Prof. Rachel Dekel
Trauma; Post Trauma; Domestic Violence
1999 |
Ph.D. |
Tel-Aviv University, School of Social Work |
1993 |
M.A. |
Hebrew University, School of Social Work (Graduated Cum Laude) |
1990 |
B.A. |
Hebrew University, School of Social Work (Graduated Cum Laude) |
Research Grants
2016-2018 |
The Israeli Ministry of Welfare (Co-PI with Dr. Ben-Porat, A.): The role of complex PTSD and it’s contribution to family violence |
2016-2018 |
The Israeli ministry of defense: the families wing (Co-PI with Nuttman-Shwartz, O.): The re-instatement of government benefits to widows of military veterans: characterizations and implications |
2016 |
European Association of School of Social Work (EASSW) (Co-PI with Nuttman-Shwartz, O. college and 4 partners from School of Social Work in Europe): Challenges for the social work profession at a time of a global migration crisis: Is a new social work curriculum needed? |
2015 |
WIZO (Co-PI with Dr. Ben-Porat): The experience of men who turn for assistance to Violence Prevention Centers in Israel |
2013 |
Israel Science Foundation: Research workshop grant: Trauma and the family: a life span perspective |
2012 |
I- CORE: Israeli Centers of Research Excellence: Mass Trauma |
2012 |
The Israeli Ministry of Defense, The Rehabilitation Wing: Implementation of the evaluation report on the unique needs of IDF disabled women |
2011 |
The Rehabilitation Wing, The Israeli Ministry of Defense: Evaluating the unique needs of women with disabilities. |
2011 |
The Israeli Ministry of Social Affairs. With Dr. Ben-Porat and Prof. Itzhaky, Bar Ilan University. Research Project: Ministry of Social Affairs - a longitudinal study on battered women in shelters. |
2011 |
University of Minnesota - Co PI with Prof. Abi Gewirtz. Research Project: The role of parents in Israeli families exposed to political violence. |
2011 |
Israel Science Foundation - Principal Investigator. Research Project: Couples' adaptation following the Second Lebanon War. |
2010 |
The Israel Ministry of Immigrant Absorption. With Dr Ben-Porat and Prof Itzhaki, Bar Ilan University. Research Project: A follow-up research on new-immigrant battered women staying in shelters. |
2010 |
The Israeli Ministry of Health. With Prof. Soskolne, Bar Ilan University. Research Project: The consequences of chronic exposure to security threats on glycemic control in patients with diabetes mellitus. |
2006 |
Meir General Hospital. Research Project: Follow-up of Lebanon War 2 victims. |
2004 |
Meir General Hospital. Research Project: Follow-up of terrorist victims. |
2004 |
The Rachel and J. L. Gewurz Center for Gender Research, the Program in Gender Studies, Bar-Ilan University. Research Project: Motherhood in terror. |
2003 |
Israel Science Foundation - Co-Principal Investigator with Prof. Solomon, Tel-Aviv University. Research project: Psychological aftermath of being a prisoner of war: A Longitudinal Study of the Yom-Kippur War. |
2003 |
Rehabilitation Wing, Israel Ministry of Defense - Principal investigator in collaboration with Prof. Solomon and Prof Bleich. Research project: Evaluation of mental disability among veterans with PTSD. |
2001 |
Internal grant by the Committee for the Promotion of Research, Bar Ilan University. Research project: Psychological aftermath of being a prisoner of war: A Longitudinal Study of the Yom-Kippur War. |
Additional Information
2012-2016: Head of the School of Social Work, Bar-Ilan University.
2012-present: Member of Information Committee: Social Work Council of Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services
2010-2012: Deputy Director and Chair of Bachelor's Degree Program, the School of Social Work, Bar-Ilan Universuty.
2011: Member of Disciplinary Committee (Bar-Ilan University).
2009-present: Member of the Committee for Advanced Graduate Students (The Faculty of Social Sciences).
2004-present: Editorial board: Anxiety, Stress, & Coping.
2004-present: Reviewer of Journals.
2009-present: Reviewer of abstracts for International conferences:
The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies- Program Deputy, Atlanta.
13TH ESTSS Conference (European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies), Bologna.
2009: The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies- Program Deputy, Atlanta.
2004-present: Reviewer of research proposal: Israel Academy of Science and Humanities (ISF); Bi-national Foundation of Science (BSF); The Haruv Institute` Health & Medical Research Fund - The Government of Hong Kong, SAR
2004: Guest editor, Society and Welfare: Special issue: The impact of ongoing terror on the Israeli society (Hebrew).
Organization of Scientific Conferences
2004: "Conservation of Resources Theory: Stress and Trauma” Guest Lecturer: Prof. Steven Hobfoll, University of Kent, in collaboration with the Department of Psychology
2009: Program Deputy: The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Atlanta, U.S.A.
2012: Scientific Committee: From Helplessness to Active Coping Tel- Hai College
2014: Organization of Research Workshop: ISF International Conference on Trauma and the Family: A Life Span Perspective
Voluntary activities
Information Committee, Social Work Council, Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services - operates within the Social Workers' Act - 1991. The Committee is authorized to rule on issues related to providing information by Social Workers.
