilians exposed to ongoing terror. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 18, 1-21.
Lipschitz-Elhawi, R. & Itzhaky, H. (2014). The Contribution of Internal Resources, External Resources, and Emotional Distress to Use of Drugs and Alcohol among Israeli Jewish Urban Adolescents: LSUM Substance Use & Misuse, 49(4), 475-478 Manuscript ID: 856638
Itzhaky, H., & Zanbar, L. (2014). In the Front Line: The Impact of Specialist Training for Hospital Physicians in Children at Risk on Their Collaboration with Social Workers. Social Work in Health Care, 53(7), 617 - 639.
Ben-Porat, A. & Itzhaky, H. (2014). Burnout among trauma social workers: The contribution of personal and environmental resources. Journal of Social Work. 15,1-15.
Itzhaky, H., Zanbar, L. (2014). Perceived effectivenss of community activity among ultra-Orthodox community activists: The contribution of peronal and social resources. Society & Welfare, 34(1), 73-100 (Hebrew)
Zanbar, L. & Itzhaky, H. (2014). The contribution of macro-intervention social worker to the success of volunteer community activists. Voluntas, 25(1), 92-108.
Levy, D., Ben Shlomo, S, & Itzhaky,H. (2014). The "Building Blocks" of Professional Identity Among Social Work Graduates. Social Work Education, 33, 759-744.
Dagan K., Itzhaky, H., & Ben-Porat, A. (2015). Therapists working with trauma victims: The contribution of personal, environmental, and professional-organizational resources to secondary traumatization. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 16, 592-606.
Kissil, K. & Itzhaky, H. (2015). Experiences of the Marital Relationship among Heterosexually Married Orthodox Jewish Gay Men. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 11(2), 151-172. DOI: 10.1080/1550428X.2014.900659.
Itzhaky, H., & Kissil, K. (2015). “It’s a horrible sin. If they find out, I will not be able to stay”: The Experiences of Living in Secrecy among Gay Orthodox Jewish Men. Journal of Homosexuality, 62(5), 621-643. DOI: 10.1080/00918369.2014.988532
Kissil, K., & Itzhaky, H. (2015). Orthodox Jewish Closeted Gay Men’s Perceptions of the Orthodox Community. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 27, 371-389.
Yablon, Y. B., & Itzhaky, H. (2015). Living in a conflict zone: Where do students feel safe from violence. Journal of Community Psychology, 43(8), 1036–1043.
Itzhaky, H., Zanbar, L, Levy, D & Schwartz, C. (2015). The Contribution of Personal and Community Resources to Well-Being and Sense of Belonging to the Community among Community Activists, The British Journal of Social Work, 45(6), 1678-1698. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bct176
Levy, D. & Itzhaky, H. (2016). Adjustment of women immigrants from Ethiopia: The contributing factors, Social Development Issues, 38, (2), pp. 1-16.
Refaeli, T., Levy, D., Ben-Port, A., Dekel, R. & Itzhaky, H. (2016). Personal and environmental predictors of depression among victims of intimate partner violence: Comparison of immigrant and Israeli-born women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence (F=1.21; Q2 Criminology & Penology, 18/55). DOI:10.1177/0886260516651624
Dagan, S. W., Ben-Porat, A., & Itzhaky, H. (2016). Child protection workers dealing with child abuse: the contribution of personal, social and organizational resources to secondary traumatization. Child abuse & neglect, 51, 203-211.
Itzhaky, H., Kissil, K., & Weiss-Dagan, S. (2016). International Tourists’ Reactions to a Natural Disaster; Experiences of the 2015 Earthquake in Nepal among Israeli Travelers. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 29, 522-529.
Itzhaky, H., Weiss-Dagan, S., Ben-Porat, A. (2017). The contribution of effective supervision and its three functions to the secondary traumatization of social workers who treats child abuse. Society & Welfare (Hebrew).
Itzhaky, H., Weiss-Dagan, S., Taubman Ben-Ari, O., (2018). Internal and community recourses' contribution to level of posttraumatic symptoms - The case of tourists after the earthquake in Nepal, 2015. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 10(2), 239-245.
