Dr. Drorit Levy
Immigration; Community practice in social work; Supervision in social work; Voluntarism
2008 |
Ph.D. |
Bar-Ilan University, School of Social work |
1997 |
M.A. |
Bar-Ilan University, School of Social work |
1992 |
B.A. |
Bar-Ilan University, School of Social work |
Bina, R., Levy, D., Alfayumi-Zeadna, S., Mesquita, A. R. M., Costa, R., Domínguez-Salas, S., ... & Motrico, E. (2025). Changes to social and healthcare providers support in the perinatal period: Impact on coping strategies, depression and anxiety. Midwifery, 104295.
Weiss-Dagan, S., Aviv, I., Eliyahou, A., Levy, D., Makaros, A., Freiberg, S., & Zriker, A. (2024). A community social work paradigm: Thoughts and reflections. Social Work, 69(1), 35-42.
Costa, R., Mesquita, A., Motrico, E., Domínguez‐Salas, S., Dikmen‐Yildiz, P., Saldivia, S., ...Levy, D… & Pinto, T. M. (2024). Unmet needs in mental healthcare for women with clinically significant symptoms of perinatal depression and/or anxiety during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica.
Mesquita, A., Costa, R., Bina, R., Cadarso-Suárez, C., Gude, F., Díaz-Louzao, C., ...Levy, D… & Motrico, E. (2023). A cross-country study on the impact of governmental responses to the COVID-19 pandemic on perinatal mental health. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 2805.
Weiss-Dagan, S., Aviv, I., Eliyahou, A., Levy, D., Makaros, M., Freiberg, S., & Zriker, A. (2023). Road Map: Forming a Paradigm for Community Social Work. Society & Welfare.
Levy, D., & Freiberg, S. (2022). Client Perspectives Regarding the Effects of a Community-centred Programme Aimed at Reducing Poverty and Social Exclusion. The British Journal of Social Work.
Wilson, C. A., Gómez-Gómez, I., Parsons, J., Costa, R., Mesquita, A., Vousoura, E., ...Levy, D.,... & Motrico, E. (2022). The Mental Health of Women with Gestational Diabetes During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An International Cross-Sectional Survey. Journal of Women's Health.
Refaeli, T., Weiss-Dagan, S., Levy, D., & Itzhaky, H. (2022). “We Are Young, We Run Free”: Predicting Factors of Life Satisfaction among Young Backpackers. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(3), 1429.
Alfayumi-Zeadna, S. Bina, R., Levy, D., Merzbach, R. & Zeadna, A. Alfayumi-Zeadna, S., Bina, R., Levy, D., Merzbach, R., & Zeadna, A. (2022). Elevated Perinatal Depression during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A National Study among Jewish and Arab Women in Israel. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11(2), 349.
Ben Shlomo, S., Priel‐Moldovan, S., & Levy, D. (2022). Separation‐individuation from the community among religious Jewish teens in Israel. Journal of Community Psychology.
Weiss-Dagan, S., Levy, D., Refaeli, T. & Itzhaky, H. (2021). Emerging adulthood among backpackers: The contribution of internal and external factors to sense of community. Journal of Community Psychology.
Motrico, E, …. Levy, D…& Mesquita, A. Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on perinatal mental health (Riseup-PPD-COVID-19): Protocol for an international prospective cohort study. (2021). BMC Public Health.
Ben-Porat, A., Gil, L., Brafman, D., Zriker, A., & Levy, D. (2021). Secondary traumatic stress and posttraumatic growth among volunteers at a therapeutic riding center: The role of personal and environmental factors. Current Psychology, 1-10.
Kalnisky. M. & Levy, D. (2020) Unauthorized Migrants in Israel: The Contribution of Threat Variables and Personal and Community Resources to the Perception of Social Distance toward Migrants from Africa, Journal of Community Psychology.
Tuval-Mashiach, R., Levy, D., Refaeli, T., Polak-Verdiger, N., Zeira, . & Benbenishty (2019). Between being unique and being like everyone else: The development of sense of agency in young women at risk. Children and Youth Services Review.
Levy, D., Ben-Porat, A., Katora, O., Dekel, R. & Itzhaky,H. (2019). Predicting Depression among Jewish and Arab Israeli Women Who Are Victims of Intimate Partner Violence. Violence Against Women.
Levy, D. & Friedman, Y. (2018). Post- Forced Eviction Communities: The Contribution of Personal and Environmental Resources to the Sense of Belonging to the Community. Journal of Community Psychology.
