Prof. Liat Kulik

Fields of Interest

Gender; Marital relationships; The world of work; Volunteering




    Bar-Ilan University, Sociology and Anthropology


    Technion, Haifa, Industry and Management


    Bar-Ilan University, Psychology



    Kulik, L. (1989). Burnout among working mothers. Avoda verevaha vebituah leumi, 7, 287-294. (Hebrew).

    Kulik, L. (1990). Dual-career families: Benefits and costs. Avoda Vrevaha vebituah Leumi, 12, 35-38. (Hebrew).

    Kulik, L. (1992). Changes in the conjugal balance of power, in resources and in life orientations before and after retirement. Gerontology, 56-57, 80-90 (Hebrew).

    Kulik, L. (1993). The conjugal division of power in late adulthood in Israeli  society. Sociological Papers, 2(4), 1-18.

    Kulik, L. (1994). Differences in attitudes to work between Israeli born students and  students from the former soviet republics. Adam ve-Avodah, 5, 1-12 (Hebrew).

    Kulik, L. (1995). Perceptions of conjugal relations among Israeli males: pre-retirement vs. early and late retirement phases. Contemporary Family Therapy, 18(1), 115-128.

    Kulik, L. (1995). The impact of ethnic origin and gender on perceptions of gender roles: The Israeli experience. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality: Gender in the Workplace, 10(6), 199-214.

    Kulik, L. (1995). The impact of ethnic origin and gender on image of occupations and salience of work rewards: A multicultural approach. International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling, 18(2), 85-96.

    Kulik, L. (1995). Attitudes of retired men toward conjugal life: The Israeli context. International Review of Modern Sociology, 25(2), 1-16.

    Kulik, L. (1995). Attitudes of traditional and modern men toward the conjugal balance of power in late adulthood: A comparative analysis. Gerontology, 69, 35-48 (Hebrew).

    Kulik, L. (1996). Contemporary perceptions of work and occupations among Israeli students: Are there gender differences? Journal of Psychology and Judaism, 20(3), 233- 247.

    Kulik, L., & Bareli, H. (1997). Continuity and discontinuity in attitudes toward marital power relations: Pre-retired vs. retired husbands. Aging and Society, 17, 571-591.

    Kulik, L. (1997). Sex-typing of occupations in the Israeli education system: Students versus teachers. Journal of Career Development, 24(2), 103-114.

    Kulik, L. (1998). Life orientation and work attitudes of Israeli males who make atypical career choices. Journal of Psychology and Judaism, 22(2), 101-115.

    Kulik, L. (1998). Anticipated dependence: A determinant in an integrative model of conjugal power relations among elderly couples. Journal of Aging Studies, 1(4), 363-377.

    Kulik, L. (1998). Inter and intra-gender differences in life orientations and work attitudes. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 20(2), 95-111.

    Kulik, L. (1998). Occupational sex-typing and occupational prestige: A comparative study of adolescent and adults in Israeli. Youth and Society, 30(2), 164-181.

    Kulik, L. (1998). The effect of gender and social environment on gender role perceptions and sex identity: A comparative study of kibbutz and urban adolescence in Israel. Journal of Community Psychology, 30(6), 533-548.

    Kulik, L. (1999). Marital power relations, resources and gender role ideology: A multivariate model of assessing effects. Journal of Comparative Family Studies. 30(2), 189-206.

    Kulik, L. (1999). Continuity and discontinuity in marital life after retirement: Life orientations, gender-role ideology, intimacy, and satisfaction. Families in Society, 80(3), 286-294.

    Kulik, L. (1999). The impact of evaluation procedure on occupational sex-typing at different educational levels. Journal of Career Assessment, 7(4), 415-427.

    Kulik, L. (1999). Perception of conjugal balance of power: A comparison of pre-retired   husbands. Hevra Verevah [Society and Welfare], 19(2), 171-191 (Hebrew).

    Kulik, L. (2000). Gendered personality disposition and gender role attitudes among Israeli students. The Journal of Social Psychology, 139(6), 736-747.

    Kulik, L. (2000). Intrafamiliar congruence in gender-role ideology: Husband-wife versus parents-offspring. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 31(1), 91-106.

    Kulik, L. (2000). Gender identity, sex typing of occupations, and gender role ideology among adolescents: Are they related? International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling, 22(1), 43-56.

    Kulik, L. (2000). The impact of education and family attributes on attitudes and responses to unemployment among men and women. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 27(2), 161-184.

    Kulik, L. (2000). Women perceptions of work, family and society: A comparative analysis of Israeli and Soviet immigrants. Self, Agency & Society, 3(1), 96-119.

    Kulik, L. (2000). Women face unemployment: A comparative analysis of age groups. Journal of Career Development, 27(1), 15-33.

