Dr. Shlomit Weiss Dagan

Fields of Interest

Poverty; Poverty and Social Work; Child welfare Policy; Trauma; Social Policy


    Shlomit holds BA, MA, and Ph.D. all from Bar-Ilan University.  Her dissertation titled ‘Child Abuse Therapists: Factors of Secondary Traumatization, Vicarious Post Traumatic Growth and Sense of Treatment Effectiveness among Child Protection Workers in Israel’ done under the supervision of Prof. Haya Itzhaky and Dr. Anat Ben Porat. After completing her PhD Shlomit conducted post-doctorate research at the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn), hosted by the head of PhD program in the School of social policy, Prof. Ram Cnaan.

     Shlomit practical experience derives from working as a social worker at the social welfare department of Mevaseret Zion where she worked with distressed families, youth at risk, and drug-addicted.

    Her current research fields are social policy, poverty, and child welfare policy and practice.


    Kissil, K., Itzhaky, H., Weiss-Dagan, S. (2016). International tourists’ reactions to a natural disaster: Experiences of the 2015 earthquake in Nepal among Israeli travelers, Journal of Traumatic Stress, 29, 522-529.

    Weiss-Dagan, S., Ben-Porat, A., Itzhaky, H. (2016). Child protection workers dealing with child abuse: The contribution of personal, social and organizational resources to secondary traumatization. Child Abuse & Neglect51, 203-211.

    Itzhaky, H. Weiss-Dagan, S., Ben-Porat, A. (2017). The contribution of effective supervision and its three functions to the secondary traumatization of social workers who treats child abuse. Society & Welfare (Hebrew).

    Itzhaky, H., Weiss-Dagan, S., Taubman Ben-Ari, O., (2018). Internal and community recourses' contribution to level of posttraumatic symptoms - The case of tourists after the earthquake in Nepal, 2015. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy (2017).

    Weiss-Dagan, S., Itzhaky, H., Taubman Ben-Ari, O. Backpackers in the Nepal 2015 Earthquake: The Contribution of Personal and Social Resources to Mental Health. Journal of Community Psychology 46, 689-700.

    Weiss-Dagan, S., Ben-Porat, A., & Itzhaky, H. (2018). The Contribution of Role Characteristics and Supervisory Functions to Supervision Effectiveness. Clinical Social Work Journal46, 341-349.

    Weiss-Dagan, S., & Cnaan, R. A. (2020). Understanding the evolution of national child welfare policies: The case of Israel. Children and Youth Services Review108, 104515.‏

    Weiss-Dagan, S., Ben-Porat, A., & Itzhaky, H. (2020). Secondary traumatic stress and vicarious post-traumatic growth among social workers who have worked with abused children. Journal of Social Work, 1468017320981363.‏

    Weiss-Dagan, S., & Krumer-Nevo, M. (2021). Poverty Awareness: Development and Validation of a New Scale for Examining Attitudes regarding the Aetiology and Relational–Symbolic Aspects of Poverty. The British Journal of Social Work.‏

    Weiss‐Dagan, S., Levi, D., Refaeli, T., & Itzhaky, H. (2021). Emerging adulthood among backpackers: The contribution of internal and external factors to sense of community. Journal of Community Psychology.


    7641501 - Social Case Work for Community Social Workers

    7660202 - Intervention Methods with Groups

    7662701 - Poverty Aware Social Work

    7682901 - Social work and social policy changes


    • Analysis and comparison of social policy
    • Poverty
    • Poverty and social work
    • Child welfare policy
    • Secondary traumatization
    • Post-traumatic growth

    Last Updated Date : 27/09/2023