Thesis and Dissertatations

Year Student Advisor
2019 Play or reality: Discourse analysis of Facebook support groups for parents of pre-school children MA Rosenblat Gadish Dikla Dr. Shirley Ben-Shlomo
2019 Relationships, intimacy and sexuality among old age couples one of which is faced with mild cognitive impairment MA Barak Tal Prof. Liat Ayalon
2019 The association of personal, interactional, and environmental factors with leaving or staying in a violent relationship among women who stayed at a shelter MA Reshef Matzpoon Adi Dr. Anat Ben-Porat
2019 The contribution of attachment styles, parental bonding, parental preference and relationship contentment to the level of well-being of people with chronic mental illnesses MA Segev Michal
2019 The contribution of emotional intelligence and support systems to explain burnout: A comparative analysis of high-tech workers and service providers in public organizations MA Schwartz Revital Prof. Liat Kulik
2019 The contribution of personal resources, stress, and parental involvement to personal growth of new fathers - A comparison between fathers of twins and fathers of singletons MA Weiss Efrat Prof. Orit Taubman - Ben-Ari
2019 The contribution of personality variables, attitudes towards anumals and the scope of volunteering to future orientation among adolescents volunteering in a therapeutic riding center MA Hadad Shoshana
2019 The experience of being a sibling of a person with PTSD MA Yaoz Yael
2019 The experience of older adults facing depression for the first time in old age MA Norich Liran
2019 The experience of yearning for child among Israeli woman with one or more children who undergo fertility treatments MA Levy Keren
2019 The Illness is Me? Inclusion of Illness in the self and health-promoting behaviors among cardiac patients MA Wolf Hodaya
2019 The impact of media coverage on professional self esteem and sense of guilt of social workers: The moderating role of personal and environmental resourced MA Shoval Revital
2019 The involvement of Israeli welfare departments in policy practice: The perspective of department managers MA Levy Sivan
2019 The place of forgiving oneself and to an elderly parent in the transition to long-term care MA Amar Arava Prof. Liat Ayalon
2019 The relationship between daily hassles and losses perception, coping resources and sense of loneliness and sense of happiness in old age MA Dror Reifenberg Michal
2019 The relationship between level of violence, psychological distress and sense of control and the improvement in the level of social support among battered women who are staying at shelters MA Meirov Shirel
2019 The relationship between psychological and behavioral variables and compulsive online dating site use among homosexual and bisexual men MA Kurtz Harel Prof. Liat Kulik
2019 To be the Parents of Children of One Sex: The Desire for a Child of the Other Sex, Mental Health, and Dyadic Adjustment of Parents who Apply for Pre-implantation Sex Selection PhD Pessach Nirit
2019 Well-being among women in poverty - The contribution of subjective perception of poverty, economic threat perception, personality variables, and social support MA Miller Shira
2018 Addiction to the addict: The relationship between secondary traumatization among social workers treating addicts who use psycho-active substance and post-traumatic growth MA Gilbar Michal
2018 An internet based self help intervention for treating test anxiety amongst university students MA Richman Tzvi
2018 Attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help in the transition to fatherhood: A comparative analysis between heterosexual and homosexual fathers PhD Gur Apter Yair
2018 Children in foster care: Their condition, changes in their condition during their stay in foster care and the predictors of these changes MA Tsruya Shem
2018 Dilemmas and Methods of Work of Legal Geriatric Social Workers in the Field of Guardianship MA Fridman Sharon
2018 From care relationship between a migrant home caregiver and her older care recipient to couplehood MA Argaman Ariel