Head, Clinical Practice Program

Dr. Shirley Ben-Shlomo

תחומי עניין

Family; parenthood; Children and adolescents; Media and social marketing

    קורות חיים


    2006 - P.h. D. -  Bar Ilan University. School of Social Work.

    2002 – M.A. -   Bar Ilan University.  School of Social Work.

    1994 – B.A. – Tel Aviv University.  School of Social Work.


    Awards / Honors

    2014 - Grant from the "Therapeutic Riding Association". Research on feelings of parents of children with Attention Deficit Disorder / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Bbefore intervention through therapeutic riding and after.

    2014 - Grant from the ministry of "Social Affairs and Social Services", for evaluation research on the subject of animal  - assisted therapyin child maltreatment.CO PI with Prof. Nehami Baum.

    2014 - Grant  from the Israel Science Foundation(ISF)  for research on the subject of Trajectories of Mental Health and Personal Growth among Women undergoing Fertility Treatment. Co PI with: Prof Orit Taubman Ben Ari, Dr Eran Horowitz and Dr Yossi Azuri. 

    2011-2012 - Foundation IHEL (On the name of Chaim and Sara Bezinover Dragonester). Research subject: "The contribution of medical and socio-demographic variables to the length of fertility treatments and to medical and mental aspects following birth". Co PI with Prof. Orit Taubman – Ben – Ari.

    2010 -  Outstanding lecturer. Bar Ilan University.

    2002 – 2006 -  President's scholarship for outstanding doctoral students, Bar Ilan   University.


    Papers Presented at Scientific Conferences

    Ben Shlomo, S. (1998). " Play therapy in the child's home environment". Care of children in the community. Jerusalem. Israel

    Ben Shlomo, S. (2006). "Loss and Growth in the Transition to Grandmotherhood" . 3rd European Conference on Positive Psychology University of Minho, Braga, Portugal

    Ben Shlomo, S. (2008). "(not) a knitting grani". The parallel transition to motherhood and maternal grandmotherhood" - A Glimpse to Social Work Research. The Louis and Gabi Weisfeld School of Social Work, Bar-Ilan University, Israel

    Ben Shlomo, S. (2008)."Dreams and remember in the process of supervition" – voices, memories and pictures. The Annual Supervision Conference. The Louis and Gabi Weisfeld School of Social Work, Bar-Ilan University, Israel

    Ben Shlomo, S., Taubman - Ben-Ari, O., Findler, L., Sivan, E., & Dolizki, M. (2008). " When a baby is born a mother is born" - Mental health costs and growth in the transition to first motherhood". The 3rd National Conference on Promoting Mental Health among Women. Ben Gurion University, Israel

    Ben Shlomo, S. (2008) "Clinical work with an autistic child. From the Black Hole of Nothingness to the Emergence of Meaning". The 4th Frances Tustin International Conference(Mutual conference of the Tel Aviv University Sackler Faculty of Medicine, School of Continuing Medical Education Program of Psychotherapy and The Frances Tustin Memorial Trust Los Angeles – Tel Aviv, Israel

    Ben Shlomo, S. (2009). "It is so good that you came home". Creative ways to establish a relationship with clients and to persuade them to enter therapy .The Haruv Institute and The Social Service of Haifa Municipality, Israel

    Taubman – Ben Ari, O., Ben Shlomo,S., & Findler, L. (2009). "Meaning in life and personal growth among new mothers" International Congress on Positive Psychology ,Philadelphia, U.S.A

    Ben Shlomo,S., & Levin – Keini, N. (2009). "Between Supervising and Containing". The 5th International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision. Buffalo, NY, U.S.A

    Ben Shlomo, S., Levy, L., & Itzhaky, H. (2009). "From Student to Professional". The 5th International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision., Buffalo, NY, USA

    Ben Shlomo, S. (2009). "Sugarless coffee" – Therapeutic meeting with adolescent girl and juvenile diabetes" Teenage, Disease and the gap between them. Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel

    Ben Shlomo, S. (2010). "New Mothers and Grandmothers: Personal Growth and Meaning in Life in Women's Life Transitions". 5th Congress of the European Society on Family Relations ,ESFR 2010, Milano, Italy

    Ben Shlomo, S., Levy, L., & Itzhaky, H. (2010). The contribution of satisfaction with training, personal variables and values to professional identity among social work students. The first Israeli social work training  Conference , Tel – Hay, Israel

    Ben Shlomo, S., Findler, L., & Taubman – Ben-Ari, O. (2011). Stress and Satisfaction in life following the transition to grandparenthood  The 32nd international conference of the stress and anxiety research society(STAR). Munster, Germany