Weiss‐Dagan, S., Itzhaky, H., & Taubman‐Ben‐Ari, O. (2018). Backpackers in the Nepal 2015 earthquake: The contribution of personal and social resources to mental health. Journal of Community Psychology, 1-12
Ben-Porat, A., Levy, D., Katora, O., Dekel, R., & Itzhaky, H. Domestic violence in Arab society: A comparison of Arab and Jewish women at shelters in Israel. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, doi/abs/10.1177/0886260517731789
Itzhaki, Y., Itzhaky, H., & Yablon, Y.B. (2017). Adjustment of high school dropouts in closed religious communities, Child & Youth Care Forum, doi: 10.1007/s10566-017-9419-9.
Itzhaki, Y., Itzhaky, H., & Yablon, Y.B. (2018). The Contribution of Parental and Societal Conditional Regard to Adjustment of High School Dropouts, Journal of Adolescence, 62, 151-161.
Itzhaki, Y., Yablon, Y.B., & Itzhaky H. (in press). Becoming less religious (BLR) and well-being among high-school dropouts. Psychology of religion and spirituality.
Accepted for publication
Itzhaky, H., Zanbar, L, Levy, D. & Schwartz, C. (In press). The Contribution of Personal and Community Resources to Well-Being and Sense of Belonging to the Community among Community Activists, The British Journal of Social Work. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bct176
Itzhaky, H., Zanbar, L. (In press). Effectivenss perception of community activity among ultra-Orthodox community activists: The contribution resources. Society & Welfare (Hebrew).
Itzhaky, H. & York, A. Sexual abuse by clergymen: An Israeli case of community-based intervention. (in press)
Ranz, R., Dekel, R., & Itzhaky, H. (in press). Characteristics of addicts in entering and dropout rates from therapeutic communities: Former Soviet Union and Israeli Addicts. Society & Welfare. (Hebrew)
Refaeli T., Levy, D., Ben-Porat, A. Dekel, R., & Itzhaky, H., Personal and Environmental Predictors of Depression among Victims of Intimate Partner Violence: Comparison of Immigrant and Israeli-Born Women, Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Book Review
Itzhaky, H. (2000). Society and Welfare, 20(3), 402-403. Book Review on: R.H. Maclair, Research strategies for community Practice, New York: The Haworth Press.
Papers Presented at Scientific Conferences
Academic Conference of Teachers of social Work in Israel. Annual Conference. School of Social Work, University of Beer-Sheva, 1986. Subject: The correlation between values, religion, and the role of the social worker.
International Conference for Urban Renewal Project, Jerusalem, 1986. Subject: The paraprofessional option.
National Conference for Community Workers, Jerusalem, 1987. Keynote lecture: Models of volunteer community action.
National Conference for Social Welfare Workers, Haifa municipality, 1987. Subject: Community work in the year 2000.
National Conference for Community Workers, Bar-Ilan University, 1989. Keynote lecture: New trends in community work.
International Conference of Jewish community centers, Jerusalem 1990. Subject: The relationship between client participation and effectiveness.
National Conference of Israel Community Centers Association, Jerusalem 1990. Keynote lecture: The effect of client participation on outcomes in the community centers in the 21 century.
National Conference for community schools principals (sponsored by community school projects), Ministry of Education and Israel Community Centers Association, Jerusalem 1991. Keynote lecture: Parent participation in schools.
Conference for Social Workers in Canadian - Western University 1993. Keynote lecture: Different types of immigrant adaptation models.
National Conference for Social Workers in cooperation with the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Bar Ilan University, and J.D.C. - Israel. February 1994. Subject: Advanced community work in Israel and in the world.
International Association of Schools of Social Work, July 1994, Amsterdam (with Prof. Patricia Kelley). Subject: New models in social work supervision.
Fourth International Conference for Social Values in Behavior. International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values, July, 1994, Spain. Subject: The relationship of values to work place satisfaction among immigrants from a totalitarian regime.
International Social Welfare in a Changing World. The University of Calgary. August, 1995. Subject: Differences in participation and coping techniques between male and female in transit community.
International Association of Schools of Social Work in Hong-Kong. July, 1996. Subject: Participation and the investment model among male and female migrants.
Israel Association of Social Work. September, 1996. Subject: License in community work. Bar- Ilan University.
The Ninth Annual Conference on Social Work and HIV AIDS. June, 4-7, 1997, Los Angeles. Subject: Values and attitudes towards AIDS as factors that affect student's social work empowerment.
International Conference: Empowerment Practice in Social Work: Developing Richer Conceptual Foundations. University of Toronto. September 25-27, 1997. Keynote Lecture: The future of empowerment practice: Implications for education.