    Kulik, L. (2000). Jobless men and women: A comparative analysis of job search intensity attitudes towards unemployment and related responses. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 73, 487-500.

    Kulik, L. (2000). The impact of gender and age on attitudes and reactions to unemployment: The Israeli case. Sex Roles, 43(1-2), 85-102.

    Kulik, L. (2001). The impact of gender and age on attitudes and reactions to unemployment: The Israeli case. Bitahon Soziali59, 107-123 (Hebrew).

    Kulik, L. (2001). The impact of men’s and women’s retirement on marital relations: A comparative analysis. Journal of Women and Aging, 13(2), 21-37.

    Kulik, L. (2001). Marital relationships in late adulthood: Synchronous versus asynchronous couples. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 52(4), 323-339.

    Kulik, L. (2001). Marital relations in late adulthood, throughout the retirement process.  Ageing and Society, 21, 447-469.

    *Kulik, L. (2001). Marital relations in the retirement process: Men versus women. Society  and Welfare, 21(4), 467-488. (Hebrew).

    Kulik, L. (2001). Assessing job search intensity and unemployment-related attitudes  among young adults. Journal of Career Assessment, 9(2), 153-167.

    Kulik, L. (2001). Attitudes toward spousal caregiving and their correlates among aging  women. Journal of Women and Aging, 13(3), 41-58.

    Kulik, L. (2001). Attitudes toward spousal caregiving in late adulthood: Retirement versus   pre-retirement phase. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 35(2), 37-57.

    Kulik, L. (2002). Attitudes toward spousal caregiving in late adulthood: Comparative analysis of retired versus pre-retired persons. Bitahon Soziali, 62, 90-113 (Hebrew).

    Kulik, L. (2001).The impact of gender and marital status on attitudes and responses to  unemployment. Sociological Practice:  A Journal of Clinical and Applied Sociology, 3(1), 19-32.

    Kulik, L. (2001). The impact of length of unemployment and age on jobless men and women: A comparative analysis. Journal of Employment and Counseling, 38(1), 15-27.

    Kulik, L. (2002). The impact of social background on gender role ideology: Parents’ versus children’s attitudes. Journal of Family Issues, 23(1), 53-73.

    Kulik, L. (2002). Equality in marriage, marital satisfaction, and life satisfaction: A comparative analysis of pre-retired and retired men and women in Israel. Families in Society, 83(2), 197-208.

    Kulik, L. (2002). Perceived effects of voluntarism on marital life in late adulthood. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 29(2), 35-52.

    Kulik, L. (2002). Marital equality and the quality of long term marriage in later life. Ageing  and Society, 22, 459-481.

    *Kulik, L. (2003). Predicting burnout and marital satisfaction in late adulthood. HevraVerevaha Society and Welfare], 23(4), 411-434. (Hebrew).

    Kulik, L. (2002). "His" and "her'' marriage: Differences in spousal perceptions of marital life in late adulthood. In S.P. Shohov (Ed.), Advances in psychology research (vol. 17). New York: Nova Science Publishers.

    *Kulik, L., & Kronfeld, M. (2003). Predicting adjustment to breast cancer: The contribution of resources and causal attributions regarding the illness. Hevra Verevaha [Society and Welfare], 23(1), 75-101. (Hebrew).

    Kulik, L., & Rayyan, F. (2003). Wage-earning patterns, perceived division of domestic labor and social support. Sex Roles48(2), 53-66.

    Kulik, L. (2002). Like-sex vs. opposite-sex effects: Transmission of gender role ideology  from parents to adolescents in Israel. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 31(6), 451-457.

    Kulik, L., & Rayyan, F. (2003). Spousal relations and well-being: A comparative analysis of Jewish and Arab dual-earner families in Israel.  Journal of Community Psychology, 31(1), 57-73.

    Kulik, L. (2003). Morning passages from home to work among managers in Israel: Inter-gender differences. Sex Roles48(5/6), 205-215.

    Kulik, L. (2004). Strategies for managing home-work conflict and psychological well-being among Jews and Arabs in Israel: The impact of sex and sociocultural context. Families in Society, 85(1), 139-147.

    Kulik, L. (2004). The impact of birth order on intergenerational transmission of attitudes from parents to adolescent sons: The Israeli case. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 33, 149-157.

    Kulik, L. (2004). Perceived equality in spousal relations, marital quality, and life satisfaction: A comparison of elderly wives and husbands. Families in Society, 85, 243-250.

    Kulik, L. (2004). Transmission of attitudes regarding family life from parents to adolescents in Israel. Families in Society, 85(3), 345-353.

    Kulik, L. (2004). Predicting gender-role attitudes among mothers and their adolescent daughters in Israel. Affilia, 19, 437-449.

