Thesis and Dissertatations

Year Student Advisor
2018 Ultra-Orthodox fathers in Israel: Predictors of involvement and warmth compared to the general population MA Gelerenter Nehama
2017 Adolescents' Meaning in Life: Contribution of Self-Mastery, Attachment Orientation and Environmental Variables MA Lotan Limor
2017 Arab grandmothers of children with/without an intellectual disability: The contribution of personal and interpersonal characteristics to their mental health and personal growth MA Zbedat Sundus Fatma
2017 Examination of the compatibility of diagnostic criteria in relation to narrative themes in Prolonged Exposure (PE) Therapy for PTSD MA Mali Moran
2017 Fatherhood after arrest: The contribution of narcissistic traits, paternal self-efficacy and maternal support to released prisoners' warmth and involvement in raising their children MA Shraybom Helya
2017 Life satisfaction, Meaning in life, and Stress perception in parenting of children with ADHD, before and after Equine-Facilitated intervention – The contribution of parent and child individual variables, optimism self-esteem and social support MA Amitay Rainitz Shira
2017 Moral distress among social workers in long term care facilities for older adults PhD Lev Sagit
2017 Pity towards persons with disability among social workers MA Vinokur Michal
2017 Relationships between mamagers' leadership styles, employee job characteristics and organizational citizenship behaviors in community centers MA Katz Lea
2017 Risk Behavior among Israeli Backpackers and their Influential Factors MA Li-or Hella
2017 The association between illness representations, coping strategies social support and adherence of parents with type 1 diabetic children MA Halperin-Kates Ayelet
2017 The association between negative cognitions and previous exposure to traumatic events to PTSD symptoms level following a subsequent traumatic event MA Goren Yael
2017 The Association between work values, professional ideology and personal characteristics to job satisfaction among community and caseworkers social workers MA Peled Lior
2017 The contribution of Illness perception and coping resources to explaining psychological distress in Palestinian family members caring for children with Cancer MA Slayeh Soliman Mona
2017 The contribution of personal and environmental variables to the addiction to binge eating among women who suffer from psychological abuse with in their intimate relations and the moderating role of emotional defense mechanisms MA Drori Orly Yona
2017 The contribution of personal resources to mental health and personal growth in the transition to motherhood - A comparison between single mothers by choice and mothers with a spouse MA Chasson Miriam
2017 The contribution of personal, social and communal resources to adjustment explanation of drop-out youth to the life in the Ultra-Orthodox sector PhD Itzhaki Yael Prof. Haya Itzhaky, Dr. Yaacov Yablon
2017 The contribution of personality traits and characteristics of the social worker's job to his perception of the media as a tool to promote social issues MA Nissan Ilssar Keren
2017 The experience of teenage girls and young adult females of Ethiopian descent in their relations with social services MA Barak Inbal
2017 The impact of interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) on postpartum depression, perceived self-efficacy and perceived level of functioning among women showing symptoms of postpartum depression MA Amitai Daria
2017 The mediating role of sexual motives between attachment orientation and narcissism to sexual satisfaction and functioning among couples: A dyadic perspective PhD Gewirtz-Meydan Ateret
2017 The potential role for schools in preventing obesity in children, adolescents, and young adults PhD Sobol Goldberg Shira
2017 The relationship between illness representations and well-being MA Katzav Keren-Or
2017 Thoughts on separation from parents, death thought accessibility, and risk taking among teenagers - The moderating role of separation-individuation level. attachment style, and meaning in life MA Solomon Avinoam
2016 A multidimensional assessment of friendship relations among young drivers and their contribution to road safety PhD Guggenheim Noga