    Taubman - Ben-Ari, O., Findler, L., & Ben Shlomo, S. (2011). Personal Growth in  the   Wake of the Transition to Grandfatherhood. 15th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Bergen, Norway

    Ben Shlomo, S., Taubman – Ben-Ari, O., & Findler, L. (2012). It's time for growth: Men's Personal growth in  the  Wake of the Transition to Grandfatherhood. 19th Biennial conference of the Israeli association of gerontology. Tel – Aviv, Israel

    Ben Shlomo, S., Taubman – Ben-Ari, O., & Findler, L. (2012). New grandparents'  perception of growth and its associations with stress and cognitive appraisal. The 3rd international conference of the stress and anxiety research society (STAR). Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

    Ben Shlomo,S., Zabari, S, & Finzi – Dotan ,R.(2013). Maternal stress among mothers of latency children: The role of childhood maternity, childhood trauma and self differentiation. The 34nd international conference of the stress and anxiety research society (STAR).Faro,Portugal.
    Ben Shlomo, S., & Levin – Keini, N (2013). Between teaching and containing – The transition from student to therapeutic professional. International Conference on Information and Social Science. Nagoya, Japan.
    Ben Shlomo,S., & Taubman Ben Ari, O.(2014). An intergenerational view on mens' life satisfaction following the transition to first grandfatherhood – the unique and combined contribution of fathers’ and grandfathers’ variables.The 20th Biennial conference of the Israeli association of gerontology. Tel – Aviv, Israel.

    Ben Shlomo, S., & Taubman-Ben - Ari, O. (2014). "An intergenerational view on mens' personal growth following the transition to first grandfatherhood – the unique and combined contribution of fathers’ and grandfathers’ variables". Scientific symposium in collaboration with: Prof Orit Taubman Ben Ari ; Dr Liora Findler (Bar Ilan University) and Prof Suzan Ayers ; Dr Alexandra Sawyer (City University London).28th International Congress of Applied Psychology. Paris. 

    Ben Shlomo,S., & Taubman-Ben - Ari, O. (2015). An intergenerational view on mens' personal growth following the transition to first grandfatherhood – the unique and combined contribution of fathers’ and grandfathers’ variables. Scientific symposium in collaboration with: Prof Orit Taubman Ben Ari; Noy Adi; Porat Ziman Gina and Skavirsky Vera. The 36nd international conference of the stress and anxiety research society(STAR).Tel Aviv, Israel.

    Ben Shlomo,S., Taubman–Ben-Ari O., Pascal M., Azuri,Y. ,& Horowitz,E. (2015)  Life Satisfaction of Women with and without Children in Early Stages of Fertility Treatment. The 14th European Congress of Psychology. Milan, Italy.

    Ben Shlomo, S., Taubman – Ben-Ari, O., Azuri, Y., & Horowitz, E. (2015).  Positive and negative emotions and life satisfaction of women at the beginning of fertility treatment. 2nd Biennial Perinatal Mental Health Conference. Chicago, Illinois.

    Taubman – Ben-Ari, O., Skvirski, V., Ben Shlomo, S., Azuri, J., & Horowitz, E. (2015). The Contribution of Age and Internal and External Resources to the Mental Health of Women Entering Fertility Treatments. 2nd Biennial Perinatal Mental Health Conference. Chicago, Illinois.


    Editorial activities:

    Journal of Child and Family Social Work

    Psychology of Women Quarterly

    Psychotherapy Research

    Journal of Nervous and mental disease

    Society & Welfare (Hebrew)

    Journal of Clinical Psychiatry

    Stress & Health

    Journal for General Social Issues

    Aging and Mental Health

    British Journal of Social Work


    Additional Information

    2010 - 2012 - Coordinator of  B.A. first year  basic studies.

    2010 -  Graduate  of  the center for psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy studies. (three years program). Specializing in children and youth.

    2010 - Member(voluntary) of the editorial staff of the journal "point of meeting". Haruv institution.

    2008 – 2010 – Coordinator of the media group in the frame of a community project.    



    Ben Shlomo, S., Taubman – Ben-Ari, O., Pascal M., Azuri, Y. ,& Horowitz, E.(in press). Life  satisfaction of women in early stages of fertility  treatmentWomen & Health.

    Ben Shlomo,S.,&  Ben Haim, S.(in press). Past Experience with Maternal Parenting among Mothers of Pre-school Children, and Maternal Acceptance-Rejection: The Moderating Role of the Caregiving System". British  Journal of Social Work.