    Kulik, L. (2004). The relationship between background variables and sex-typing of gender roles and children’s chores: The Israeli case. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 45, 365-384.

    Kulik, L. (2004). Predicting gender role attitudes among husbands and wives in Israel: A comparative analysis. Sex Roles, 51(9/10), 575-587.

    Kulik, L., & Kronfeld, M. (2005). Adjustment to breast cancer: The contribution of esources and causal attributions regarding the illness. Social Work in Health Care, 41(2), 37-57.

    Kulik, L. (2005). Predicting gender role stereotypes among adolescents in Israel: The impact of background variables, personality traits, and parental factors. Journal of Youth Studies, 8, 111-129.

    Kulik, L. (2005). Impact of background variables on attitudes about family life: A comparative analysis of parents and offspring in Israel. (A Research Note). Journal of Comparative Family Studies 36, 139-145.

    Kulik, L. (2005). Intrafamiliar congruence in gender role attitudes and ethnic stereotypes: The Israeli case. Journal of Comparative Family Studies36, 289-303.

    Kulik, L. (2005). The impact of family status on gender identity and on sex-typing of household tasks in Israel. Journal of Social Psychology, 145, 299-316.

    Kulik, L., & Rayyan, F. (2005). Spousal relations and coping with marital stress:  Jewish vs. Arab women in Israel. Megamot, 43, 633-658 (Hebrew).

    *Kulik, L. (2006). Predicting gender role stereotypes among adolescents in Israel: The impact of background variables, personality traits, and parental factors.  Megamot, 44, 556-577 (Hebrew).

    Kulik, L., & Rayyan, F. (2006). Relationships between dual-earner spouses’ strategies for coping with home-work demands and emotional well-being: Jewish and Arab Muslim women in Israel. Community, Work and Family9, 457-478.

    Kulik, L (2006) Volunteering as a career for the individual and as a management tool. Zionut 2000 Magazine, 6-7 (Hebrew).

    Kulik, L. (2006). Personality profiles, life satisfaction and gender-role ideology among couples in late adulthood: The Israeli case. Personality and Individual Differences, 40, 317-   329.

    Kulik, L. (2006). The impact of spousal variables on life satisfaction of individuals in late adulthood: The Israeli case. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 47, 54-72.

    Kulik, L. (2006). Burnout among volunteers in the social services: The impact of gender and employment status. Journal of Community Psychology34, 541-561.

    Kulik, L. (2006). Women’s experience with volunteer activity and resources for volunteering in social service organizations: A comparative analysis by stage of the  life cycle. Bitahon Soziali72, 77-104 (Hebrew).

    *Kulik, L., & Klonover, E. (2007). The impact of gender and employment status on  burnout  among volunteers in the social services in Israel. Hevra Verevaha [Society and Welfare] (Hebrew). 27, 55-77.

    Kulik, L. (2006). Gender, gender identity, ethnicity, and stereotyping of children’s chores: The Israeli case. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology37, 408-420.

    Kulik, L. (2007). Contemporary midlife grandparenthood. In V. Muhlbauer &  J. C. Chrisler (Eds.), Women over 50: Psychological Perspectives (pp. 131-146). New York: Springer Publications.

    Kulik, L., & Klonover, E. (2007). Satisfaction and burnout among women volunteering in middle life: An ecological model. Social Issues in Israel: A Journal for Study and Analysis in Israeli Social Issues, 3, 45-75 (Hebrew).

    Kulik, L. (2007). Explaining responses to volunteering: An ecological model. Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly36, 239-255.

    Kulik, L. (2007). Equality in the division of household labor: A comparative study of Jewish women and Arab-Muslim women in Israel. The Journal of Social Psychology147, 423-440.

    Kulik, L. (2007). Later life marriage. In G. Ritzer (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Sociology (pp.1-3). London: Blackwell (entry).

    *Kulik, L. (2007). Predicting responses to volunteering among adolescents in Israel: The contribution of personal and situational variables. Voluntas18, 35-54.

    Kulik, L. (2008). Predicting responses to volunteering among adolescents in Israel: The  contribution of social and situational variables. Megamot, 45, 576-605 (Hebrew).

    Kulik, L. (2008). Explaining the sense of family coherence among adolescents. International Journal of Child & Family Welfare, 11, 97-109.

    Kulik, L., & Heine-Cohen, E. (2008). Coping resources and adjustment to divorce among women: An ecological model. In J. K. Quinn & I.G. Zambini (Eds.)Family relations: 21st century issues and challenges (pp. 87-109). New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc.

    Kulik, L., & Eranthal, T. (2009). Contemporary family relationships and life values: A comparative analysis of men and women in Israel. Families in Society, 90, 231-238.

