Thesis and Dissertatations

Year Student Advisor
2020 Characteristics of sexuality among older Israelis suffering from mental illness MA Shabtay Domb Lital Prof. Liat Ayalon
2020 Financial conflicts in the older person's family, as evident in social workers’ legal proceedings MA Stollman Noa Prof. Liat Ayalon
2020 Ideological meaning-making among therapists working with survivors of sexual abuse MA Shemesh Or Dr. Adi Barak
2020 Intention to seek mental health treatment among Ethiopian immigrants: the contribution of social-psychological and cultural factors MA Raskay Yjboldin Sivan Dr. Rena Bina
2020 Parental stress and meaning in life among, national religious, fathers and mothers of latency age children: The role of parenting style experienced in childhood, personality variables and the quality of the marital relationship MA Ranz – Zermati Chen Dr. Shirley Ben-Shlomo
2020 The contribution of personal, family and community characteristics to risk behaviors among religious adolescents MA Moldovan Shlomit Dr. Shirley Ben-Shlomo
2020 The contribution of resilience factors to mental health and personal growth in the transition to military service PhD Ezra Ariel Prof. Orit Taubman - Ben-Ari
2020 The contribution of the caregiving system, personal flexibility and perception of burden, to the personal growth of siblings of people with mental illness MA Shanoon Yael Prof. Ricky Finzi-Dottan
2020 The contribution of the perception of the meaning of the military role, the cognitive flexibility and social support for adaptation to military service in Israel among soldiers in back-office positions MA Yakobi Michal Prof. Rachel Dekel
2020 The longitudinal connections between PTSD symptoms, perceived social support, depression and attachment after exposure to a traumatic event MA Diamant Hadar Prof. Sara Freedman
2020 The Relationship between Lifetime Trauma Exposure and the Development of Psychiatric Disorders (other than PTSD) in Individuals Exposed to a Single Traumatic Event MA Giladi Racheli Prof. Sara Freedman
2020 The role of parental acceptance, self-differentiation and couple caregiving in relationship satisfaction MA Yadlin Gal Prof. Ricky Finzi-Dottan
2020 The role of religion in facing traumatic event among ultra – orthodox men MA Israel Nathan Prof. Rachel Dekel
2020 Unplanned determination of foster arrangements at adolescence: The experience of foster breakdown from the adolescent's point of view MA Meir Ifat Dr. Shirley Ben-Shlomo
2020 Women’s Postpartum Distresses as Viewed by and Expressed in the Leaflets of the Medical Institution MA Lerner Efrat Prof. Nehami Baum
2019 "Shades of black": The perceptions of Ethiopian-Israeli husbands of their working wives MA Yitzhak Ruth
2019 Child protection social workers' perception of the phenomenon of online shaming directed at them MA Varon Ferder Hadar Dr. Shirley Ben-Shlomo
2019 Dissociation and spirituality: The role of dissiciative absorption in the relationship between trauma and spirituality MA Uzan Adi
2019 Eating disorders and subjective well-being: Symptoms and functional variables, as indicators of the subjective well-being of women suffering from eating disorders MA Nussbaum Lihi Dr. Rena Bina
2019 Factors associated with women's acceptability of a screening program for postpartum depression MA Hermetz Shoshana
2019 Functioning, growth and continuing bonds with the deceased among bereaved grandparents in Israel MA Macabi Tamar Prof. Liora Findler
2019 In your eyes: Client's perspectives regarding the effects of a community led program aimed at reducing poverty MA Freiberg Smadar Dr. Drorit Levy
2019 Looking at childbirth as a traumatic event for attendant fathers through the lens of cognitive models of PTSD: The association of negative cognitions of labor and the development of posttraumatic symptoms MA Golubitsky Anna Prof. Sara Freedman
2019 Narcissistic personality traits in adulthood: The role of experience of childhood parenting, attachment orientation and emotional regulation MA Lugasy Avnir Noa
2019 Perception of mother-infant bonding and depressive symptoms after delivery: The contribution of caregiving, perception of parental self-efficacy, and marital relationship satisfaction MA Chaitchik-Chowers Gal Prof. Ricky Finzi-Dottan