Dr. Yael Karni Visel

Fields of Interest

People with disabilities and their families; Interview skills; Early childhood; Child development


    Higher Education

    1997 - B.A. (with Distinction) - University of Haifa-School of Social Work

    2000 - M.S.W. (Dean’s List) - University of Haifa-School of Social Work

    2017 - Ph.D. - University of Haifa-School of Social Work

    September 2017 – August, 2019 - Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. Supervisor: Prof. Michael E. Lamb. Topic: Nonverbal emotions while disclosing child abuse: the role of interviewer support.

    Professional Functions


    2021-2022 - ISF Foundation

    2022-2023 - Doctoral theses, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

    2024 - Research proposals, Shalem Foundation

    Journal Reviewer

    • Legal and Criminological Psychology
    • Pediatrics
    • Psychology, Crime and Law
    • Public Policy and Law
    • Applied Developmental Science
    • Child Abuse & Neglect
    • Psychology, Public Policy, and Law
    • Child & Family Social Work
    • Children and Youth Services Review
    • Hevra Ve’revacha [Hebrew]


    2021-present - The Israeli Association for Child Development and Rehabilitation, Committee Member

    2022-present - Women’s Health Committee, Beit Izzy Shapiro, Committee Member

    Scholarships, Awards and Prizes

    2000 - Hasia Foulks Foundation, First prize for excellence in the BA studies

    2001 - Haifa University, Encouragement scholarship, excellence second year MA

    2002 - Brener-Meridor Foundation, Excellence scholarship

    2003 - Haifa University, Qualified for the Dean's List with high honors

    2013-2016 - Faculty of Health and Welfare, University of Haifa, Ph.D. scholarship

    2016 - Meuhedet HMO, First prize for Excellence in Research

    2017 - School of Social Work, University of Haifa, Encouragement scholarship for Post-doc students

    2017 - 2019 - Department of Psychology University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK, Post-doc scholarship

    2021 - AAIDD - American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Early Career Professional Scholarship (SECP) Award

    2024 - Bar-Ilan University, Outstanding Lecturer Award, Faculty of Social Sciences



    Professional Publication

    Edri, H. T., Karni-Visel, Y., Nissim, D., Reinhertz, L., Gamliel. A. A., Arbel Alon, S., Shedlovksy-Peres, Y., & Ganot, S. (2024). Guidelines for conveying bad news to individuals with a disability during the Iron Swords War [Hebrew]. https://www.kshalem.org.il/knowledge_area/bitter-news/

    Chapters in Books

    Lamb, M. E., Hershkowitz, I., Karni-Visel, Y. & Blasbalg, U. Supportively questioning children about suspected abuse. Chapter prepared for G. Goodman (Ed.), The Handbook of Child Witnesses: Improving Psychological Science and Legal Practice (Accepted). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

    Articles in Refereed Journals

    Edri, H.T. & Karni-Visel, Y. (2024). Resilience Beyond Disability: Professionals’ Perception of the Needs of Individuals with Developmental Intellectual Disability Coping with Loss. Mugbalut Vi’Hevra, 4 *The first author is a thesis mentee. https://kb.beitissie.org.il/digital/mugbalut-hevra/[Hebrew]

    Roth, D., Karni-Visel, Y., Lev, S., & Werbeloff, N. (2024). Transition from routine to emergency in wartime among families with a child with a disability: Family quality of life and mental welfare. Mugbalut Vi’Hevra, 3. https://kb.beitissie.org.il/item/5836/ [Hebrew]

    Karni-Visel, Y., Dekel, D., Sadeh., Y., Sherman, L., & Katz., U. (2024). “You have to find a way for this child to be at the center”: Pediatric cardiologists’ views on triadic communication in consultations on congenital heart defects. Health Communication, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2024.2329422

    Karni-Visel, Y., Baum, N., & Schertz, M. (2024). Understanding autism and its treatment: The child’s perspective. Social Science & Medicine, 354, 117066.‏ https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2024.117066

    Karni-Visel, Y., Hershkowitz, I., Lamb, M. E., & Blasbalg, U. (2023). Nonverbal emotions while disclosing child abuse: The role of interviewer support. Child Maltreatment, 28(1), 66-75. https://doi.org/10.1177/10775595211063497

    Karni-Visel, Y., Nasser, K., Manishevitch, H., Akrt, S., & Schertz, M. (2023). Family quality of life in children with severe or profound disability: Home versus residential care. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 44(1), e32-e40. https://doi.org/10.1097/DBP.0000000000001138

    Karni-Visel, Y., Atun-Einy, O., & Ben-Sasson, A. (2023). Social workers’ knowledge of autism and self-efficacy in its diagnosis and interventions. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 108, 102251.‏ https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rasd.2023.102251