International Conference: Empowerment practice in social work: Developing richer conceptual foundations. University of Toronto. September 25-27, 1997. Subject: Empowering and community participation: Does gender make a difference?
Conference of Teachers of Social Work Schools in Israel on the Subject of Social Work Training in View of the New Social Reality. Social Work Schools Council, Tel Aviv University, 1997. Lecture: Preparation of social work students for professional qualification while dealing with values. (with Mr. Gerber)
Conference of Teachers of Social Work Schools in Israel on the Subject of Training Social Workers in View of the New Social Reality. Social Work Schools Council, Tel Aviv University, 1997. Lecture: The role of the supervisor in supervising social workers treating HIV-infected patients in hospitals. (with Mrs. Azmon)
Conference of Teachers of Social Work Schools in Israel on the Subject of Training Social Workers in View of the New Social Reality. Social Work Schools Council, Tel Aviv University. Lecture: Differences between supervisors of different status in the organization and the way they cope with the supervision role. (with Dr. Lazar)
National Conference on the Subject of Empowerment of Disabled Residing in the Community. Ministry of Labor and Welfare in cooperation with J.D.C. Herzelia, Israel, 1997. Keynote lecture: Community factors and their impact on empowerment of the disabled.
National Conference on the Subject of Empowerment, Jerusalem, 1997. Keynote lecture: Supervision of workers as an empowering factor.
National Conference on Community Theater, Tel-Aviv, July 1998. Lecture: Analysis of the community environment in a play.
Joint World Congress of the International Association of Schools of Social Work and the International Federation of Social Workers. Peace and Social Justice - The Challenges Facing Social Work Justice, Jerusalem, July, 1998. Subject: Development of community leaders in depressed neighbourhoods.
Joint World Congress of the International Association of Schools of Social Work and the International Federation of Social Workers. Peace and Social Justice – The Challenges Facing Social Work Justice, Jerusalem, July, 1998. Subject: Personal empowerment through community activity.
Joint World Congress of the International Association of Schools of Social Work and the International Federation of Social Workers. Peace and Social Justice – The Challenges Facing Social Work Justice, Jerusalem, July, 1998. Chair - Subject: The contribution of community work to promoting social rights.
International Conference on Social Welfare, Jerusalem, July 1998. Subject: Developing social worker empowerment: correlation with universal values.
International Conference on Social Welfare, Jerusalem, July 1998. Subject: Preparing Israeli social workers to deal with HIV infected persons in the community.
International Seminar on Women Leadership (ICW- International Council of Women). Haifa, 18-23 October, 1988. Key Lecture: Women in development- The contribution of international organizations and governments.
International Institute of Sociology, Tel Aviv, July, 1999, Subject: Successful adaptation of immigrant women.
National Conference of Teachers of Social Work Schools in Israel on Post Modern Approaches in Social Work. Tel Hay College. October, 1999 ,13 12. Subject: Supervision effectiveness.
The William Rosenwald Institute for Communal and Welfare Workers. The Fifth Annual Conference of Institute Graduates and Hesed Directors. Russia, 21-23, December,1999. Key Lecture: Empowerment of Hasadim.
National Congress of the International Association of Schools of Social Work and the national Federation of Social Workers. The Diversity in Social work, Tel Aviv, February 2000. Key Lecture: The diversity of community social work.
National Congress of the International Association of Schools of Social Work and the national Federation of Social Workers. The Diversity in Social work, Tel Aviv, February 2000. Subject: What makes up community leadership competence.
Joint World Congress of the International Association of Schools of Social Work and the International Federation of Social Workers. Montreal, July- August, 2000. Subject: The effect of empowerment and community participation on well-being: A program for immigrant women.
National Congress of the Federation of Community Social Workers. The Diversity in Community, Jerusalem, February, 2001. Key Lecture: Client participation and empowerment in community social work.
National Congress of the national Federation of Community Social Workers and Social Work with Bar Ilan University. (Yanuv memorial). Conflict in the Community. Bar Ilan University, June 2001. Key Lecture: Community organization in present.
Danube Conference: Managing Conflict in Social Work. Vienna.26-31, August, 2001. Key Lecture: Community intervention to reduce and prevent family violence and conflict.
International Conference for Social Work Education and Practice. The Diversity Conference. Charleston: South Carolina, 6-9, October 2001. Key Lecture: Communication and values in the cross-cultural encounter and their influence on supervision in social work.
