ראש המגמה השיקומית-טיפולית בתוכנית לתואר שני

ד"ר רנה בינה

בניין 213 (מקסיקו), חדר 204 (קומה שנייה)
תחומי עניין

בריאות נפש, שיקום והחלמה בבריאות נפש, בריאות נפש סביב הלידה, פניה לקבלת טיפול נפשי, מוכנות מקצועית בתחום הטיפול

שעות קבלה
בתאום מראש
    קורות חיים


    1994: B.A. - Bar-Ilan University, Department of Psychology

    1997: MS.W. - Yeshiva University, Wurzweiler School of Social Work

    2011: Ph.D. - University of Maryland, School of Social Work

    2011- 2013   - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Training Program and certification

    מלגות, פרסים ומענקי מחקר
    2020 מענק מטעם המכון הלאומי לחקר שירותי הבריאות ומדיניות הבריאות, למחקר בנושא נשים הרות ולאחר לידה: קבילות תוכנית האיתור לדיכאון סב-לידתי ופנייה לגורמי טיפול.
    2018 - מענק מטעם המכון הלאומי לחקר שירותי הבריאות ומדיניות הבריאות, למחקר בנושא אנשים המתמודדים עם מגבלה פסיכיאטרית: תרומתם של משאבים אישיים וחברתיים-קהילתיים להתנהגות בריאותית ולשימוש בשירותי בריאות.
    2015 - מענק מחקר מטעם המכון הלאומי לחקר שירותי הבריאות ומדיניות הבריאות, למחקר בנושא תפיסת מוכנות של אחיות טיפת חלב לביצוע תכנית לסינון והתערבות בתחום הרגשי במקרה של דיכאון לאחר הלידה.
    2013 - מענק מחקר מטעם Louis and Bessie Stein Family Fellowship for Exchanges with Israeli Universities, Drexel University, למחקר בנושא התערבות עובדות סוציאליות בשיטה הבינאישית (IPT) במקרים של דיכאון לאחר לידה
    2005-2011 - מלגות הצטיינות, University of Maryland
    Fahs-Beck Fund for Research and Experimentation - 2009 - מלגת מחקר לדוקטורט
    2006 - זכייה במקום ראשון בכנס:28th Annual Graduate Research Conference, University of Maryland, Baltimore
    2005 - זכייה במקום שלישי בכנס: 27th Annual Graduate Research Conference, University of Maryland, Baltimore


    תפקידים ותארים מקצועיים/חברות באגודים מקצועיים

    חברה במועצה הארצית לשיקום נכי נפש בקהילה

    ברה באיגוד העובדים הסוציאליים

    חברה ב- Society for Social Work Research - SSWR

    חברה בארגון יספר"א - האגודה הישראלית לשיקום פסיכיאטרי

    חברה ב International Marce Society for Perinatal Mental Health

    2019 - 2023 - חברה בקונצורטיום מדעי בינלאומי בנושא בריאות הנפש לאחר הלידה: Riseup-PPD COST Action: Research Innovation and Sustainable Pan-European Network in Peripartum Depression Disorder



    Chapter in book

    Schneider, S. & Bina, R. (2001). The hierarchical authority pyramid in a therapeutic milieu. In: J.H.Berke, M.. Fagan, G. Mak-Pierce & F. Pierides-Müller (eds.) Beyond Madness: PsychoSocial Interventions in Psychosis (pp. 255-268). London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.  


    Articles in refereed journals

    Fonseca, A., Ganho-Ávila, A., van den Berg, M., Lupattelli, A., de la Fe Rodríguez Muñoz, M., Ferreira, P.,… & Bina, R. (2020). Emerging issues and questions on perinatal depression prevention, diagnosis and treatment: A consensus report from the COST Action RISEUP-PPD. Journal of Affective Disorders, 274, 167-173. 

     Motrico, E., Mateus, V., Bina, R., Felice, E., Bramante, A., Kalcev, G., Mauri, M., Martins, S., & Mesquita, A. (2020). Good practices in perinatal mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: A report from task-force RISEUP-PPD COVID-19. Clínica y Salud. Ahead of print. https://doi.org/10.5093/clysa2020a26

    Bina, R. (2020). Screening for postpartum depression: Do all women participate? Factors associated with participating in a screening initiative for postpartum depression. Healthcare for Women International. DOI: 10.1080/07399332.2019.1648472.    

