Thesis and Dissertatations

Year Student Advisor
2012 Living on the margins: The relationship between economic poverty, deprivation and social exclusion. PhD Haron Naama
2012 Mental health of mothers of children with Type 1 Diabetes: The contribution of cognitive appraisal, coping rsources and disclosure f the illness to others. MA Ziv Benbenishty Inbar
2012 Personal growth in the transition to parenthood following Fertility treatments. PhD Bar-Shua Eti
2012 Preparedness for independet living and military service, future perceptions and assessment of future needs of Jewish high school students in Israel MA Shushan Sara
2012 Social workers who work with adolescent girls in distress: The connection between personal and professional factors to secondary traumatization and perception of treatment effectiveness. PhD Dagan Keren
2012 Splitting and projection in recurrent calls to Eran's online chat: The schizo-paranoid situation. Van Creveld Uri
2012 The associations between violent characteristics, sense of control and parenthood among battered women. MA Alon Barlev Michal
2012 The contribution of family-work system characteristic, marital and sexual satisfaction to explaining well being in dual earner families. MA Sror Moran
2012 The correlation between the relationship of the children in emergency centers with their biological parents, the presence of their externalizing and internalizing behaviors MA Tubiana-Haviv Maayan
2012 The impact of interpreting in psychotherapy on ISL interpreters. MA Abugov Noa
2012 The relationship between attachment orientation, perceived social support, and gratitude among native Israeli and Russian immigrant mothers and grandmothers. MA Medvinsky Janna
2012 The relationship between Filipino home care workers and their elderly care recipients in the context of the Filipino cultural values and relations with the family of origin. MA Ashkenazi Orna
2012 The removal of children from home under court order: The voices of fathers MA Negbi Irit
2012 Variables determining fathers' involvement in child rearing: A comparative analysis based on urban type, fathers' self differentiation and child developmental stage. MA Sadeh Idit
2011 'Cyberbullying': Its prevalence, characteristics and relationships with traditional bullying, background characteristics, self esteem, and life satisfaction. MA Nir Michal
2011 A cross-cultural comparison of parenting styles of immigrant workers in Tel Aviv. MA Maman Noa
2011 A longitudinal study on personal growth and parental self-efficacy in the transition to parenthood: A comparison between parents of premature and of full term babies. PhD Spielman Varda
2011 Background variables and cognitive variables of information seeking as factors of the information patients want during the process of informed consent. PhD Sabar Li-Mor
2011 Behavioral interventions to prevent childhood and adolescence obesity: A metaanalyses of randomized trials. MA Goldberg-Sobol Shira
2011 Childhood Sexual Abuse – Characteristics and symptoms: A comparative study of patients and therapists' reports. MA Levron Merav
2011 Cognitive variables and spousal support as explanatory variables of differences in rehabilitative behavior between Arab and Jewish cardiac patients. PhD Taha-Fahoum Amal
2011 Distress, personal resources, gender and processes that facilitate suicide among soldiers who have attempted suicide. PhD Shelef Leah
2011 Feeling of loneliness among young adults with intellectual disability, living in community residence – The contribution of the level of disability, attachment and social support. MA Hassid Adi
2011 From generation to generation: The intergenerational of parenting as associated with perception of parental rearing, differentiation of self, marital quality and child temperament. PhD Simhi-Regev Ayelet
2011 Gratitude, well being and personal growth among ultraorthodox and secular mothers with/without a child with intellectual disability. MA Zimmerman Shirly