Thesis and Dissertatations

Year Student Advisor
2005 Factors that influence consistency and continuity in volunteering by teenagers. MA Vapur Tzipora
2005 Gender and the way violent men experience women's gaze. MA Hanan Eytan
2005 Gender differences in psychological distress among family caregivers of chronically-ill parents: A comparison between veteran Israelis and immigrants from the former Soviet Union. MA Talisman Anna
2005 Introspection and emotional welfare among psychotherapist. MA Castel-Ziv Orna
2005 Loneliness and hope among people with Schizophrenia living and working in various settings in the community: The relationship to social support, social participation and self-efficacy. MA Gronemann Ophra
2005 Maternal identity of deaf and hard of hearing mothers compared to that of hearing mothers. MA Laufer Rachel
2005 Mothers' decision making to reabsorb their adult child with psychiatric disabilities at home after discharge from hospital. PhD Shabat Shifra
2005 Parental and self perceptions: Comparing parents of premature and parents of full-term infants. MA Spielman Varda
2005 Parents caring for adult children with physical disabilities: Relations between parents' perception of the meaning of care and objective burden, quality of parent-child relationship, and hope. MA Hadar Lilit
2005 Personal and organizational variables that moderate stresses in workplace and contribute to the sense of empowerment. PhD Kazaz Shoshana
2005 Post institutional Placement involvement of parents to children with mental retardation. PhD Hozmi Benjamin
2005 Psychological distress and well-being among unemployed: The contribution of cognitive appraisal. MA Riftin Maya
2005 Psychological factors associated with treatment compliance and their relationship to outcome among individuals suffering from severe mental illness. PhD Chopra Miriam
2005 Religious and secular drug addicts: How do they perceive their family of origin and their addiction process. MA Yakir Avi
2005 The association between socioeconomic status at birth and adult onset schizophrenia. PhD Werner Shirli
2005 The association of characteristics of discharge planning process in general hospitals with patient satisfaction. MA Hamami Hagit
2005 The association of social support, socio-demographic characteristics and acculturation strategies with the willingness to ask for formal help among former Soviet Union Immigrants. MA Drukin Yana
2005 The connection between volunteers' motives and difficulties, the operating organization's input, and the volunteers' satisfaction and consistency. MA Tzabari-Meller Yifat
2005 The effect of mortality salience on medical decision-making among medical students. MA Hirsch Tali
2005 The effect of mortality salience on men's reactions towards a non-stereotypic woman. MA Setton-Zaaroor Galith
2005 The influence of the patients' will and the necessity of the medical care on the decisions regarding the competency of the demented patient to give an informed consent for the medical care. PhD Molad Avital
2005 The meaning of the recovery process for women who experienced Anorexia Nervosa. MA Winitsky Tali
2005 The perception of the voluntary processes by teenagers assisted by volunteers. MA Wolff Sharon
2005 The Place of professional considerations and other factors in determining treatment plans by decision committees. MA Rainer Smadar
2005 The pot-food and companionship: Perception of poverty among soup kitchen staff and customers. MA Golan Miri