    Kulik, L. & Havusha-Morgenstren, H, (2009). Women's patterns of coping with spousal conflict in the initial stage of marriage. Society and Welfare29, 399-429. (Hebrew)

    Kulik, L. (2009). Explaining the sense of family coherence among husbands and wives: The Israeli case. Journal of Social Psychology ,149, 627-647.

    Kulik, L. & Tsoref, H. (2009). Explaining fathers' involvement in child Care: Recent findings from Israel. International Journal of Child & Family Welfare2-3, 97-115. 

    Kulik, L. (2009). Burnout, perceived stress, and resources among educated, working Jews and Moslem Arabs in Israel: A cross-cultural perspective. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology40, 894-900.

    Kulik, L., & Eranthal, T. (2009). Gender differences in life values: The Israeli case. In J H. Urlich and B. T. Cosell (Eds.), Handbook of Gender roles: Conflicts, behavior and attitudes. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

    Kulik, L. (2010). Women’s experiences with volunteer activity and resources for volunteering in social service organizations: A comparative analysis by stages of the. life cycle. Journal of Applied  Social Psychology40,  360-388.

    Kulik, L. & Tsoref, H. (2010). Fathers’ entry into the maternal garden: Variables that explain paternal involvement in child care. Journal of  Gender Studies, 19, 263-278.

    Kulik, L., &  Havusha Morgenstern, H (2010). An Ecological approach to explaining women's adjustment in the initial stage of marriage. Contemporary Family Therapy, 32, 192- 208.

    Kulik, L. (2010). Examination of gender role attitudes among spouses: An ecological model. Megamot, 47, 81-103.

    Kulik, L., & Klein, D. (2010). Swimming against the tide: Characteristics of Muslim-Arab women in Israel who initiated divorce. Journal of Community Psychology,38, 918-931.

    Kulik, L. (2010). Explaining individual empowerment among elderly women volunteers in nonprofit organizations: The Israeli case. In Nonprofit organizations: Nature and goals, legal aspects, and operating issues. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

    Kulik, L. (2010). A cultural perspective on strategies for coping with home-work conflict: Comparative analysis of Jewish and Muslim-Arab women. In V. Muhlbauer &  L. Kulik (Eds.), Working families: Parents in the labor market in Israel: Social, legal and economic perspectives . Rishon Letion ; Hamihllala Leminhal. (Hebrew).

    Kulik, L., & Klonover, E. (2010). Spousal Power Relations: An Analysis Over Time and in Social Context. In V. Muhlbauer., & L. Kulik. (Eds). Working families: Parents in the labor market in Israel – social, legal and economic perspectives. Rishon Letion; Hamihllala Leminhal. (Hebrew).

    Kulik, L. (2010). “His”, “her” and “their” perceptions of family life: A comparative analysis of fathers, mothers, and adolescents. In A. M. Columbus (Ed.), Advances in Psychology Research. Volume 71, 139-157. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

    Kulik, L., & Heine-Cohen, E. (2011). Coping resources, perceived stress and adjustment to divorce among Israeli women: Assessing effects. Journal of Social Psychology, 151, 5-31.

    Kulik, L., &  Havusha Morgenstern, H, (2011). Does cohabitation matter? Differences in initial marital adjustment among women who cohabited and those who did not”. Families in Society, 92, 120-127.

    Kulik, L. (2011). Developments in Spousal Power Relations: Are We Moving Toward Equality?. Marriage and Family Review, 47, 1-17.

    Kulik, L. (2011). Women empower women: volunteers and their clients in community service. Journal of Community Psychology, 39, 922–938.

    Kulik , L. (2012). The Impact of Resources on Women's Strategies for Coping with Work-Home Conflict: Does Sociocultural Context Matter?. Journal of Family Social Work, 15(3), 217-234.

    Kulik, L. & **Hadad, M. (2012).  Internalized homophobia and distress among participants   in support groups for homosexuals: Secular versus ultra-Orthodox participants. Society and Welfare, 32(2), 209-236. (Hebrew).

    Kulik , L. (2013). Cooking or Errands? Men's Perspective of Household Tasks. Society and Welfare, 33, 313-385. (Hebrew).

    Kulik, L., & Avero-Kassa, Y. (2014). Adjustment to divorce: A comparison of Ethiopian immigrant and Israeli-born men. Journal of Community Psychology42(2), 191-208.

    Kulik, L., & Kitaichik, D. (2014). Marital intimacy and selected correlates of gender roles: A comparative analysis of Israeli husbands and wives. Women's Studies: An Inter-Disciplinary Journal43(6), 823-842.

    Kulik, L., Shilo-Levin, S., & Liberman, G. (2015). G. Multiple roles, role satisfaction and sense of meaning in life: An extended examination of role enrichment theory. Journal of Career Assessment23, 137-151.