International Conference for Social Work Education and Practice. The Diversity Conference. Charleston: South Carolina, 6-9, October 2001. Subject: Differences between participation of veterans and new immigrants in community social work. (with Edna Bustin).
National Congress of the Federation of Community Social Workers. Workers’ Empowerment, Jerusalem, February, 2002. Key Lecture: Workers’ empowerment.
Asian and Pacific conference of the IFSW. Nagasaki, Japan, July 6-9,2003. Key Lecture: Community intervention and family violence.
Sixteenth National Conference of the IASW. Tel Aviv, September, 8-9, 2003. Lecture: The effect of staying in a shelter on battered women’s internal resources, well-being and integration.
Sixteenth National Conference of the IASW. Tel Aviv, September, 8-9, 2003. Key Lecture: Participation of social workers in political process: From social instruction to social change.
Sixteenth National Conference of the IASW. Tel Aviv, September, 8-9, 2003. Key Lecture: Empowerment and client participation.
Developing partnerships with the ultra-ortodox community Bar Ilan University, January, 12, 2004. Key Lecture: Challenges and solutions in enhancing with the ultra-ortodox community.
Seventh Spring Conference of the Israel Center for Third Sector Resrarch. Kisar Hotel, The Dead Sea, March, 17-18, 2004. Key Lecture: Response to Hasenfeld’s lecture “The contributions of theories on civil society, social movements and third sector to the study of Hybrid NGOs”.
Ministry of Labor and Welfare in cooperation with Yad Tabenkin, Community in Time of Change, Kiriat Shmone, March, 24, 2004. Key Lecture: Social work effectiveness in the Kibbutz:The influential factors.
The Second International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, Italy, Monash University Center in Prato, July, 20-23, 2004. Lecture: Child sexual abuse and incest: Culturally sensitive community-based intervention.
Forth International Conference on the Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Natrions, UCLA, Los Angeles, July 6-9, 2004. Lecture: Community diversity in the face of sexual abuse by clergymen: An Israeli case.
SPA 2004 conference, Communities and social renewal, UK, University of Nottingham, July, 13-15, 2004. Key Lecture: Showing results in community organization.
National Conference for Community Social Workers in cooperation with the Ministry of Welfare, Community Work Services and Department for Personal and Social Services. Communally owned property during the time of decreasing recourses. Raanana, June 16, 2004. Key Lecture: Communally owned property: Various uses of this concept in the social sciences.
National Conference of Teachers of Social Work Schools in Israel on Social Welfare. Haifa University. October 13, 2004. Key Lecture: Social Welfare Policy.
National Conference for Community Social Workers in cooperation with the Ministry of Welfare, Community Work Services and Department for Personal and Social Services. Social Capital in the period of New Governance: Its meaning and implications on community work . Maale Hachamisha, June 16, 2004. Chairman of session: Between governance and community social capital: Definition and implications.
The Fifth International Ortodox General Assembly, Jerusalem, December, 27-30, 2005. Key Lecture: Social Welfare Policy in Israel.
First Scientific Conference of the Interdisciplinary Center for Children and Youth Studies on the subject of: Youth in a changing world. Tel-Aviv University. June 8, 2005. Lecture: Emotional Adaptation: A Comparison of At-Risk and Normative Adolescents.
International Conference: Council of Social Work Education APM. Chicago 2006. Lecture: Community-Based Practice: A New Look at the Concept and its Practice.
International Conference in cooperation with The Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Community Work Service: Ministry of Welfare; Shatil: The New Fund’s supprt and consultation services for non-profit organizations for social change, and ACOSA: Association for Community Organziation and Social Administration. Strengthening the Social Component in Social Work: Teaching Macro-Practice and Intervention in Social Change amongst Social Workers. May 9, 2006. Opening Session Subject: The Role of Social Work in Bringing About Social Change.
National Conference in cooperation with the Commission for Equal Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the Ministry of Justice. The Right to Be Different, the Strength in Diversity. Bar-Ilan University, December 3, 2007. Chairman of session: The Strength in Diversity and its Contribution to Social Changes in Israel.
National Conference, N.C.J.W.A, Australia: Melbourne, March, 2008. Key Lecture: How community-based intervention can reduce family violence?
School of Social Work and School Of Nursing, colloquia Melbourne, Aprill, 2008. Key Lecture: Family violence and Community-based intervention.
