Thesis and Dissertatations

Year Student Advisor
2016 Adjustment profiles of Yom Kippur war veterans seeking delayed help from IDF PhD Soval Zuckerman Yael
2016 Body-mind integration in the helping professions: Implications on identity, status and boundaries of the professions and professionals. PhD Shacham Shoer Maitri
2016 Childbirth, trauma and the family: Traumatic childbirth and the quality of mother-baby bond and marital relationship MA Reshef Shani
2016 Chronic Ward Inpatients' Experience of Group Therapy MA Dudai Yifat
2016 Coping with swxual prohibitions: An examination of experiences and challenges of older singles in the Israeli Religious-Zionist community MA Ariav Menny
2016 Emotional and behavioral reaction of children and family group care staff to the 'Zuk Eitan' war and their association to past life events, war exposure and social support MA Sher Adva
2016 Ethiopian battered women in shelters: The contribution of characteristics of violence, one's life events and personal and social resources to the variation of mental distress MA Yarden Lilach
2016 Examining the Contribution of Individual and Environmental Characteristics to Adjustment of Ultra-Orthodox Girls who Have Dropped Out of School or at Risk of Dropping Out MA Itzhaky Yarden
2016 Exploring the correlations between personal and communal resources, post-traumatic symptoms and the sense of community belonging, among "Gush Katif" evacuees. MA Friedman Yuval
2016 Growing Pains: Young Women's Retrospective Views of Loss and Mourning During Adolescence as Stimulus for Personal Growth MA Kuperboim Rona
2016 If I Go Where Shalt I Return? Examining the differences in the sense of danger, use of support systems and use of community services for battered women who stayed in shelters MA Lebel Riki
2016 Mental Health and Personal Growth among Parents of Pre- and Full-term Babies PhD Porat-Zyman Ginna
2016 Online Victimization: The Association between Parents’ Digital Savvy and Monitoring Strategies, to their Children’s Online Victimization and the Similarity between Parents’ and Children’s Perceptions of the Child’s Online Victimization MA Stupp Toby
2016 Personal and professional consequences on therapists treating offenders in the juvenile probation service MA Rozenblum Gitelis Hani
2016 Personal Growth among Mothers to Pre-Term Babies: On the Relationship between Event Severity, Subjective Stress, Personal Resources (Internal & External) and Personal Growth MA Rozen Gal
2016 Recovery from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: The role of Attachment theory and Perceived Social Support MA Katz-Amiri Carmi
2016 Risk taking among bereaved sibling. PhD Magen Limor
2016 Self disclosure and dissociation among trauma survivors: The contribution of attachment and therapy intervention MA Ben Nissim Irit
2016 Sexual satisfaction among men and women in hetrosexual relationship: Cognitive, behavioral and personality related aspects MA Taichman Magen Hava
2016 Social networks of care leavers: Examining alternative models (compensation, moderation, and mediation) of the contribution of social support to well-being and functioning in young adulthood and their relationships to childhood negative life events PhD Melkman Eran
2016 Teenagers in Scouts youth movements: The relationship between the level of exposure to terrorism in 'Operation Pillar of Defense', self-esteem, social support and post-traumatic stress MA Salti Nurit
2016 The association between parent's personality variables child's temperament and quality of marital relationship to parenting stress and life satisfaction among parents of preschool children: Differences between mothers and fathers MA Ben Yaakov Ofir
2016 The associations of the quality and frequency of the relationships between parents and their children in therapeutic residential care and parental involvement in the facility, with changes in children's emotional and behavioral functioning over time MA Naim Nofar
2016 The Contribution of Empathy and Attachment to Adaptation of Partners of PTSD Veterans MA Has Chavi
2016 The contribution of personal and professional characteristics to the professional quality of life among volunteers in rape crises centers in Israel MA Cohen Noaz