    Kulik, L., & Sadeh, I. (2015). Explaining fathers' involvement in childcare: An ecological approach. Community, Work & Family18(1), 19-40.

    Kulik, L., Shilo-Levin, S., & Liberman, G. (2015). Multiple Roles, Role Conflict, and Sense of Meaning in Life Among Working Parents. Journal of Career Development42(4), 263-280.

    Kulik, L. (2016). Explaining Employment Hardiness Among Women in Israel’s Ultraorthodox Community: Facilitators and Inhibitors. Journal of Career Assessment24(1), 67-85.

    Klonover, E., Soskolne, V., & Kulik, L. (2016). Predictors of possession and use of condoms among homosexual men in Israel. Megamot3(2), 153-189.  (Hebrew).

    Kulik, L., Arnon, L. & Dolev, A. (2016). Explaining satisfaction with volunteering in emergencies: Comparison between organized and spontaneous volunteers. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations27(3), 1280-1303.

    Kulik, L., Shilo-Levin, S., & Liberman, G. (2016). Work–Family Role Conflict and Well-Being Among Women and Men. Journal of Career Assessment24(4), 651-668.

    Kulik, L. (2016). Volunteering During an Emergency A Life Stage Perspective. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly46(2), 419-441.

    Kulik, L., Bar, R., & Dolev, A. (2016). Gender differences in emergency volunteering. Journal of Community Psychology44(6), 695-713.

    Kulik, L., Walfish, S. & Liberman, G. (2016). Spousal conflict resolution strategies and marital relations in late adulthood. Personal Relationships23(3), 456-474.

    Kulik, L., & Katz, O. (2016). Is the one who has the dough the one who runs the show? Spousal relations as reflected in earning patterns. Megamot51 (Hebrew).

    Kulik, L. (2016). Explaining Men's and Women's Participation in Household Labor: Is There a Need to Reconsider Existing Theoretical Perspectives?. Asian Women32(4), 45-72.

    Kulik, L., Shilo-Levin, S., & Liberman, G. (2016). The Contribution of Role Satisfaction, Meaning in Life and Work-Home Conflict to Explaining Well-Being Among Working Grandparents. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping30(3), 333-346.

    Kulik, L. (2017). Through Adversity Comes Strength: Volunteering and Self-Esteem among People with Physical Disabilities. Society and Welfare. (Hebrew). 37, 27-58.

    Kulik, L. (2017). Home-Work Conflict, Antecedents, and Outcomes: A Life Stage Perspective among Working Parents. Society & Welfare, 37(4), pp. 885- 912. (Hebrew)

    Kulik, L. (2018). Attitudes towards Egalitarianism in Gender Roles: Comparative Analysis According to Gender and Sexual Orientation. Megamot, 53(2), pp. 7-44. (Hebrew)

    Kulik, L. (2018). Experience of Work Family Conflict: A Comparative Analysis between Active and Supportive Parenting Stages. New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

    Kulik, L. (2019). Volunteering and Subjective Well-Being Among Individuals With Disabilities: A Multivariate Model. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly,. Vol 48, Issue 2.

    Kulik, L. (2018). Explaining Egalitarianism in Gender-Role Attitudes. Asian Women34(2), 61-87.

    Kulik, L., & Liberman, G. (2019). Stressors at the work-family interface and satisfaction with the quality of the couple relationship: a comparative analysis of men and women. Journal of Family Studies, 1-22.‏ 

    Kulik, L., & Liberman, G. (2019). Daily hassles in the family-work system and life satisfaction: the moderating effect of sexual satisfaction. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 1-21.‏  

    Kulik, L., & Ramon, D. (2020). When Mom Earns More Than Dad: The Parenting Experience in Light of New Earning Patterns. Journal of Family Issues, 0192513X20940380.‏  

    Kulik, L. (2020). Contribution of gender role ideology to explaining emotional wellbeing among working parents. Community, Work & Family23(3), 305-323.‏  

    Kulik, L. (2021). The centrality of resourcefulness in explaining wellbeing among financially challenged single mothers. Journal of Family Social Work24(3), 219-244.‏  

    Kulik, L., Bar, R., & Arnon, L., (2021) Multifaceted Volunteering: The Volunteering Experience in the First Wave of the Corona Pandemic in Light of Volunteering Patterns, Social Security 114,152-127 (Hebrew)

    Kulik, L., Bar, R., & Arnon, L., (2021), A Multivariate Model for Explaining Gender Differences in Commitment to Volunteering in the COVID-19 Pandemic, Social Issues in Israel270-235 ,30 (Hebrew).

