Thesis and Dissertatations

Year Student Advisor
2024 A Multidimensional Perspective on the Adjustment of Emerging Adults who Survived Cancer: The Contribution of Risk and Resilience Factors PhD Dayan Sharabi Michal Prof. Liora Findler
2024 An Examination of Meaning-Making Processes Among Female Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse PhD Dadia Molad Merav Dr. Adi Barak, Prof. Rachel Dekel
2024 Identity Formation of Young-Adults Ultra-Orthodox in the Process of Changing Religiosity Level - the Contribution of the Family, Ethnic Group, Emotional Regulation and Support Systems MA Hellinger Yaacov Dr. Shirley Ben-Shlomo
2024 Life Satisfaction of Methadone Maintenance Patients in Light of Adler's Individual Psychology Theory The contribution of childhood memories, self-esteem and the need for a sense of belonging - Exploring the moderating role of meaning in life and the media PhD Angel Maya Dr. Shirley Ben-Shlomo, Prof. Ricky Finzi-Dottan
2024 Negative and positive emotions as mediators between personal, family and environmental variables and binge eating addiction- comparison between Jewish and Arab women in Israel PhD Yona Drori Orly Dr. Shirley Ben-Shlomo, Prof. Sara Freedman
2024 Representations of Motherhood as Reflected in the Profiles of Celebrity Mothers on the Social Network Instagram in Israel MA Cohen Madmoni Gal Dr. Shirley Ben-Shlomo
2024 Sexual abuse by a rabbi: The consequences on the religious male victim, on his significant others and on the relationship between them PhD Krinkin Yair Prof. Rachel Dekel
2024 The Contribution of Personal, Social and Psychological Resources to the Healthy Behaviors of People with Psychiatric Disabilities PhD Kalnisky Mor Prof. Haya Itzhaky, Dr. Drorit Levy
2024 The role of economic, personal and interpersonal resources in the mental wellbeing of individuals following the Coronavirus pandemic (covid-19) MA Smit Kim Dr. Nomi Werbeloff Becker
2023 At home during Covid-19: father’s perspectives of identity, masculinity, and fatherhood MA Kadmiel Ore Dr. Adi Barak
2023 Community Organizers in Geographical Communities during the COVID-19 Crisis MA Tomer Shuv Siboni Dr. Rena Bina, Dr. Ayelet Makaros
2023 Community Resilience Among Residents of the Jewish Settlement in Hebron: The contribution of Personal and social Characteristics MA Sikurel Tamar Dr. Drorit Levy
2023 Disclosure and Concealment: Experience of Orthodox Population Adults Who were Exposed to inter- Personal Violence in their Childhood MA Ferencz Ben Attar Efrat Haya Prof. Rachel Dekel
2023 Emerging Adults At Risk: The Contribution of Personal and Environmental Resources to their Adjustment PhD Naim Levi Nofar Prof. Haya Itzhaky
2023 Emotional regulation and rumination as mediators of the connection between mindfulness and post-traumatic growth MA Levi Waintraub Danielle Prof. Sara Freedman, Dr. Yael Shoval Zuckerman
2023 Factors explaining well-being among primary caregivers of prolonged mechanically ventilated patients during hospitalization MA Lavrinenko Tanya Dr. Shiri Shinan Altman
2023 Fatherhood Desires and Perceptions among Israeli Heterosexual Men MA Brot Hanna Dr. Shirley Ben-Shlomo
2023 House Parents’ Experiences of their Role in Out-of-Home Care that Operate in a Family-Style Group Care Model MA Langfeld Satat Shira Dr. Shirley Ben-Shlomo
2023 Masculine identity in Hesder yeshivot MA Avior Itai Dr. Adi Barak
2023 Maternal Disintegrative Responses in the Context of Infant Care: Their Role in the Association Between Early Childhood Experiences and Personal and Maternal Aspects PhD Chasson Miriam Prof. Orit Taubman - Ben-Ari
2023 Media construction of homicide or attempted homicide of women by an intimate partner during Covid 19 MA Primor Shani Dr. Shirley Ben-Shlomo
2023 Personal growth and Life satisfaction among Arab women with fertility problems PhD Abu Sharkia Salam Prof. Orit Taubman - Ben-Ari
2023 Psychological Abuse in Relationship-The Experience of Women Who were Victims MA Koren Neta Shai Dr. Shirley Ben-Shlomo
2023 Psychotic-like experiences and Academic Functioning: The role of psychological distress MA Sobol Noy Dr. Nomi Werbeloff Becker
2023 The association between attachment styles, illness representations, coping strategies, social support and adherence among type 1 diabetic adolescents: A comparison between boys and girls MA Chorna Efrat Dr. Shiri Shinan Altman