    Karni-Visel, Y., Ali-Saleh Darawshy, N., Schertz, M., & Roth, D. (2023). Quality of life between the hammer and the anvil: Challenges of living with a disability in areas of protracted political conflict. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 21(1), e12472. https://doi.org/10.1111/jppi.12472

    Karni-Visel, Y., Hershkowitz, I., Lamb, M. E., & Blasbalg, U. (2022). Emotional valence and the types of information provided by children in forensic interviews. Child Abuse & Neglect, 129, 105639, ‏1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2022.105639

    Schertz, M., Karni-Visel, Y., Genizi, J., Manishevitch, H., Lam, M., Akawi, A., Dudai, M., Fenton, A. A., & Bikson, M. (2022). Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) in children with ADHD: A randomized, sham-controlled pilot study. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 155, 302-312.‏‏ https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpsychires.2022.08.022

    Hershkowitz, I., Lamb, M. E., Blasbalg, U., & Karni-Visel., Y. (2021). The dynamics of two-session interviews with suspected victims of abuse who are reluctant to make allegations. Development and Psychopathology, 33(2), 739-747. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0954579420001820

    VanMeter, F., Henderson, H., Konovalov, H., Karni-Visel, Y., & Blasbalg, U. (2021). Children’s narrative coherence in ‘Achieving Best Evidence’ forensic interviews and courtroom testimony. Psychology, Crime & Law, 29(2), 203-221. https://doi.org/10.1080/1068316X.2021.2018438

    Blasbalg, U., Hershkowitz, I., Lamb, M. E., & Karni-Visel, Y. (2021). Adherence to the revised NICHD protocol recommendations for conducting repeated supportive interviews is associated with the likelihood that children will allege abuse. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 27(2), 209-220. https://doi.org/10.1037/law0000295

    Schertz, M., Karni-Visel, Y., Genizi, J., Manishevitch, H., Hershkowitz, F., Lam, M., ... & Bikson, M. (2020). P11 Adverse effects reported by children with ADHD undergoing transcranial direct current stimulation. Clinical Neurophysiology, 131(4), e16-e17. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.clinph.2019.12.122

    Karni-Visel, Y., Hershkowitz, I., Flaisher, M., Hershkowitz, F. & Schertz, M. (2020). Increased Risk for Child Maltreatment in those with Developmental Disability: A Health Care Perspective from Israel. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 106, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ridd.2020.103763

    Hershkowitz, I., Lamb, M. E., Blasbalg, U., & Karni‐Visel, Y. (2020). The dynamics of two-session interviews with suspected victims of abuse who are reluctant to make allegations. Development and Psychopathology. 33(2), 739-747. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0954579420001820

    Karni-Visel, Y., Hershkowitz, I., Lamb, M. E., & Blasbalg., U. (2019). Facilitating the Expression of Emotions by Alleged Victims of Child Abuse During Investigative Interviews Using the Revised NICHD Protocol. Child Maltreatment, 24(3), 310-318.‏ https://doi.org/10.1177/1077559519831382

    Ahern, E. C., Hershkowitz, I., Lamb, M. E., Blasbalg, U., & Karni-Visel, Y. (2019). Examining reluctance and emotional support in forensic interviews with child victims of substantiated physical abuse. Applied Developmental Science, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1080/10888691.2017.1387057

    Blasbalg, U., Hershkowitz, I., Karni-Visel, Y. (2019). Support, Reluctance and Production in Child Abuse Investigations. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 24(4), 518-527. https://doi.org/10.1037/law0000183

    Blasbalg, U., Hershkowitz, I., Lamb, M. E., Karni-Visel, Y., & Ahern, E. C. (2019). Is interviewer support associated with the reduced reluctance and enhanced informativeness of alleged child abuse victims? Law & Human Behavior, 43(2), 156-165.‏  https://doi.org/10.1037/lhb0000303

    Schertz, M., Karni-Visel, Y., Hershkowitz, I., Flaisher, M., & Hershkowitz, F. (2018). Child maltreatment identification rates in a child development center: suggestions for improved detection. European Journal of Pediatrics, 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00431-018-3163-5

    Hershkowitz, I., Ahern, E. C., Lamb, M. E., Blasbalg, U., Karni‐Visel, Y., & Breitman, M. (2017). Changes in interviewers' use of supportive techniques during the Revised Protocol training. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 31(3), 340-350. https://doi.org/10.1002/acp.3333

    Schertz, M., Karni-Visel, Y., Tamir, A., Genizi, J., & Roth, D. (2016). Family quality of life among families with a child who has a severe neurodevelopmental disability: Impact of family and child socio-demographic factors. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 53, 95-106. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ridd.2015.11.028

    Papers presented at scientific conferences

    2003 - Effectiveness of field instruction & the development of social work students' professional identity (Poster). The First International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision. Buffalo, US.