    Ben Shlomo,S.,& Taubman – Ben-Ari O. (in press).Child adjustment to first   grade as perceived by the parents - The role of  parent's personal growth. Stress & Health.

    Ben Shlomo, S., & Taubman - Ben-Ari, O. (2016). What factors may assist social workers to promote life satisfaction and personal growh among first-time grandfathers? Child and Family Social Work.

    Ben Shlomo,S., & Levin- Keini, N.(2015). Who Owns the Trauma? A Kleinian Perspective on the Dialogue Between Child Protection Social Workers and the Media. Child and Family Social Work.

    Taubman – Ben-Ari, O., & Ben Shlomo, S. (2014). Measuring the personal growth of new grandparents: A practical tool for social workers. Research on Social Work Practice.

    Levy, D. Ben Shlomo, S, Itzhaky, H. (2014). The "Building Blocks" of Professional Identity Among Social Work Graduates, Social Work Education. 33, 744 - 759

    Ben Shlomo, S., Taubman Ben Ari, O., & Findler, L. (2014). Opportunity for personal growth in the transition to grandparenthood - The role of perceived stress and cognitive appraisal. Society & Welfar. (Hebrew).

    Taubman – Ben-Ari, O., Ben Shlomo, S., & Findler, L. (2014). First-time parents’ and grandparents’ perceptions of growth and their associations with self-esteem, cognitive appraisal, and social support: A dyadic approach. Journal of Family Social Work.17, 229 – 250.

    Ben Shlomo, S. (2014). What makes first time grandparents more satisfied with life?. Stress & Health30, 23 -33

    Taubman - Ben-Ari, O., Findler, L., & Ben Shlomo, S. (2013). When couples become grandparents: Factors associated with the growth of each spouse. Social Work Research37, 26-36.

    Ben Shlomo, S., Levy., D., & Itzhaky, H.(2012). Development of professional identity among social work students: The contributing factors. The Clinical Supervisor31, 1 - 16.

    Ben Shlomo, S., & Taubman-Ben - Ari, O.(2012). New Grandparents Mental Health: The protective role of optimism, self mastery and social support. Journal of Family Social Work, 15, 254-271.

    Taubman - Ben-Ari, O., Ben Shlomo, S., & Findler, L. (2012). Personal growth and meaning in life among first-time mothers and grandmothers. Journal of Happiness Studies, 13, 801-820.

    Taubman - Ben-Ari, O., Findler, L., & Ben Shlomo, S. (2012). Personal growth and the transition to grandfatherhood. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 74, 265-285.

    Ben Shlomo, S. (2010). Practice for creating a therapeutic alliance with abusive parents. Society & Welfare(Hebrew). 

    Ben-Shlomo, S., Taubman - Ben-Ari, O., Findler, L., Sivan, E., & Dolizki, M. (2010). Becoming a grandmother: Maternal grandmothers' mental health, loss, and   growth. Social Work Research34, 33-44.

    Taubman - Ben-Ari, O., Ben-Shlomo, S., Sivan, E., & Dolizki, M. (2009). The transition to motherhood: A time for growth. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology28, 943-971.

    Taubman - Ben-Ari, O., Findler, L., Bendet, C., Stanger, V., Ben-Shlomo, S., & Kuint, J. (2008). Marital adaptation of mothers following the birth of twins and singletons: Empirical evidence and practical insights.Health & Social Work3, 189-197.

    Findler, L., Taubman - Ben-Ari, O., & Ben Shlomo, S. (2005). Self-esteem and willingness to help people with and without disabilities among young Ultra-Orthodox Jewish women, Journal of Religion, Disability and Health,9, 67-83.



    Winnicott, D.W. (2010). True self, False Self. Tel Aviv: Am Oved Publishers (Hebrew).



    Ben Shlomo, S., & Taubman – Ben-Ari, O. (in press). On adding “Grand” to “parenthood”. In L. Findler & O. Taubman – Ben-Ari, Grandparents of children with disabilities - Theoretical perspectives of intergenerational relationships.


    7626601 - Social Work with Children and Youth

    76750001 - Social Issues in the light of Research and the Media 

    7685801 -Treatment in Children and Youth - Seminar

    7685901 - Treatment in Children and Youth - Practicum


    1. Developmental transitions in family life.

    2. Parenting and parents-children Relations.

    3. Puberty, adolescents.

    4. Media coverage of topics related to the treatment of children and youth.

    Last Updated Date : 27/09/2023