Thesis and Dissertatations

Year Student Advisor
2005 The effect of mortality salience on medical decision-making among medical students. MA Hirsch Tali
2005 The effect of mortality salience on men's reactions towards a non-stereotypic woman. MA Setton-Zaaroor Galith
2005 The influence of the patients' will and the necessity of the medical care on the decisions regarding the competency of the demented patient to give an informed consent for the medical care. PhD Molad Avital
2005 The meaning of the recovery process for women who experienced Anorexia Nervosa. MA Winitsky Tali
2005 The perception of the voluntary processes by teenagers assisted by volunteers. MA Wolff Sharon
2005 The Place of professional considerations and other factors in determining treatment plans by decision committees. MA Rainer Smadar
2005 The pot-food and companionship: Perception of poverty among soup kitchen staff and customers. MA Golan Miri
2005 The readiness of Arab girls to join the voluntary national service. MA Sweidan Rifat
2005 The relation between exposure of adolescents to violence in their family and their adjustment to boarding school. MA Zevi Michal
2005 The relationship between premorbid functioning of person with schizophrenia and the early course of illness. PhD Haim Rachel
2005 The relationship between social economic status, social mobility and physical health. MA Hunter-Shamama Julia
2004 Death of sibling during adolescence: Intensity of grief, capacity for intimacy, and the remaining sibling's perception of the meaning of life in adulthood. MA Magen Limor
2004 Depression and insight into illness during the various stages of Anorexia Nervosa. MA Roth Shira
2004 Emotional abuse in girls, perception of parental attitude and its implications in adolescence. MA Karo Tobi
2004 Exploring the relationship between timing of reasons for client's perception of the therapist's reaction to his decision to terminate and client's feelings about termination. MA Harel Galit
2004 Mother and Child emotional aspects in relation to family size. PhD Segal Ofra
2004 Parental involvement with adult children with mental retardation who live in community residences: Relations to parental perception of the degree of offspring's satisfaction. MA Levy-Rabinovich Dafna
2004 Relationship between gender, roles within the family and locus of control to mental health - A comparison between settlers of the West Bank and Gaza and residents of inner Israel. MA Beck Tamar
2004 Resources and motives as predictors of success in weight loss among overweight women. MA Bloch Sigal
2004 Secondary traumatization amongst the offspring of people suffering from post-traumatic syndrome. MA Dinshtein Yula
2004 The connection between the composition of a voluntary association management committee and the degree of stress, perceived control on decision-making, and role conflict of the salaried stuff. MA Fink Nurit
2004 The difference between social workers' and their clients' definition of the problem, its cause and the relationship between these variables and their evaluation of the therapeutic alliance. MA Bacshi Sigal
2004 The effect of mortality salience of meaning in life: The role of symbolic immortality and religious. MA Yamin Oshrat
2004 The relationship between a youth leadership group participating in a program for attitude change toward people with disabilities and attitude change, self-esteem and locus of control. MA Cohen Ronen
2004 The relationship between internal and external resources and the adjustment of adolescents from different backgrounds. PhD Lipschitz-Elhawi Rachel