    2012 - Quality of Life Among Families of Children with Developmental Disabilities. The 19th Biennial Child Development Association Conference. The Dead Sea, Israel.

    2012 - Informing Diagnosis of Severe Developmental Disabilities in Institutes for Child Development (Poster). The 19th Biennial Child Development Association Conference. The Dead Sea, Israel.

    2013 - Multi-interface Challenges at Work (invited lecture). Meuhedet HMO, Physicians Conference. Haifa, Israel.

    2014 - Quality of Life among Families of Children with Developmental Disabilities (Poster). Health Management Conference, Ministry of Health. Jerusalem, Israel.

    2014 - Quality of Life among Families of Children with Developmental Disabilities . The 20th Biennial Child Development Association Conference. Jerusalem, Israel. 

    2015 - Quality of Life among Families of Children with Developmental Disabilities . International Conference on Disabilities. Tel-Aviv, Israel.

    2015 - Responding sensitively to children who are reluctant to disclose abuse: Evaluation of a nationwide training program for forensic interviewers (with Dr. Uri Blasbalg). Haruv International Congress. Jerusalem, Israel.

    2015 - Identifying Suspected Maltreatment of Children in Child Development Centers in Israel. Meuhedet HMO Social Workers Conference. Rishon L'Zion, Israel.

    2016 - Training interviewers to manage reluctance: comparing the Revised-NICHD and Elaborated-Revised NICHD Protocols (with Dr. Elizabeth Ahern; co- presenter). American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference. Atlanta, US.

    2016 - The association between emotional expression and type of information children report about parental abuse: The role of emotional support. Haruv International PhD Seminar.  Jerusalem, Israel.

    2016 - "Double Risk": Identifying Suspected Maltreatment of Children in Child Development Centers in Israel (invited keynote presentation). Meuhedet HMO Conference on Quality and Innovation. Airport City, Israel.

    2016 - "Double Risk": Identifying Suspected Maltreatment of Children in Child Development Centers in Israel. The 21st Biennial Child Development Association Conference. Jerusalem, Israel.

    2017 - The association between emotional expression and type of information children report about parental abuse: The role of emotional support. Haruv International Congress. Jerusalem, Israel.

    2017 - "Double Risk" - Identifying Suspected Maltreatment of Children in Child Development Centers in Israel. Social Work Conference. Tel-Aviv, Israel.

    2017 - "Double Risk" - Identifying Suspected Maltreatment of Children in Child Development Centers in Israel (Poster). Quality in Medicine. Tel-Aviv, Israel.

    2018 - Emotional expression and children’s reports of intra-familial abuse (Presenter). American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference. Mississippi, US.

    2018 - The association between emotional expression and children’s reports of intra-familial abuse: The facilitating role of emotional support (Poster). American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference. Mississippi, US.

    2018 - The associations among interviewer support, child reluctance, and informativeness in forensic interviews with alleged victims of intra-familial abuse. American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference. Mississippi, US.

    2018 - The effects of support on the coherence of children’s forensic statements (Poster). American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference. Mississippi, US.

    2018 - Evidence-Based Best-Practice in conducting, coding and evaluating child forensic interviews (Co-presenter: Prof. Irit Hershkowitz). The IIIRG 10th Annual Conference. Porto, Portugal.

    2018 - Facilitating the expression of emotions by alleged victims of child abuse during investigative interviews using the Revised NICHD Protocol. The IIIRG 10th Annual Conference. Porto, Portugal.

    2018 - Does interviewer support promote the forensic informativeness of alleged child abuse victims? (Co-presenter: Dr. Uri Blasbalg). The IIIRG 10th Annual Conference. Porto, Portugal.

    2019 - How does the support emphasizing Revised NICHD Protocol enhance children’s informativeness? (Co-presenter). American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference. Portland, Oregon, US.

    2019 - Correspondence between verbal and non-verbal behavior: Children’s reactions while disclosing abuse (Chair and presenter). The IIIRG 11th Annual Conference. Stavern, Norway.

    2019 - The effects of interviewer’s Support on the Coherence of Child Abuse Forensic Statements: Comparing the Revised and Standard NICHD Protocols (Co-presenter). The IIIRG 11th Annual Conference. Stavern, Norway.

    2020 - Adverse Effects Reported by Children with ADHD Undergoing Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (Co-presenter). 7th International Conference on Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation (NIBS).  Baden-Baden, Germany (virtual).  

    2021 - Home or Residential Setting Care: The Optimal Setting for Families Raising a Child with Severe Intellectual Disability. AAIDD 145th Annual Meeting – Virtual Conference.

    2021 - Home or Residential Setting Care: The Optimal Setting for Families Raising a Child with Severe Intellectual Disability. The 23rd Biennial Child Development Association Conference. Israel (virtual).