    Bina, R. (2019). Predictors of postpartum depression service use: A theory-informed integrative systematic review. Women and Birth. DOI: 10.1016/j.wombi.2019.01.006

    Bina, R., Glasser, S., Honovich, M., Levison, D., & Farber, Y. (2019). Perceived preparedness of public health nurses to screen, intervene, and refer cases of suspected postpartum depression. Midwifery, 76, 132-141. 

    Bina, R. & Barak, A., Posmontier, B., Glasser, S., & Cinamon, T. (2018). Social workers' perceptions of barriers to Interpersonal Therapy implementation for treating postpartum depression in a primary care setting in Israel. Health and Social Care in the Community, 26, e75–e84.

    Bina, R. & Glasser, S. (2018). Factors associated with attitudes toward seeking mental health treatment postpartum. Women and Health. DOI:10.1080/03630242.2017.1421286

    Posmontier, B., Bina, R., Glasser, S., Cinamon, T., & Styr, B. (2017). Incorporating Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Postpartum Depression into Social Work Practice in Israel. Research on Social Work Practicehttps://doi.org/10.1177/1049731517707057

    Bina, R. & Harrington, D. (2017). Differential predictors of postpartum depression and anxiety: The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale Hebrew version two factor structure construct validity Maternal and Child Health Journal, 21(12), 2237-2244.

    Glasser, S., Hadad, L., Bina, R., Boyko, V., & Magnezi, R. (2016). Screening and provision of counselling by public health nurses for antenatal depression in an Israeli ultra-orthodox community. Journal of Advanced Nursing (in press).
    Greene, J., Bina, R., & Gum, A. (2016). Interventions to Increase Retention in Mental Health Services: A Systematic Review. Psychiatric Services. DOI: 10.1176/appi.ps.201400591.
    Bina, R. & Harrington, D. (2015). The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale: Screening tool for Postpartum Anxiety as well? Findings from a Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Hebrew Version. Maternal and Child Health Journal. DOI 10.1007/s10995-015-1879-7.

    Glasser, S., Levinson, D., Bina, R., Munitz, H., Horev, Z., Kaplan, G. (2015). Primary care physicians' attitudes toward postpartum depression: Is it part of their job? Journal of Primary Care and Community Health. DOI: 10.1177/2150131915611827.

    Bina, R. (2014). Seeking Help for Postpartum Depression in the Israeli Jewish Orthodox Community: Factors Associated with Use of Professional and Informal Help. Women and Health, 54, 455-473.  

    Jani. J., Sowbel, L., Smith-Osborne, A., Yum, J., Mollette, A., Hall, D. & Bina, R. (2009). Perceived preparedness and knowledge of substance abuse among recent MSW graduates: Advanced standing revisited. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 9(4)381-399.  

    Bina, R. (2008). The Impact of Cultural Factors upon Postpartum Depression: A Literature Review. Health Care for Women International, 29, 568-592.  

    Bina, R., Harnek Hall, D.M., Mollette, A., Smith-Osborne, A., Yum, J., Sowbel, L., & Jani, J. (2008). Substance abuse training and perceived knowledge: Predictors of perceived preparedness to work in substance abuse. Journal of Social Work Education, 44, 7-20. 

    Ringel, S. & Bina, R. (2007). Understanding Causes of and Responses to Intimate Partner Violence in a Jewish Orthodox Community: Survivors' and Leaders' Perspectives. Research on Social Work Practice, 17, 277-286. 

    Bina, R. & Schneider, S. (1998). Milieu therapy with adolescents in an ultra-orthodox religious setting: religious and therapeutic boundaries. Therapeutic Communities, 19:159-166.  



    Bina, R. (2016, January). Screening for postpartum depression: Predictors of participation in a screening initiative (Symposium presentation). 20th annual conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR).Washington, DC. 

    Bina, R. & Barak, A. (2017, January). Positive-productive and negative-oppressive attitudes of social workers towards implementing an Interpersonal Therapy intervention for postpartum depression. 21st annual conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). New Orleans, LA. 

    Bina, R. (2017, February). Holes in the welfare system: service providers' and clients' points of view. Session Chairperson. 8th Espanet conference. Ramat Gan, Israel. 

    Bina, R., Honovich, M., Levinson, D., & Ferber, Y. (2017, May). Perceived preparedness of Tipat Chalav nurses to implement a screening program for emotional difficulties: Identifying postpartum depression symptoms.  12th Annual Conference for Health Policy, Tel Aviv, Israel. 