Baum, N., Shalev, O., & Itzhaky, H. The 3rd Annual Conference of the Israeli Center for Qualitative Research Methods, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. ",2008. Subjectivity of the toolbox: The Interview as a Separate Entity in the Research Process"
Baum, N., Shalev, O., & Itzhaky, H. The 3rd National Conference on Promoting Mental Health among Women, Ben Gurion University, Israel. "First sexual experience as a stressful situation among National Religious women"2008.
National Conference, Australia: Canbara, Aprill, 2008. Key Lecture: Social phenomenon in Israel and Community Work Intervention.
National Conference, N.C.J.W.A., Australia: Sidney, May, 2008. Key Lecture: Leadership Development and Community Work.
Melbourne, Family Violent Government Workers, Australia: Melbourne, May, 2008. Key Lecture: Macro Social Work intervention and family violence?
Community work: National Conference, Bar Ilan University, January, 2009. Key Lecture: York's departure: Meta Analysis of community intervention research.
School of Social Policy and Practice, colloquia, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvenia, May, 2009. Key Lecture: Community-based intervention as a strategy for Family violence.
International conference, Clinical Supervision, U.S.A., Buffalo, June, 2009. Key Lecture: From a student to a professional.
International conference, Clinical Supervision, U.S.A., Buffalo, June, 2009. Key Lecture: Domestic violence Therapists: The Contribution of Training and Supervision to Role Competence, Secondary Traumatization, and Burnout.
Baaly Teshuva: Jewish Community, U.S.A. Philadelphia, July, 2009. Key Lecture: From a secular to Baal Teshuva: The influental factors.
National Conference of community social workers: Jerusalem, November, 2009. Key Lecture: Innovation in community practice.
National Conference on community work orientation: Dimona, Elem: May, 24, 2010. Key Lecture: challenges in macro practice with adults.
Baum, N., Shalev, O., & Itzhaky, H.. The 4th Annual Conference of the Israeli Center for Qualitative Research Methods, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. 2010. " The choice of love? Partner Selection in the Modern Orthodox "
Itzhaky, H. International conference, The Use of Evidence in Child Welfare Practice and Policy: An International Perspective on Future Directions, Jerusalem, Charuv: May, 27, 2010. Chairman: Policy and evidence: An uneasy but essentional and dynamic partnership.
O. Shalev, N. Baum and H. Itzhaky, Joint World Congress of the International Association of Schools of Social Work and the International Federation of Social Workers. Hong Kong, June, 2010. Presentation: Perception of love: Courtship and First Year of Marriage within Modern Orthodox Jewish Couples in Israel.
Ofra Shalev, N. Baum and H. Itzhaky, 29th International Human Science Research conference: Giving Voice to Experience. Department of Psychology and the College of Arts & Sciences, Seattle University, August 4-8, 2010. Presentation: Perception of love: Courtship and First Year of Marriage within Modern Orthodox Jewish Couples in Israel.
Ben Shlomo, S., Levy, D. & Itzhaky,H. Development of professional identity among social work students: The contributing factors. The First National Conference Of Social Work Supervision, Tel Chai, 2010.
Itzhaky, H. & Zanbar,L. Hospital Doctors and Social Workers on the Front Line: The impact of training on professional role dynamics. The International Conference - "Kaleidoscope of Child Maltreatment" June 26-28, 2011. University of Haifa, Israel.
Itzhaky,H. Bustin, E. Shulov Barkan, S. Social entrepreneurship-innovative crane to modify socio-annual academic conference on social entrepreneurship. Social entrepreneurship-innovative crane to modify socio-annual academic conference on social entrepreneurship. (יזמות חברתית- מנוף חדשני לשנוי חברתי- הכנס האקדמי השנתי בנושא יזמות חברתית) "Social entrepreneurship and Social policy- Opposing or Complementary Relationships" The case of YouthBuid- Israel, June 24-26, 2011. University of Tel Aviv, Israel.
Itzhaky, H. Buttered Women- The study. July 14, 2011, Bar Ilan University, Israel.
Itzhaky, H., The National Conference Of Israel Megashrim; Maale a'Chamisha, December 2011. Key Lecture: Community Building.
Shalev, H. Baum, N. & Itzhaky, H. 4th World Congress on Women's Mental Health, 2011, Madrid. Cultural- religious as a stressor in first sexual experience for women with bi-cultural identity- A case stusy of Jewish Modern-Orthodox women.
