Dr. Lior Granot


    Bibliotherapist and psychotherapist using the integrative therapy approach

    I own a private practice in Tel-Aviv focused on adults dealing with self-growth and development, disturbances in self-esteem, interpersonal and relationship-based difficulties, anxiety and depression, life crises, loss and mourning counseling, LGBTQ patients, third age counseling, working with parents to deal with parenting challenges, and working with expecting parents.

    I head group bibliotherapy for diverse demographics and teach bibliotherapy courses at Mifrasim Institute for Psychotherapy Research and Training, The Academic College of Tel Aviv-Jaffa, The Ono Academic College’s School for Rehabilitation and Recovery in Mental Health, among other establishments.

    Author of How Does Bibliotherapy Cure? On Writing, Childhood, and a Poem, Pardes Publishing & Bar-Ilan University Press.


    Notable Publications:


    “Touching Hearts - the Poem as a Way of Touching the Heart”, Helicon, “Stopping at the Right Time”, Issue no. 139, 2022, page 104.

    “You Are Not Single Here: Language of Alienation that Creates Closeness of the Heart in the Poetry of Natan Zach”, Iton 77 Magazine, Issue no. 417, September-March 2021, page 67.

    “Writing as a Way of Moving: Bibliotherapy as a Way of Thawing Frozen States of the Psyche”, Hebrew Psychology: https://www.hebpsy.net/articles.asp?id=4109

    “And the Place Shall Be Named Olam (World) by Way of Hialmut (Disappearance): The Poetry of Dahlia Ravikovitch Presenting the Language of Depression from a Private Language to a Public Language”, The Psyche Ladybug, A Collection of Articles by the Program of Interpretation and Culture, Bar-Ilan University, Resling Publishing House.

    “And How Does the Scenery Return All of a Sudden Back to the Right Figure: The Poetry of Tirtsa Atar as a Form of Wording Anxiety and Offering Solace”, Bein Ha’Milim Magazine Kibbutzim College Press.

    “Say it is Urgent: Insisting on a ‘You’ in Poetry”, Ha’Musach Magazine, Dec. 14, 2017 http://blog.nli.org.il/mussach_16_masa/

     “What Spring? On Summer Droughts, Rain, and Suffocation as a Form of Interaction with the Other in the Poetry of Leah Goldberg”, Iton 77 Magazine, Issue no. 382, April-May 2015, page 30-31.

    “On the Cusp of Helll:  The Life-Affirming and Life-Ending Power of Writing”, Hebrew Psychology: http://www.hebpsy.net/articles.asp?id=3082

    The wolf will live with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the goat: A Psychological Reading of The Lamb Who Came for Dinner, by Steve Smallman”, Hapinkas Magazine, June, 2013.

    “My Neverending Plummet to My Neverending Plummet: A Look at the Poetry of Alejandra Pizarnik”, Address Web Magazine, Issue no. 45, August 2012.

    “Like a Dragon in a China Shop: A Psychological Reading of There’s NO Such Thing as a Dragon, by Jack Kent”, Hapinkas Web Magazine, July 2012.

    “Inhaling the Live Moment, the Pained Moment: A Psychological Reading of Naima Sasson Writing Poetry, by Amalia Kahana-Carmon”, Maagaley Nefesh Magazine, Issue no. 4, November 2010.

    “How She is Finally Reading My Story: A Psychological Reading of Her Body Knows: Two Novellas, by David Grossman”, Maagaley Nefesh Magazine, Issue no. 3, July 2010.


    2020: How Does Bibliotherapy Cure? On Writing, Childhood, and a Poem, Pardes Publishing & Bar-Ilan University Press.

    2015: Nannia: A Book of Poetic Prose, Even Hoshen Publishing

    2012: Mili: A Book of Poems, Keshev Publishing House

    2010: And The Sun Is: A Book of Songs, Helicon Publishing


    I publish new materials on psychological readings of literary pieces on an ad hoc basis, which can be found at the Hebrew Psychology website: http://www.hebpsy.net/blog.asp?id=36


    76760301 - Bibliotherapy in Social Work

    • Bibliotherapy as a mechanism of intervention in treatment
    • The convergence of literature and the psyche
    • Psychoanalytic readings of children’s literature
    • Psychoanalytic reading of poetry
    • The therapeutic properties of literature from different genres and its use in the clinic
    • The therapeutic properties of writing
    • the therapeutic properties of the poetic language
    • The use of children’s literature in the treatment of adult patients
    • The Ineffable - that which cannot be named - and its treatment through bibliotherapy

    Last Updated Date : 09/12/2024