The contribution of personal resources to maternal well-being during the postpartum period

Blaugrund Tal

The birth of a baby brings a significant life transition for the woman. In addition to the physiological changes associated with the postpartum period, women undergo significant psychosocial changes during this period. The literature in the field indicates that many women experience mental distress in the days after birth. However, it is known that alongside the negative mood during this period, women also experience a positive mood, which gradually increases, and only between 13% -19% develop postpartum depression. In transitions and major life events, it is found that positive emotions can occur at the same time with feelings of stress and pressure. The Positive emotion in a crisis situation has important and adaptive value, because it serves as a marker for security, and even promotes creativity and flexibility in thinking and problem solving. Despite it seems that the period following childbirth is characterized by a wide range of positive and negative feelings, it is evident that most of the literature on mental state after birth refers to factors related to mental distress, especially depression, and only a few studies relating to positive feelings and factors that can lead to spiritual well- being during this period. The mother's adaptation to the new situation and her mental well-being have many consequences also for her baby and her family. Moreover, because of this broad impact, the World Health Organization sees the health of mothers as a significant public health challenge. Therefore, there is the need for more studies that trace the factors that can explain mental well-being in women in the postpartum period.

The aim of the present study was to examine personal resources associated with women's mental well- being during the postpartum period. The study was based on the model for promoting maternal health during childbirth (Fahey & Shenassa, 2013), relating to resources mother needed to allow her accomplish maternal post- birth tasks and experience health and mental well-being, and explores the Maternal self-efficacy,

Last Updated Date : 28/07/2021