    Kulik, L., Ramon, D., ( 2021). The Relationship between Family-Work Conflict and Spousal Aggression during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Community work and family. 1-20

    Kulik, L. (2021). Multifaceted volunteering: The volunteering experience in the first wave of the COVID19 pandemic in light of volunteering styles. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy21(1), 1222-1242.

    Kulik, L., (2021). Volunteering Experience during Emergencies: Comparative Analysis of a Military Operation and a Pandemic, Journal of Emergency Management.

    Kulik, L., Ramon, D., & Nehora, M., (2021). Relying only on themselves: conflict, coping and perceived productivity of mothers forced to work from home during the first wave of the Coronavirus pandemic, Social Issues in Israel (Hebrew).

    Kulik, L., (2021). Role Conflict, Enrichment and Sense of Balance Among Working and Studying Parents Israeli Sociology (Hebrew).

    Kulik, L., (2022). Relation between Egalitarianism and Spousal Undermining  Society & Welfare49, 49- 79 (Hebrew).

    Kulik, L., ( 2022). A Multi-Variable Model for Explaining Long-Term Commitment to Volunteering among COVID-19 Volunteers, Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy. 22(3), 794-816.

    Kulik, L., (2022). Family-Work Conflict and Spousal Aggression: A Comparative Analysis Pre- and Peri- COVID-19 Pandemic, Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma. 32:5, 688-708.

    Ibrahim-Dwairy, C and Kulik, L. (2022). Perceived stress among single Palestinian women In Israel: A mixed method research. Current Psychology. 1-12.

    Kulik, L. (2022). Loss of resources, psychological distress and meaning in life after retirement: A gender perspective. Society and Welfare52:435-458 (Hebrew).

    Kulik, L., Ramon, D., & Balkanyi-Nehora, M. (2022). Relying only on themselves: conflict, coping and perceived productivity of mothers forced to work from home during the first wave of the Coronavirus pandemic. Social Issues in Israel30, 235-267.

    Kulik, L. (2023). Sources of empowerment and mental health among retired men and women: An ecological perspective. Journal of Women & Aging, 1-19.

    Kulik, L. ( 2023). Work-Family System Stressors and Mental Distress in Cultural Sectors of Israel : Comparative Analysis between non-Ultraorthodox Jews, Ultraorthodox Jews and Arabs in Israel. Social Security, 120, 162-131 (Hebrew).

    Kulik,  L. (2023). An Ecological Model to Explain the Relationship Between Empowerment Anchors and Mental Health Among Retirees. Gender Differences Gerontology and Geriatrics vol50(4) (Hebrew).

    Kulik, L. (2024). A multivariate model for explaining gender differences in commitment to volunteering in the COVID-19 pandemic: The Israeli case. Journal of Emergency Management22(1), 53-70.‏

    Kulik,  L. (2024). Stressors in the Family-Work System, Family-Friendly Management Practice Assessment and Dedication to Work: A Comparative Analysis between Fathers and Mothers. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy.

    Kulik, L. (2024). Does the marital pay gap matter? Women's family-work experiences by earning pattern and ethnic community. Community, Work & Family, 1-20.

    Kulik, L. (2024). The relationship between stressors, family-unfriendly management practices and sense of discrimination and dedication to work. Hevra urevaha  , 44(2), 219-250. (in Hebrew)

    Kulik, L. (2024). Stressors in the work-family system and negative affect: A comparison between ethnic communities and gendersJournal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 1(1), 1-20.

    Kulik, L. (2025). Comparative Study of Employees Working Under Male and Female Managers.  Social issues in Israel (Hebrew).

    Kulik, L. (2025). Comparative study of employees working under male and female managers. Social Issues in Israel(in Hebrew)

    Kulik, L. (in press). Coping with role conflict and maintaining work self-efficacy: Strategies for working mothers during community emergencies. Journal of Emergency Management.

    Kulik, L. (in press). Role conflict, enrichment, sense of balance, and wellbeing among working students who are parents. Journal of Family Social Work.

    Kulik, L. (in press). Contribution of social support and partner communication quality to mental health among combatants’ partners. Journal of Military Psychology.

    Kulik, L. (in press). The contribution of role conflict, coping strategies, and optimism to explaining work self-efficacy among mothers during the "Iron Swords" War. Social Issues in Israel(in Hebrew)

    Kulik, L. (in press). Does the income pattern matter? Differences in the experiences of women in the family-work system according to earning patterns and social sectors in Israel. Social Security, 120, 131-162. (in Hebrew)

    Papers Presented at Scientific Conferences

    1986 “The Organizational Climate of Boarding Schools”. Conference of   Psychologists, Bar-Ilan University.

    1994 “Changes in the Conjugal Balance of Power after Retirement”.  Sociological Association, Haifa University.

    1995 “The Influence of Ethnic Culture and Gender on Attitudes towards Work”. Conference of Psychologists, Bar-Ilan University.

