Thesis and Dissertatations

Year Student Advisor
2002 Parental involvement (Jews and Arabs) with mentally retarded children in residential care: The relationships to child's characteristics, Parents' characteristics, and to cultural factors. MA Tsumi Ayelet
2002 Parents of divorced daughter: Emotional and functional condition following the divorce. MA Anikster Michal
2002 Personal and social adjustment of children to divorced parents with ultra-orthodox of secular background. MA Klain-Bart Anat
2002 Relationship between the experience of participating in national service programs and choice of profession. MA Shporen Revital
2002 Social workers on the kibbutz: The relationship between role variables and sense of empowerment, and perception of role effectiveness. MA Dobry Jeniffer
2002 Somatic complaints, self esteem and well being among Ethiopian youth. MA Shybi Nitzhia
2002 The connection between familt of origin perception, locus of control and codependency among released prisoners drug addicts in treatment: A comparison between a structured hostel and semi-structured hostel of the Israeli prisoners rehabilitation authority MA Harel Nirit
2002 The connection between values, empowerment, supervision and citizen participation and perception of effectivitees in community work. PhD Bustin Edna
2002 The correlation between social support and satisfaction with married life and postpartum depression in Ultra-Orthodox women. MA Sirkin Galia
2002 The differences in mental health and in decision-making styles between persons taking early retirement from work and persons taking normative retirement. MA Levi Yheudit
2002 The level of stress on foster mother of a child with mental retardation and the connection with her personal resources. MA Adam Lilach
2002 The perception of staff in old age homes regarding the visits of elderly families. MA Yitzhak Nomy
2002 The quality of community programs: Perception of optimal performance quality of community programs run by community social workers. MA Gefen Etti
2002 The relation Between locus of control and fear of personal death and the attitude of social workers to euthanasia. MA Maor-Guttman Sigal
2002 The relationship between the sense of empowerment and the level of involvement and participation of parents of infants with special needs. MA Hodatov Batya
2002 The relationship between women's sexual awareness, and their sexual and marital satisfaction. MA Shaiovitz-Gourman Shirit
2002 The role of mother's attachment style as a moderator or catalyzer of conduct disorders in children with ADD/H. MA Kelmer-Adler Ayellet
2002 Ultra-Orthodox and secular divorced mothers: Their levels of emotional drain and their perspectives of societal and familial attitudes towards them. MA Bensimon -Frisch Elisheva
2002 Utilization model of mental health services by mentaly disabled people in hospital and community and the relationship between the contribution of predisposition needs and enabling factors. PhD Feldman Dina
2002 Welfare of Bedouin women in a social-cultural transition. PhD Alatawneh Magid