Thesis and Dissertatations

Year Sort descending Student Advisor
2002 Foster care and professionalism. MA Barel Michal
2002 The differences in mental health and in decision-making styles between persons taking early retirement from work and persons taking normative retirement. MA Levi Yheudit
2002 Ultra-Orthodox and secular divorced mothers: Their levels of emotional drain and their perspectives of societal and familial attitudes towards them. MA Bensimon -Frisch Elisheva
2002 Parents of divorced daughter: Emotional and functional condition following the divorce. MA Anikster Michal
2003 Mother-daughter relationship among Ethiopian immigrants as a factor in the daughter's adaptation to Israel. MA Cohen Neima
2003 The association between cognitive and behavioral functioning, socio-economic status and environmental variables. PhD Shlezinger Tamar
2003 Multi dimensional model for identifying bio-psycho social risk makers for abuse in children. PhD Farchi Moshe
2003 Role variables and collaboration between organizations: The relationships with effective social work in the Israeli kibbutz. PhD Makaros Ayelet
2003 Parenting and family functioning of men who grew up without fathers - IDF orphans as fathers to young children. PhD Lehman Shlomit
2003 Relationship between empowerment, skills, values and attitudes toward HIV/AIDS patients among social workers and nurses. PhD Gerber Phillip
2003 The relationship between altruism and the readiness to receive help in light of the attachment theory. MA Shtern Yael
2003 The influence of professional training and experience on the efficacy of social workers' crisis intervention during a terrorist attack. MA Finkelstein Hadva
2003 Job burnout and organizational commitment in Miftan teachers. MA Ezer Cindy
2003 Quality of life of people with visual impairment (ages 20-50) working in extended employment programs in Israel. MA Morgenstern Hana
2003 Community residence for people with mental retardation: The relationship between residents' level of participation in the decision-making process concerning the residence operation, choice making, and level of community integration. MA Ben-Ari Schneider Oshrit
2003 The use of projective drawings in identifying the typeof abuse in young children. MA Ben-Natan Sari
2003 The effect of staying in a shelter on battered women's sense of empowerment. MA Ben-Porat Anat
2003 The sense of empowerment and satisfaction of formal leaders in the kibbutz during the changing period. MA Brafman Dorit
2003 Drug addicted husbands and their spouses: Attachment styles, autonomy, conflict resolution styles and sexual satisfaction. MA Dialosque-Rahamim Nava
2003 Mental distress, self-esteem, locus of control and social support among adults who grew in families with a head injured father. MA Horovitz Dorit
2003 The relationship between involvement and participation in computer system development in human service agencies in Israel, and computer satisfaction. MA Nesimi Michal
2003 The effect of mortality salience on social acceptance of adolescents with disabilities - The moderating role of attachment style. Lahav Ofra
2003 Stress reactions in children in settlements of security risk and uncertain future. MA Weinberger Aviva
2003 The association between early loss attachment styles, self esteem and the need for intimacy during adolescence, among native Israelis, CIS immigrants and Ethiopian immigrants. MA Wiser Tamar
2004 Depression and insight into illness during the various stages of Anorexia Nervosa. MA Roth Shira