    1997 “The Influence of Retirement on Conjugal Power”. Conference of Social  Workers, Tel Aviv University.

    1997 “Stress and Burnout among Working Women”. Conference of Women Academics, Bar-Ilan University.

    1997 “Stress and Sickness”. Conference of Klalit Health Insurance Doctors. Kupat Holim Clalit, Ramat-Gan.

    1999 “‏Differences between Men and Women in Job Search Intensity and Reactions to Unemployment”. Conference of Sociologists. College of Management, Rishon Lezion.

    2000 “Marital Relationships in Late Adulthood”. Conference of Sociologists, Tel-Aviv University.

    2000 “The Impact of Length of Unemployment and Age on Jobless Men and Women: A Comparative Analysis”. Conference of Social Workers. Tel-Aviv.

    2000 “Attitudes towards Caregiving”. Conference of Social Workers, Tel Aviv University.

    2000 “The Impact of Retirement on Attitudes toward volunteering”. Conference of the National Council for Voluntarism in Israel: Volunteering in Times of Crisis. Tel-Aviv, Israel.

    2000 “The Effects of Unemployment on Marital Relations”. The 15th Annual Conference of the National Council of the Social Workers: Social Work: One Profession of Many Facets. Tel-Aviv, Israel.

    2000 “Aliya and Immigration as a State of Crisis”. A Symposium of Eshel, The Association for the Planning and Development of Services for the Aged in Israel: Tel- Hashomer, Ramat-Gan, Israel.

    2001 “The Motivations of Older Volunteers”. Brookdale Institute Symposium on Volunteering in Education. Ramat-Gan, Israel.

    2001 “Spousal Relations in Late Adulthood: A Comparative Analysis of Different Family Patterns in Retirement”. The 14th biannual Conference of the Israeli Association of Gerontology: Between Values and Needs. Tel-Aviv, Israel.

    2004 "Social Work in the Wake of Social Traumas”. Conference on Spousal Relations and Strategies for coping with Home-Work Conflict. Haifa University, Israel.

    2004 “Strategies for Managing Home-Work Conflict and Psychological Well-Being among Jews and Arabs in Israel: The Impact of Sex and Socio-Cultural Context. The Second International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities”. Monash University Center, Prato, Italy.

    2005 “Volunteerism as a Career”. Study Day on Retirement and Dismissal of  Volunteers, sponsored by the Institute for Development and Research on Volunteerism in Israel and Bar Ilan University. Jerusalem, Israel.

    2005 “Relationships between Dual Earner Spouses: Strategies for Coping with Home-Work Demands and Emotional Well Being among Jewish and Arab-Muslim Women in Israel” Conference on Community Work and Family Change and Transformation. Manchester, England.

    2005 “Predicting Gender-Role Stereotypes among Adolescents on the basis of Personality Variables and Intergenerational Transmission”. First Scientific Conference on Youth in a Changing World sponsored by the Tel Aviv University School of Social Work. Interdisciplinary Center for Treatment of Children and Adolescents. Tel Aviv, Israel.

    2006 “An Ecological Model for Predicting Gender Role Attitudes among Spouses”.   Sociological Conference, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel.

    2006 “The Impact of Personality Traits and Gender on Conflict Resolution Styles”. Conference on Conflict Resolution and Mediation, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel.

    2006 “Predicting Gender Role Attitudes Among Mothers and their Adolescent Daughters in Israel” and “Predicting Responses to Volunteering among Adolescents in Israel: The Contribution of Personal and Situational Variables”. The International Federation of Social Workers.  Munich, Germany.

    2006 “Does Gender and Employment Status Affect Burnout in Volunteering?  The Importance of Research and Development for Promotion and Prevention".   Oslo, Norway.

    2008 “Perceptions of Family Coherence: Differences between Husbands and Wives”. Conference on The Psychology of Gender in the World of the Individual, Society, and Art. The Jezreel Valley Academic College. 

    2009  “Predicting Responses to Volunteering among Adolescents in Israel: The Contribution  of Social and Situational variables" and "Explaining the Sense of Family Coherence among Husbands and Wives: The Israeli Case". The Second ENSEC Conference.  Izmir-Turkey

    2009 "Issues Related to Gender, Employment and Education among Arab Women in Israel". The Technion, Haifa.

    2010 "Does Control of Resources Necessarily Create Active Coping? A Comparative Analysis of Jewish and Arab Women".Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan

    2010 "Explaining Gender Role Ideology among Muslim-Arab Women in Distress". Paper to be presented at the Waset International Conference.on Humanities and Social Sciences. Paris, France.

    2010 "Scholastic Achievement and Quality of Teaching in an On-Line Course versus a Frontal Course". A Comparative Analysis, The Open University, Ra'anana, Israel.