Refaeli, T. Levy, D. & Benbenishty, R. (2018) Self-Esteem, Life Satisfaction, and Positive Future Perception among at-Risk and Comparison Group Participants in National Civic Service, Journal of Social Service Research, DOI: 10.1080/01488376.2018.1476292
Ben-Porat, A., Levy, D., Katora, O., Dekel, R. & Itzhaky,H. (2017). Domestic Violence in Arab Society: A Comparison of Arab and Jewish Women at Shelters in Israel. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Zeira, A., Tuval-Mashiach, R., Meir, G., Levy, D., Refaeli, T., Benbenishty, R. (2017). Alumni of National Civic Service: Comparing the experience of at-risk and mainstream volunteers. International Social Work. DOI: 10.1177/0020872817695393
Levy, D. & Itzhaky, H. (2016). Adjustment of women immigrants from Ethiopia: The contributing factors, Social Development Issues, Volume 38, Number 2, pp. 1-16(16).
Refaeli, T., Levy, D., Ben-Port, A., Dekel, R. & Itzhaky, H. (2016). Personal and environmental predictors of depression among victims of intimate partner violence: Comparison of immigrant and Israeli-born women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence (IF=1.21; Q2 Criminology & Penology, 18/55). DOI:10.1177/0886260516651624
Itzhaky, H., Zanbar, L, Levy, D. & Schwartz, C. (2015). The Contribution of Personal and Community Resources to Well-Being and Sense of Belonging to the Community among Community Activists, The British Journal of Social Work, 45 (6):1678-1698.
Levy, D., Ben Shlomo, S, Itzhaky, H. (2014). The "Building Blocks" of Professional Identity Among Social Work Graduates, Social Work Education. 33, 744 - 759
Levy, D. (2013). The Experience of Civilian National Service for Youth at Risk: A Description of the Participants' Perspectives toward the End of their Service. Bitachon Sociali, 91,(Hebrew)
Levy, D., Itzhaky, H. & Schwartz, C. (2012). The Contribution of Personal Resources and Community Variables to the Development of Self-Perceptions of Activists as Community Leaders. Society & Welfare, 32(4), 535-551. (Hebrew)
Levy, D., Benbenishty, R & Raphaeli, T. (2012). Life satisfaction and positive perceptions of the future among youth at-risk participating in Civic-National Service in Israel. Children and Youth Services Review, 34, 2012-2017.
Levy, D., Itzhaky, H., Zanbar, L & Schwartz, C. (2012). Sense of cohesion among community activists engaging in volunteer activity. Journal of Community Psychology, 40, 735-746.
Ben Shlomo, S., Levy., D., & Itzhaky, H.(2012). Development of professional identity among social work students: The contributing factors. The Clinical Supervisor, 31, 1 - 16.
Levy, D. & Itzhaky, H. (2011). The Contribution of Intervention Program to Development of Leadership among Ethiopian Immigrant Women Who Engage in Volunteer Activity, Social Development Issues, 33(2), 46-61.
Itzhaky, H. & Levy, D. (2002). "Contribution of self-esteem and gender to the adaptation of immigrant youth from Ethiopia: Differences between tow mass immigration", Journal of Social Work Research & Evaluation, 3, 33-46.
Zeira, A., Benbenishty, R.,Tuval-Mashiach,R., Levy, D., & Raphaeli, T., Polak-Verdinger, N. (2014). Evaluations of national service for youth at risk, from the perspective of youth in national service programs. Research Report, Bar Ilan University, The Hebrew University (in Hebrew).
Benbenishty, R., Levy, D., & Raphaeli, T. (2011). Evaluations of national service for youth at risk, from the perspective of youth in national service programs today. Research Report, Bar Ilan University, presented to the Gandyr Foundation (in Hebrew).
Levy, D. Public Policy and Multiculturalism, by Bashir, B., Ben-Porat, G. & Yonah, Y. Society & Welfare. (2018). (Hebrew).
Hovav, M., Lewental, E. & Katan, J. (2012). Social work in Israel. Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuhad (Hebrew).
7610301 - The Welfare State in a Changing Reality
7622601 - Intervention Methods in Community Social Work
7622701 - Community and Social Management 1
7625501 - Individuals in the Community
76770002 - Theoretical Concepts in Advanced Practice in Social Work
- Immigration
- Community practice in social work
- Supervision in social work
- Voluntarism
Last Updated Date : 21/01/2025