    Bina, R., Posmontier, B., Glasser, S., Cinamon, T., & Styr, B. (2017, November). Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Postpartum Depression in Social Work Practice. 19th Annual Conference of the Israeli National Association of Social Workers, Tel Aviv, Israel. 

    Bina, R. Posmontier, B., Glasser, S., Cinamon, T., & Styr, B. (2018, January). Incorporating Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Postpartum Depression into Social Work Practice. 22nd annual conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). Washington D.C. 

    Bina, R. (2018, January). Research on Interpersonal Psychotherapy for mental health in culturally diverse, low-resource settings (Symposium presentation). 22nd annual conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). Washington D.C. 

    Bina, R. (2018, July). Health behaviors among people with severe mental illness: The role of motivation, self-efficacy, social support and information. 13th world congress of the World Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation (WAPR), Madrid, Spain. 

    Bina, R. (2018, July). Cultural adaptation of rehabilitation services- challenges and solutions: The case of the Jewish ultra-orthodox community (Roundtable presentation). 13th world congress of the World Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation (WAPR), Madrid, Spain. 

    Bina, R. & Hermetz, S. (January, 2019). Factors associated with women's acceptability of a screening program for postpartum depression. 23rd annual conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). San Francisco, CA. 

    Bina, R. & Watted, A. (January, 2019). Predictors of health behaviors among people with severe mental illness residing in the community. 23rd annual conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). San Francisco, CA. 

    Hermetz, S. & Bina, R. (February, 2019). Are women in Israel interested in participating in the national postpartum depression screening procedure? 10 Annual Conference of ESPAnet-Israel, Rupin, Israel.  

    Merzbach, R. & Bina, R. (February, 2019). Intention to Seek Professional and Non - Professional Emotional Help Among Young Jewish Adults from various religious sectors. 10 Annual Conference of ESPAnet-Israel, Rupin, Israel. 

    Bina, R., Glasser, S., Honovich, M., Levinson, D. & Ferber, Y. (March, 2019). Nurses perceived preparedness to screen, intervene, and refer suspected postpartum depression cases. 8th World Conference On Women’s Mental Health. Paris, France. 

    Bina, R. & Hermetz, S. (March, 2019). Women's acceptability of postpartum depression screening. 8th World Conference On Women’s Mental Health. Paris, France. 

    Bina, R. (June, 2019). Predictors of postpartum distress service use: A theory-informed integrative systematic review. 32nd annual Postpartum Support International Conference. Portland, Oregon. 

    Mennen, F.E., Bina, R., Kye Price, S., Palmer Molina, A. (January, 2020). Screening for Maternal Depression in Mothers of Young Children:  Considerations with Low-Income and Racial/Ethnic Minority Populations (Roundtable presentation). 24th annual conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). Washington, DC. 

    Bina, R., Levy, D., Itzhaky, H. (January, 2020). The role of community and interpersonal factors in promoting health behaviors among people with severe mental illness. 24th annual conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). Washington, DC. 

    Bina, R., Fonseca, A., Ganho-Ávila, A., van den Berg, M., Lupattelli, A., de la Fe Rodríguez Muñoz, M., Ferreira, P. Nakic Rados, S. (October, 2020). Emerging issues and questions on perinatal depression prevention, diagnosis and treatment: A consensus report from the COST Action RISEUP-PPD. The International Marce Society Biennial Scientific Conference. Iowa City, IA (virtual). 

    Bina, R., Glasser, S., Honovich, M., Ferber, Y., Hermetz, S. (October, 2020). Screening for postpartum depression: Are health providers prepared for screening and do women find it acceptable? The International Marce Society Biennial Scientific Conference. Iowa City, IA (virtual). 



    7664101 - שיקום והחלמה בבריאות הנפש

    7672601 - יסודות השיקום וההחלמה בבריאות הנפש

    7695001 - ניהול בארגונים חברתיים (סמינריון)

    7695101 - ניהול בארגונים חברתיים (פרקטיקום)

    • בריאות הנפש סביב הלידה: דיכאון וחרדה
    • שיקום והחלמה בבריאות הנפש
    • בריאות פיזית אצל מתמודדים עם מחלות נפש
    • בריאות הנפש בקהילה החרדית
    • פניה לקבלת טיפול נפשי
    • מוכנות מקצועית בתחום הטיפול

    תאריך עדכון אחרון : 03/02/2025