Thesis and Dissertatations

Year Student Advisor
2022 Emotional and Cognitive Empathy among People with Borderline Personality Disorder: The Role of Attachment Orientation, Self-Esteem, and Social Support MA Yasho Hadar Dr. Nomi Werbeloff Becker
2022 First Party Bodily Memory" Consistency of Traumatic Memories, Their Physical and Mental Implications Throughout Three Decades: Lebanon War Veterans Narratives Analysis" PhD Baum Hedy Prof. Rachel Dekel
2022 Health-Related Quality of Life among People with Borderline Intellectual Functioning and Obesity MA Inbar Goldshtein Netta Dr. Shiri Shinan Altman
2022 Intimate Partner Violence: Men's Explanations of their Marital Experience PhD Shaked Omer Zvi Prof. Nehami Baum
2022 Mindfulness, Therapy and Personal Development: Therapists' Perspectives MA Reznik Or Dr. Adi Barak
2022 Perception of Motherhood and the Contribution of Mental Distress, Differentiation of Self, and Marital Satisfaction to Personal Growth among Mothers of Twins MA Schreier Tivoni Avia Prof. Orit Taubman - Ben-Ari
2022 Personal Recovery from Posttraumatic Stress: The Contribution of Self-Disclosure, Peer Support and Self-Stigma PhD Goldberg Miriam Prof. Rachel Dekel
2022 Professional motives and a sense of calling among social workers: The worker's perspectives and experiences MA Rose Michael Prof. Nehami Baum
2022 Secondary Traumatization and Personal Growth among Mental Health Officers who Treat Patients with Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Suicidal Behavior: The Role of Cognitive and Personal Characteristics MA Moryosef Shir-ly Prof. Orit Taubman - Ben-Ari
2022 The aging experiences of Israeli men who participated in day centers MA Aronsberg Or Prof. Liat Ayalon
2022 The Association between Perfectionism, Suicidal Ideation and Psychological Distress among Military Unit Leaders: The Moderating Role of Work-Related Stress and Social Support MA Balush Tal Dr. Nomi Werbeloff Becker
2022 The Associations between Thoughts on Fertility Problems Death anxiety and Aspects of Parenthood PhD Yuzuk Keren Prof. Orit Taubman - Ben-Ari
2022 The Contribution of Emotional Intelligence and Participation in Therapy as Resilience Resources to Couple and Work Interpersonal Relationships Among People Who Have Experienced Childhood Sexual Abuse PhD Volpin Neta Prof. Sara Freedman
2022 The Contribution of Individual, Dyadic and Social Factors, to the Personal Recovery of People with Mental Illness in Spousal Relationship PhD Dekel Shoshana Prof. Nehami Baum
2022 The Contribution of Personal and Community Resources to the Emotional Well-Being of Postpartum Women MA Barda Yisca Dr. Rena Bina
2022 The Contribution of Self-awareness and Sources of Support to Personal Growth – A Comparison between First-time Mothers and Fathers MA Katz Teichner Shahar Prof. Orit Taubman - Ben-Ari
2022 The Couplehood Experience of Eritrean Women Asylum Seekers Living in Israel MA Boaron Sara Prof. Rachel Dekel
2022 The experience of siblingship, from the perspective of adults with borderline intellectual functioning, with non-disabled siblings, in the context of their ageing processes MA Wertheimer-Shina Inbar Prof. Liat Ayalon
2022 The Relationship between Battered Woman Syndrome, Parenting Competence, and Economic and Employment Status MA Sarusi Dredik Nofar Dr. Anat Ben-Porat
2022 The Relationship between Resources and Spousal Power Relations: A Comparative Analysis of Migrant Bukhara Women in Israel and the United States, and Israeli Women of Ashkenazi Origin MA Itzhak Ella Prof. Liat Kulik
2022 The Sounds of Silence: The Lived Experience of Men Diagnosed with Breast Cancer: The perspectives of Men and Healthcare Providers PhD Levin Dagan Naama Prof. Nehami Baum
2022 The Subjective Well-Being of Adults with ADHD: The Contribution of Self-Differentiation, Self-Esteem and Self-Determination MA Weizman Shir Prof. Liora Findler
2022 Traumatization and Personal Growth among Professionals Working with Children with Disabilities PhD Shaked Noa Prof. Liora Findler
2022 Well-Being Among Adult Children of a Parent with Mental Disability: The Contribution of the Conservation of Resources Theory and the Subjective Well-Being Homeostasis Theory MA Gur Klebanov Dana Prof. Liora Findler
2021 "It Hurts When You Touch" - The Experience of Men Who Have Been Sexually Abused by Women MA Tuval Adva Prof. Rachel Dekel