    2011 "Work Perceptions  and Psychological Empowerment among  Ultra-Orthodox Women. Paper presented at the Conference of Social Policy in Israel, Yezreel Valley College.

    2012 "The impact of Role Set Density and Role Conflict on Distress among Working Mothers". STAR – Stress and Anxiety Research, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

    2013 "Multiple Roles, Role conflict, and Sense of Meaning in Life among Working Parents in Israel". Star Conference, Portugal.

    2013 "Profiles of Conflict Resolution Strategies Among Married Individuals and Their Marital Quality". Star Conference, Portugal.

    2014 "Multiple Roles and Role conflict ; A life span perspective". The 20 th biannual Conference of the Israeli Association of Gerontology.Tel Aviv,Israel.

    2014 "Employability among Working Orthodox women among working. Inequality Poverty and Exclusion"; "Challenges for the Welfare State". ESPA net. Tel Aviv, Israel.

    2014 " Multiple Roles, Role Quality and Role Conflict: A Comparative Analysis of Fathers and Mothers, By Life Stages". Social Trends in Fatherhood. Gender Studies. Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel.

    2015 "Gender Differences in Role Conflict and Well-Being among Working Parents". "Gender Differences among Volunteers in Operation Protective Edge "36th Annual Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR), Tel Aviv, Israel.

    2015 Multiple Roles, Role Quality and Role Conflict  36th Annual Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR), Tel Aviv, Israel.

    2015 “The Contribution of Role Satisfaction, Meaning in Life and Role Conflict to Explaining Well-Being Among Working Grandparents”.  New Year's Academic Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities, Czech Institute of Academic Education, Czech Republic, Prague. 

    2016 " Work-Home Conflict, Antecedents, and Outcomes: A Life Stage Perspective among Working Parents in Israel". Second Sarajevo International Conference of Social Sciences, International University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. May, 17-20.

    2016 "Correlates of Work-Family Role Conflict and Well-Being: A Comparative Analysis by Gender". ICPEHSS 2016: International Conference on Psychological, Educational, Health and Social Sciences (Chairman). Vienna, Austria. Jun, 16-17.

    2016 "Explaining Employment Hardiness among Women in Israel’s Ultra-Orthodox Community: Facilitators and Inhibitors ". Athens Institute for Education & Research. Athens, Greece. December, 19-22.

    2017  Family Conflict: A Comparative Analysis between Active and Supportive Parenting Stages,  6th Business and Social Science Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

    2017 Spousal Conflict Resolution Strategies and Marital Relations in Late Adulthood. The 19th National Conference of Social Workers: Power and Empowerment. David Intercontinental, November 20-21, Tel Aviv.

    2017 Father's attitudes toward psychological treatment in the midst of transition to fatherhood:  A comparative research between heterosexual and homosexual fathers. The 19th National Conference of Social Workers: Power and Empowerment. David Intercontinental, November 20-21, Tel Aviv.

    2018 Stressors at the Work-Family Interface and Satisfaction with the Quality of Spousal Relations 39th STAR Conference Lublin in July 10-13.

    2018 Chrisler, J., Gorman, J., & Kulik, L. How old is old:  Gendered perceptions of aging  APA, San Francisco, CA. August, 9-12.

    Kulik, L. (2023). Stressors in the work-family system and mental distress in a sectoral and gender perspective: A comparative analysis between non-Orthodox, Orthodox, and Arab Jews, and between men and women. Paper presented at the 54th Annual Conference of the Israel Sociological Association, February 9-21, 2023, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv.

    Kulik, L. (2023). Global Congress on Stressors in the Work-Family System and Negative Affect: A Comparison between Ethnic Communities and Genders. Paper presented at the Gender and Sexuality Studies 2023, June 12-13, 2023, Budapest, Hungary (Hybrid Event).

    Kulik, L. (2024). An Ecological Model for Explaining the Relationship Between Power Centers and Mental Health: A Comparative Analysis of Male and Female Retirees. Population Aging as a Social and Economic Resource. The Biennial Conference of the Israeli Gerontological Society September 11-12, 2024 International Convention Center (Binyanei Ha'Uma), Jerusalem.

    Kulik, L., & Zurchinski, A. (2025, February 25). Border spaces and contact zones in Israeli social reality and research. Paper presented at The Open University, Ra'anana, Israel.


    On Sabbatical



    1. Differences between men and women in occupational behavior.

    2. Marital relations in double career families.

    3. Late adulthood marital relations.

    4. Unemployment: Job search intensity, and responses to it.

    5. Stress at Work.

    6. Different livelihood patterns and their impact on the marital relationship.

    7. Burnout in volunteering.

    8. Intergenerational Transmission of Gender Role Ideology.

    Last Updated Date : 13/02/2025