Dr. Noga Pitowsky-Nave

Fields of Interest

Social entrepreneurship and Innovation in Social Services, Organizations and Activism in Civil Society, Employment Promoting Practices in Social Work, Social Workers as Policy Entrepreneurs


    Higher Education

    2020- PhD- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare.

    2006- MSW- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare (Magna Kum Lauda).

    2003- BSW- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare.

    Scholarly Positions and Academic Activities

    2024- Present- Lecturer, The Louis and Gabi Weisfeld School of Social Work, Bar-Ilan University

    2024- Summer visiting researcher, The Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto

    2021-2024- Lecturer, School of Social Work, Sapir College

    2015-2021- Adjunct Lecturer, School of Social Work, Sapir College

    2019- 2021- Adjunct Lecturer, School of Social Work, Hadassah College

    2018-2019- Adjunct Lecturer, Spitzer Department of Social Work, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

    Scholarships, Awards and Prizes

    2024- Institutional award for outstanding achievements, Sapir College

    2023- Institutional award for outstanding achievements, Sapir College

    2018- Excellence in teaching, Sapir College

    2016- Nira Shenhar Fellowship for excellent doctoral dissertation in the field of Civil Society

    2015- JDC award for excellent doctoral dissertation

    Professional Experience in Social Work

    2013-2015- Employee welfare case-worker, the human resources department at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

    2010-2013- Occupational social worker, Teva Pharmaceutical Company

    2008-2010- Coordinator, Amitim program, the Israeli Association of Community Centers and the Ministry of Health.

    2004-2010- Social worker, the department for the promotion of youth, Jerusalem Municipality.


    Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

    Pitowsky-Nave, N. (In press). "To dream big"- Social Entrepreneurship in civil society social service organizations. Society and Welfare. (Hebrew).

    Hochman, Y. & Pitowsky-Nave, N. (2024). My journey to Become a Social Worker: Defining Moments of Professional Identity Formation. The British Journal of Social Work.

    Pitowsky-Nave, N., Almog-bar, M. & Schmid, H. (2024). Cross-sectoral Collaborations between Nonprofit Organizations and Businesses: implications for organizations providing Mental Health Rehabilitation Services. Social Work in Mental Health.

    Pitowsky-Nave, N. (2024). "Between the rocket and the outbreak": Civil society organizations in southern Israel negotiating COVID-19, social peripherality, and security threat. Journal of Social Security (Heb).

    Pitowsky-Nave, N., Almog-bar, M. & Schmid, H. (2023). Collaboration Between Businesses and Social Service Nonprofits as Organized Anarchy: The Insider Perspective. Human Service organizations: Management, Leadership and Governance.

    Lahat, L., Klenk, T. & Pitowsky-Nave, N. (2023). Street-Level Bureaucrats as Policy Entrepreneurs and Collaborators: Findings from Israel and Germany. European Policy Analysis.

    Gadot, L. & Pitowsky-Nave, N. (2023). Between Emotion and Occupation: Employment Promoting Practice with People in Unemployment from Social Workers’ Perspective. European Journal of Social Work.

    Pitowsky-Nave, N. (2022). From "Crisis" to "Opportunity": Israeli Social Service Nonprofits’ Responses to COVID-19. Human Service organizations: Management, Leadership and Governance.

    Pitowsky-Nave, N., Almog-bar, M. & Schmid, H. (2022). "Engineering corporate volunteering"- corporate volunteering in non-profit organizations. Journal of Social Security.  (Hebrew).

    Gadot, L. & Pitowsky-Nave, N. (2021). From "something a bit made-up" to "a fully developed position": Occupational social work as a changing profession, Journal of Social security. (Hebrew)

    Pitowsky-Nave, N., Almog-bar, M. & Schmid, H. (2020). "Our garden is full of joy"- Collaboration between business and social organizations, as a form of Corporate Social Responsibility. The Study of Organizations and Human Resource Management Quarterly. (Hebrew).

    Almog-Bar, M., Cnaan, R.A., Pitowsky-Nave, N. & Turi, K. (2020). Israeli Peace Nonprofits Promoting Social Good: Characteristics of Active and Inactive Organizations. Research on Social Work Practice.

    Book Reviews

    Pitowsky-Nave, N. (2022). Review of Policy entrepreneurship at the street level: Understanding the effect of the individual. By Cohen, N. (2022). Social Policy and Administration.

    Pitowsky-Nave, N. (2018). Review of Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility: Tools and Theories for Responsible Management. By Haski-Leventhal, D. (2018). (Hebrew).

    Pitowsky-Nave, N. (2014). Review of Corporate Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation. By Amaeshi, K., Nnodim, P., & Osuji, O. (2013). Journal of Social Security. (Hebrew).

    Chapters in Edited Books

    Pitowsky-Nave, N. (forthcoming). Between policy implementation and policy entrepreneurship: The role hybridity of civil society organizations in the policy cycle. Handbook of Social Policy Implementation. Edward Elgar Publishing.

    Articles in Non-Refereed Journals

    Pitowsky-Nave, N. (2023). Layers of conflict: Teaching a multicultural Jewish-Arab seminar in Israel. Social Dialogue, 27, 83-87.

    Conference Presentations

    Pitowsky-Nave, N.  (2024). "'This is My Lifework': Civil Society Organizations in Southern Israel between Hardship and Resilience." AIS- Association for Israel Studies- Charles University, Prague, The Czech Republic.

    Pitowsky-Nave, N.  (2023). "Social Service Workers as Street-Level Policy Entrepreneurs and Collaborators." European Conference for Social Work Research. Università Cattolica, Milan, Italy.

    Lahat, L., Klenk, T. & Pitowsky-Nave, N.   (2022). "Street-Level Bureaucrats as Policy Entrepreneurs and Collaborators: Findings from Israel and Germany." ESPAnet – The European Network for Social Policy Analysis. University of Vienna, Austria.

    Pitowsky-Nave, N.  (2022). From "Crisis" to "Opportunity": Israeli Social Service Nonprofits’ Responses to COVID-19. AIS- Association for Israel Studies- Bar-Ilan University, Israel.

    Pitowsky-Nave, N.  (2021). "Cross-sector collaborations: Examining Business and NPO Collaborations". International Society for Third sector Research (ISTR), Montreal, Canada.

    Elsana-Alhjooj, A. & Pitowsky-Nave, N. (2021).""Balancing the 'social' and the 'financial' - Social Enterprises responses to COVID-19 pandemic- The case of Al-Sanabel for Bedouin women in the south Israel". International Society for Third sector Research (ISTR), Montreal, Canada.

    Pitowsky-Nave, N.  (2021). Social service NPOs and their responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. ARNOVA- Association for research on non-profit organizations and voluntary action. Atlanta, G.A, U.S.A


    7610604 - Fundamentals of Social Work

    76661101 - Welfare and Employment throughout the Life Cycle

    7687301 - Entrepreneurship and social innovation

    • Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Social Services
    • Social Entrepreneurship and Civic Engagement in response to the Iron Swords war
    • Social workers as Policy Entrepreneurs
    • Employment Promoting Practices in Social Work

    Last Updated Date : 09/12/2024