    2021 - Home or Residential Setting Care: The Optimal Setting for Families Raising a Child with Severe Intellectual Disability (Poster). Meuhedet HMO Conference on Quality and Innovation. Jerusalem, Israel.

    2021 - Home or Residential Setting Care: The Optimal Setting for Families Raising a Child with Severe Intellectual Disability (Poster). Meuhedet HMO Conference on Child Development. Ramat-Gan, Israel.

    2022 - Formal support: expectations and experience of parents raising children with severe or profound intellectual disabilities. 34th Annual Meeting European Academy of Childhood Disability (EACD) 2022. Barcelona, Spain.

    2022 - Formal support: expectations and experience of parents raising children with severe or profound intellectual disabilities. AAIDD 146th Annual Meeting, Florida, US. via Zoom.

    2022 - Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in children with ADHD: a randomized, sham-controlled pilot study (Poster). Neuroergonomics & Neuromodulation. NYC, US.

    2022 - Formal support: expectations and experience of parents raising children with severe or profound intellectual disabilities (invited keynote presentation). IASSID 2022 international conference, Virtual.

    2022 - Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) in children with ADHD: A Randomized, Sham-Controlled Pilot Study (Co-presenter). 3rd International ADHD Congress 2022. Tel-Aviv, Israel.

    2022 - Home or Residential Setting Care: The Optimal Setting for Families Raising a Child with Severe Intellectual Disability. The Israel National Institute for Health Policy Research. Tel-Aviv, Israel.

    2023 - Understanding Autism and Its Treatment: A Child’s Point of View. 35th Annual Meeting European Academy of Childhood Disability (EACD). Ljubljana, Slovenia.

    2023 - Social workers’ ASD knowledge and clinical self-efficacy regarding autism diagnosis and interventions: The role of professional background (Poster). 35th Annual Meeting European Academy of Childhood Disability (EACD). Ljubljana, Slovenia.

    2023 - Social workers’ ASD knowledge and clinical self-efficacy regarding autism diagnosis and interventions: The role of professional background (Poster). JSWEC Conference 2023. Glasgow, Scotland.

    2023 - Triadic Communication in Consultations Regarding Congenital Heart Defects in a Pediatric Setting. EHPS 37th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Bremen, Germany.

    2023 - In the Eyes of the Beholder: Child–Physician Rapport at a Neurodevelopmental Clinic (Poster). EHPS 37th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Bremen, Germany.

    2023 - War and Disabilities (invited lecture). Disabilities Studies Forum. Jerusalem, Israel.

    2023 - Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) influences brain activity in children with ADHD (Co-presenter). The 24th Biennial Child Development Association Conference. Tel-Aviv, Israel.

    2023 - Formal Support: Expectations and Experience of Parents Raising Children with Severe or Profound Intellectual Disabilities. The 24th Biennial Child Development Association Conference. Tel-Aviv, Israel.

    2023 - Social Workers’ ASD Knowledge and Clinical Self-Efficacy Regarding Autism Diagnosis and Interventions: The Role of Professional Background. The Israel National Institute for Health Policy Research. Tel- Aviv, Israel.

    2023 - Formal Support: Expectations and Experience of Parents Raising Children with Severe or Profound Intellectual Disabilities (Poster). The Israel National Institute for Health Policy Research. Tel- Aviv, Israel.

    2023 - In the Eyes of the Beholder: Child–Physician Rapport at a Neurodevelopmental Clinic (Poster). The 28th Annual Conference of the Israeli Society for Quality in Medicine. Tel-Aviv, Israel.

    2023 - Triadic Communication in Consultations Regarding Congenital Heart Defects in a Pediatric Setting (invited presentation). The Annual Conference of the Israeli Pediatric Cardiology Association.  Israel. postponed due to wartime.  

    2024 - Quality of Life during Wartime (invited lecture). SIRG Research Roundtable, via Zoom.

    2024 - Quality of Life during Wartime. The Israeli Sociological Society Conference. Jerusalem, Israel.

    2024 - Quality of Life during Wartime (invited presentation)Beit Issie Shapiro and Bar-Ilan University conference. Ramat-Gan, Israel.  


    7610603 - Fundamentals of Social Work

    7630601 - Neurodevelopmental Diversity : Personal, Familial and Social Aspects

    7641901 - Developmental Disabilities: Introduction to theory and practice

    7642001 - Theory and Practice in the Treatment of Families

    7687201 - Learning Disabilities: From Theory to Practice

    • Personal, familiar, and social aspects of coping with disability
    • Vulnerability and resilience in children
    • Identification and treatment of children at risk
    • Promoting treatment quality among welfare and health professionals
    • Promoting professional knowledge and communication skills of professionals who work with children

    Last Updated Date : 22/01/2025