Itzhaky, H. "The contribution of personal and social capital to well-being and sense of belonging to the community among community activists". Poster at the 2012 Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development: Action and Impact, Stockholm, Sweden, 2012.
Itzhaky, H. & Zanbar, L. Factors that contribute to the success of community activity among traditional populations. Oral presentation at the 2012 Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development: Action and Impact, Stockholm, Sweden, 11 July, 2012.
Itzhaky, H. The Hundred Measure- Community Well Being, Israel-Sderot Conference company, Sapir College, December, 2012.
Itzhaky, H. & Ben Porat, A. Joint World Conference: Social Work Social Development: Action and Impact, (Stockholm, Sweden, 2012). " Looking for a safe place: the contribution of personal and environmental resources to PTSD among Israeli youth exposed to terror attacks ".
Itzhaky, H. Community Work. Bar Ilan University, School of Social Work, December, 2012. Key Lecture: Managers and Community Social Workers in the Fature.
Itzhaky, H. & Zanbar, L Poster at the 2012 Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development: Action and Impact, Stockholm, Sweden, 11 July, 2012. The contribution of personal and social capital to well-being and sense of belonging to the community among community activists.
Itzhaky, H. & Zanbar, L. The 43rd Israel-Sociology association conference, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 2012. The impact of community activity, personal and social resources: Differences between the Ultra-orthodox society and the general population.
Shalev, H. Baum, N. & Itzhaky, H. The 5th Israeli Interdiciplinary Conference for Qualitative Research Methods, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. Beer Sheva, 2012. First sexual experience as stress situation among Jewish Orthodox women.
Yablon, K. & Itzhaky, H. 20th International Society for Research on Aggression (ISRA) World Meeting, University of Luxembourg, July, 2012. Students’ victimization at school and feelings of safety.
Shalev, H. Baum, N. & Itzhaky, H. The 43rd Sociology association conference, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 2012. Perception of love: Courtship and First year marriage within Modern Orthodox Jewish couples in Israel.
Itzhaky, H. & Zanbar, L. The Contribution of Macro-Intervention Social Workers to the Success of Volunteer Community Activists. Oral presentation at the 7th Annual International Conference on Psychology ,28 May 2013, Athens, Greece.
Itzhaky, H. & Ben porat, A. Family Violence Therapist: Burnout, Secondary Traumatization, Vicarious Traumatization and Growth. International conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society, 2013, Portugal.
Itzhaky, H. & Levy, D. The contribution of personal and social capital to well-being and sense of belonging to the community among community activists. International Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR) Faro, Portugal, 2013.
Kissil, K., & Itzhaky, H., Between a Rock and a Hard Place-Being an Orthodox Jew and Gay: What Can Family Therapists Do? Lecture at the International Family Therapy World Congress, Panama City, Panama. (March, 2014).
Itzhaky, H. & Levy, D. The contribution of personal resources and community variables to community leaders' competence, ICAP, Paris, France.
Dekel, R., Ben-Porat, A., & Itzhaky H. Posttraumatic symptoms in battered women in shelters". International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference (New Hampshire, 2014).
Ben Porat, A. & Itzhaky, H. (2014)."Domestic Violence in the Ethiopian Community: Evaluation of a Culturally Sensitive Training Program” 28 th International Congress of Applied Psychology. Paris, 2014.
Ben Porat, A. & Itzhaky, H. (2014). Domestic Violence in the Ethiopian Community: Evaluation of a Culturally Sensitive Intervention. The Asian conference on psychology & the behavioral sciences (Iafor) (Osaka, Japan).
Itzhaky, H. & Zanbar, L. (2014). In the Front Line: The Impact of a Training Program for Doctors in the Treatment of Children at Risk on their Role Dynamics vis-à-vis Hospital Social Workers. Poster presentation at the National Social Work Service Conference: Social Work in Health: achievements, challenges and future vision. Jerusalem, 28 January, 2014.
Zanbar, L. & Itzhaky, H. (2014). Client Participation Processes and Policy Practice in the Macro-Level among Ultra-Orthodox Community Activists. Oral presentation at the Espanet conference: Inequality, Poverty and Exclusion: Challenges for the Welfare State. Tel-Aviv University, 13/2/2014.
Zanbar, L. & Itzhaky, H. (2014). Community Activists' Competence: The Contributing Factors. Oral presentation at the 7th Global Conference of the "Inter-Disciplinary.Net" project: Interculturalism, Meaning and Identity-A diversity and Recognition Project. Prague, Czech Republic, 19/3/2014.
