Thesis and Dissertatations

Year Student Advisor
2016 The effect of meetings between students supported by dogs and rabbits with the elderly, on the psychological well-being of the elderly PhD Corinaldi Tomer
2016 The experiences of elderly women suffering from gambling disorder. MA Levinson Noa
2016 The integration and functioning of care-leavers in the Israel Defense Forces MA Marilus Fridman Moran
2016 The relationships between the caregiving system, parent's perception of the child as 'difficult' child and partner support to parenting stress and parental acceptance-rejection MA Lanciano Karin
2016 Women victims of domestic violence at the shelters: Change process measurements as predicting the woman's length of stay at the shelter and the correlation between the length of stay and the woman returning/not returning to her violent partner MA Sror Bondarevsky Noa
2015 A retrospective view on Yom Kippur veterans seeking help 30 years after war: Symptoms, combat exposure and psychoactive substance use. MA Cohen Gad
2015 Child abuse therapists: Factors of secondary traumatization, growth and sense of treatment effectiveness among child protection workers in Israel. PhD Weiss Dagan Shlomit
2015 Consequences of continuous exposure to a security threat on child adjustment: The moderating role of community and the relationship with the mother PhD Tangir Gali
2015 Couple adaptation in the aftermath of men's active duty in war: The roles of attachment, empathy and dyadic coping. PhD Svetlitzky Vlad
2015 Emerging adulthood among care leavers in Israel: Personal and environmental factors contributing to functioning and well-being of young adults four years after aging out of residential facilities PhD Refaeli Tehila
2015 Exposure to ongoing terrorism: Type of community and belonging to the community as moderators of post-traumatic stress and emotional regulation MA Frenkel Maayan
2015 Involvement and warmth of fathers coping with mental illness compared to non-clinical fathers: The role of perceived childhood paternity, the caregiving system, social support and child characteristics. MA Dayan Gazith Efrat
2015 Life satisfaction and meaning in life following the transition to parenthood: The contribution of personal and personality variables, social support and perception of parenting stress. MA Yuzuk Keren
2015 Meaning of life among youngsters with and without cerebral palsy. PhD Cohen Ravit
2015 Perception of stress, cognitive appraisal and self-mastery among women with/without children, who are in early stages of fertility treatments and their contribution to meaning in life and life satisfaction. MA Pascal Mor
2015 Personal growth among mothers of children starting first grade: The contribution of personal, environmental and perceptional characteristics of the mother and behavioral characteristics of the child MA Zaslavsky-Shova Luba (Lubov)
2015 Relationships between professional preferences, professional training, and personal characteristics and attitudes regarding causes of poverty and ways to reduce it among social work professionals and students. MA Kooshmarin Frida
2015 Satisfaction with life and financial well-being following the transition to first parenthood – The con tribution of personality variables, financial threat perception, positive and negative emotions and quality of marital relationship. MA Shafir Adir
2015 Sexual assault within and outside the family: The link between sexual assault characteristics and the quality of romantic relationships. PhD Gonen Keren
2015 Strangers in Israel: The relationship between perceived threat, mastery and community resources, and levels of social distance towards foreigners and sense of well-being among veteran residents in disadvantage neighborhoods MA Kalnisky Mor
2015 The association between hospital medical teams' exposure to illness and mortality and secondary traumatization, on one hand, and personal growth and life satisfaction, on the other – The moderating role of self differentiation and social support. MA Abu Sharqiya Salam
2015 The association between parenting self-efficacy and the caregiving system with paternal involvement and warmth: A comparison between fathers with mental illness and non-clinical fathers. MA Borosh Tali
2015 The association of illness perception and coping resources with depression and glycemic control among adolescents with type 1 diabetes. MA Sadeh Yaara
2015 The association of illness perception, personal control and social support with psychological distress in GI cancer patients: A comparison between men and women. MA Zelkin Anna
2015 The associations of loneliness among care-leavers with personal background, psychological distress, life satisfaction and functioning in young adulthood MA Spielberg Reut