2016 – On the Board of Directors of The Rackman Center, which works towards the advancement of the status of women, Bar-Ilan University
Papers Presented at Scientific Conferences
Year |
Subject of Conference |
Place |
Subject of Presentation |
Second World Conference of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies |
Jerusalem, Israel |
Posttraumatic residuals of captivity: A follow up of Israeli ex-POWs |
PYRGOS International Conference on Violence in the Family |
Nicosia, Cyprus |
The complex relationship between the private mother and the general mother in shelters for battered women |
Personality and Trauma |
Warsaw, Poland |
Coping with war captivity |
The X Annual Conference of the Israel Psychiatric Association |
Jerusalem, Israel |
The role of social disability in assessing psychological disability among PTSD veterans |
Evaluating Shelters for Run-Away Youth |
Tel-Aviv, Israel |
Evaluation of shelters for homeless youths: Do they meet the youths' needs |
Conference of Social Workers in Mental Health Services |
Maaela Hamischa, Israel
The ongoing trauma of the battered women |
The X Annual Conference of Gender and Women's Studies |
Tel-Aviv, Israel |
From front line to home front |
Social Workers in General Hospitals |
Jerusalem, Israel |
Longitudinal follow up of terror victims
The 8th European Congress of Psychology |
Vienna, Austria |
The role of personality resources in coping with captivity |
25th International Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society |
Amsterdam, Holland |
Does acute stress disorder predict PTSD: Longitudinal results from a follow-up study of victims of a terror attack |
The international society for traumatic stress studies |
New Orleans, U.S.A. |
Secondary traumatization among spouses of ex-POWs |
Adler research center for child welfare and protection |
Tel-Aviv, Israel |
Secondary traumatization among children of veterans with PTSD |
The IXth European Congress of Psychology |
Athens, Greece |
PTSD and Post Traumatic Growth Following Qassam Attacks: Correlations and contributing factors among development town and kibbutz residents |
School of Social Work, Boston University |
Boston, USA |
The consequences of captivity on veterans and their spouses: Lessons learned from the Israeli experience |
VA National Center for PTSD, Women’s Health Sciences Division |
Boston, USA |
Trapped in captivity: Secondary traumatization and growth among wives of former prisoners of war |
School of Education, Harvard University |
Boston, USA |
Children in the face of terror |
2008 |
The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
Chicago, USA |
The contribution of ways of coping and sense of belonging in times of ongoing terror
2008 |
The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
Chicago, USA |
The adjustment of Israeli young adolescents following the Second Lebanon War
2009 |
Ashkelon Academic College |
Ashkelon, Israel |
Secondary traumatization among workers who intervene with offenders |
2009 |
Sapir Academic College, Israel Trauma Coalition for Response and Preparedness |
Sderot, Israel |
Traumatizing Shared Reality, the case of the South of Israel |
2009 |
The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies |
Atlanta, U.S.A |
Trapped in captivity
2010 |
Military Family Research Institute at Purdue University |
Indianapolis, U.S.A. |
Veterans with PTSD and their spouses: chanisms of transmission of distress
2010 |
Ashkelon Academic College |
Ashkelon, Israel
The consequences of veterans post-traumatic distress on their spouses |
2011 |
Society for Social Work and Research |
Florida, U.S.A. |
Secondary Traumatization among adult offspring of male veterans with PTSD: The role of the mother-child relationship |
2011 |
The 5th Scientific Conference in remembrance of Prof` Victor Florian |
Ramat-Gan, Israel |
Together and alone: Marital relationship in the shade of PTSD
2011 |
25th European Health Psychology Conference |
Crete |
The contribution of marital satisfaction to depressive symptoms following acute coronary syndrome: Testing dyadic dynamics in a longitudinal design |
2011 |
The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies |
Baltimore, U.S.A. |
Multiple losses of social resources following collective trauma: The case of the forced relocation from Gush Katif |
2011 |
Public Health School Columbia University |
NYC, U.S.A. |
Together and alone: The effects of PTSD on marital relations |
2012 |
Trauma through the Life cycle |
Hebrew University, Jerusalem Israel |
The effects of PTSD: Dyadic perspective |
2012 |
Therapists at the Front: Symposium for Youth Law Officials |
Bar-Ilan University, Israel |
Developmental trauma in children suffering from violence within the family |
2012 |
The First Annual International Women & War Conference: Building an Interdisciplinary Dialogue |
Hydra, Greece |
The effects of combat related PTSD on female spouses: Lessons learned from the Israeli experience |
2013 |
13th ESTSS Conference Trauma and its Clinical Pathways: PTSD and Beyond |
Bologna, Italy |
Ambiguous loss PTSD and marital relations |
2014 |
International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference |
New Hampshire |
Posttraumatic symptoms in battered women who seek help in shelters |
2015 |
I-CORE Winter School Workshops |
Tel-Aviv |
Secondary Traumatization: |
2015 |
Vilnius, Lithuania |
The double-sided role of empathy in the emergence of Secondary Traumatization |
2015 |
European Conference Domestic Violence (ECDV) |
Ireland |
Using an ecological model to predict PTSD and well-being among women entering shelters |
2016 |
University of Haifa |
Haifa |
You, me, and war: Couples and post trauma |
2016 |
Freie Universität Berlin |
Berlin, Germany |
Shame, guilt and PTSD in the marital dyad |
2016 |
ISTSS: Listening to Trauma: Insights & Actions |
Washington, USA |
Shame and guilt in the dyadic context |
2016 |
Dallas, USA |
The Interpersonal paradox of trauma: Principles and practice of treating trauma in couple and family systems |
2016 |
Psychology Department, University of British Columbia |
Vancouver, Canada |
The effects of PTSD on families: |
2017 |
Psychology Department, University of British Columbia |
Vancouver, Canada |
Traumatic events and their multiple effects |
7678401 - Crisis and Trauma: Coping and Recovery (Seminar)
7678501 - Crisis and Trauma: Coping and Recovery (Practicum)
7681101 - Thesis Seminar
1. Coping and adjustment following traumatic events |
2. Secondary traumatization: The implications of traumatic events on the family system and on the therapists |
3. Domestic violence |
4. Gender and disability |
Last Updated Date : 06/10/2024