Thesis and Dissertatations

Year Student Advisor
2023 The association between illness representations, body image and death anxiety in women with Fibromyalgia: The mediating role of coping strategies and the moderating role of perceived social support MA Oved More Dr. Shiri Shinan Altman
2023 The association between information, motivation to change, social support and perceived self-efficacy, and health behavior regarding hialthy diet, exercise and smoking avoidance among Arabs and Jews with mental illness in Israel MA Watted Abeer Dr. Rena Bina
2023 The Association Between Parenting Stress and Personal Growth in the Transition to Motherhood - The Role of Maternal Compassion Preoccupation, Mentalization, Perfectionism and the Baby’s Age MA Katz Avigail Prof. Orit Taubman - Ben-Ari
2023 The concept of the grow of a couple's relationship, whom are suffering from PTSD, through intervention of cognitive behavioral therapy MA Shmueli Azulay Tfila Prof. Rachel Dekel
2023 The contribution of childhood maltreatment of the caregiving dispositions, personal growth, and parenting style MA Donel Hila Prof. Ricky Finzi-Dottan
2023 The Contribution of Differentiation of the Self, Couple Caregiving, and Intimacy to Marital Satisfaction and Perceptions of Infidelity MA Ariel Shlomtzion Prof. Ricky Finzi-Dottan
2023 The Contribution of Individual, Personality, and Contextual Factors to Parenting Stress Among Mothers of More Than One Child: A Comparison of “Late” Parenthood Mothers to “On Time” Parenthood Mothers PhD Balkanyi-Nehora Muriel Prof. Liat Kulik
2023 The Contribution of Personal and Social Resources and Health Behavior to the Subjective Personal Well-being of Social Services Clients PhD Gefen Eti Prof. Haya Itzhaky
2023 The Contribution of Personal and Social Resources to Volunteering among People Living in Poverty MA Kotler Levy Hila Dr. Shlomit Weiss Dagan
2023 The contribution of personality and cognitive variables to the well-being, personal growth and marital satisfaction of women undertaking fertility treatments MA Meir Roni Prof. Orit Taubman - Ben-Ari
2023 The Experience of Mothers of Female Drop-Outs from the "Haredi" High School Education System MA Berkman Meital Dr. Drorit Levy
2023 The Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Perinatal Women in Israel: Depression, Anxiety & Perceived Social Support MA Gibly Sophia Dr. Rena Bina
2023 The Intent of "Kenhila Negisha" community activists to add activists with a mental disability to their community: The contribution of sense of community cohesion, self-esteem, sense of representation in the community and prior contact with a person with a MA Ganim Roni Dr. Rena Bina
2023 The Perception of Parental figures and the Significance of Religious Belief in the lives of Adults in the Ultra-Orthodox community, who were exposed to Intimate Partner Violence in Childhood MA Shalom Hagbi Naama Prof. Rachel Dekel
2023 The Perceptions of Social Workers in the Field of Child Protection the Media Coverage of their Work MA Caspi Hila Dr. Shirley Ben-Shlomo
2023 The Professional Identity and Experience of Social Workers Who Grew Up In Poverty and Deprivation MA Givon Inbar Dr. Sagit Lev
2023 The Relationship between Childhood Trauma and Attachment to Rejection Sensitivity and Fear of Intimacy MA Abadi (Porat) Hila Prof. Ricky Finzi-Dottan
2023 The Role of Traumatic Life Events, Parental Acceptance and Rejection, Self-Efficacy and Support Systems to positive and negative emotions - A comparative Study of Young Adults Raised in Different Settings MA Engber Carmel Dr. Shirley Ben-Shlomo
2023 Utilization of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services (Sal Shikum) among People Coping with Severe Mental Illnesses: The Contribution of Knowledge, Attitudes, Relationship with the Professional Mental Healthcare Provider, and Shared Decision-Making MA Kofman Ita Dr. Rena Bina
2022 (Self-)ageism and Everyday Information and Communication Technology Use in Later Life PhD Kottl Hanna Prof. Liat Ayalon
2022 Change Process in Prolonged Exposure Therapy for PTSD - An Account of Two Cases MA Reshef Lior Prof. Sara Freedman
2022 Compassion Fatigue and Growth among CERT volunteers MA Rachmani Ruth Prof. Haya Itzhaky, Dr. Shlomit Weiss Dagan
2022 Coping Mechanisms of Social Workers Managing the Guardianship Process of Hospitalized Senior Citizens MA Sharabi Naama Prof. Liat Ayalon
2022 Couple Interrelationship: The Contribution of Narcissistic Traits, Intimacy, and Couple Caregiving to Marital Sexual Satisfaction MA Reisner Riff Adi Prof. Ricky Finzi-Dottan
2022 Domestic Abusers and Men Who Murdered their Partners: Differences from Personal, Personality, and Situational Perspectives MA Pinto Ickovits Yaara Dr. Anat Ben-Porat