Dekel, R., Ben-Porat, A., & Itzhaky H. (2014). "Posttraumatic symptoms in battered women in shelters" International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference (New Hampshire)
יצחקי, י., יצחקי, ח. יבלון, י. (2014). משאבים אישיים וקהילתיים בנשירת בני נוער במגזר החרדי. ערכים ומערכות. הכינוס הארצי ה18 של עבודה סוציאלית. תל אביב
וייס-דגן, ש. יצחקי, ח. , בן פורת, ע. (2014). מטפלים בילדים נפגעי התעללות: גורמים התורמים לתגובת טראומטיזציה משנית בקרב עובדים סוציאלים לחוק הנוער. ערכים ומערכות. הכינוס הארצי ה18 של עבודה סוציאלית. תל אביב.
לוי, ד. יצחקי, ח. (2014). תפיסתו של הפעיל הקהילתי את תרומתם של משאבים אישיים וקהילתיים לפיתוח תפיסת מנהיגות. ערכים ומערכות. הכינוס הארצי ה18 של עבודה סוציאלית. תל אביב
Itzhaky, H. & Levy, D. (January 2015).The Contribution of Personal Resources and Community Variables to Community Leaders' Competence. SSWR, New Orleance.
Ben-Porat, A., & Itzhaky H. (2015). Burnout among Trauma Social Workers: What Makes the Difference International Conference on Changing World and Social Research (Vienna).
Itzhaky, H., Ben Porat, A. & Dekell, R. (2015). From fieldwork to research and back: What did we learn from studying shelters in Israel. Back to the starting point: what were we looking for? And what did we learn about the characteristics of buttered women in shelters and their partners. Bar Ilan University, School of Social Work, Ramat Gan.
Itzhaki, Y., Itzhaky, H., Yablon, Y.B. The contribution of personal and social resources to dropouts' adjustment. Stress and anxiety research society. Tel-Aviv, Israel. June 30, 2015.
Itzhaky H. (2016). Social Workers: New Intervention in supervision: What Makes the Difference . Chile: Santiego
Itzhaky, H. (2016). Community Practice and Community Organization: A onceptual Understanding, International Conference on Community. Seattle
Itzhaky, H. ( 2016). The affect of Supervision on Secondary Traumatization among Social Workers. National Conference for Community Social Workers in cooperation with the Ministry of Welfare.
Zanbar, L. & Itzhaky, H. (2016). 6th European Conference for Social Work Research. Understanding group supervision.
Itzhaky, H. ( 2016). The effect of Supervision on Secondary Traumatization among Social Workers. the International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision at the Adelphi University School of Social Work.
Zanbar, L. & Itzhaky, H. (2016). 6th European Conference for Social Work Research. Understanding group supervision.
Itzhaky, H. ( 2016). The effect of Supervision on Secondary Traumatization among Social Workers. the International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision at the Adelphi University School of Social Work.
Itzhaki, Y. Itzhaky H., Yablon, Y.B. Religious disaffiliation and well-being among high school dropouts. The Society for the Scientific Study of Religion. Washington D.C., October 13-15, 2017.
Itzhaki, Y., Yablon, Y.B., Itzhaky H. The contribution of parental and societal conditional regard to adjustment of high school dropouts. Society for Social Work and Research. Washington D.C., January 10-14, 2018.
7670601 - יעוץ והדרכה - סמינריון
670701 - יעוץ והדרכה - פרקטיקום
Specialization in the field of community work:
- Special populations: Research of psychosocial factors and development of models for prevention and rehabilitation.
- Community development.
- Community activists.
- Special populations: Leadeship Development (Ultra aurtox, buttered women).
- Community aspects and trauma.
- Processes of change and privatization in kibbutz society and the role of the social worker in this context.
- Interrelationship of the immigrant and his/her human ecological environment and systems.
- Development of the theory of empowerment in research and practice.
- The human and the social environment.
- Social work with paraprofessionals.
- Effectiveness.
Specialization in the field of social worker supervision:
- Development of theories of adult learning.
- Empowerment of workers.
- Secondary traumatization and supervision.
- Special elements (secret, pregnancy etc.) and supervision
- Development of the professional training system in universities.
- Supervisor-supervisee relations: administrative, psychological and educational aspects.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 29/12/2024