Thesis and Dissertatations

Year Student Advisor
2010 Appeal characteristic and the use of Internet supports services in the area of sexual abuse. MA Ben Hur Einav
2010 Assessing needs and reainess for independent living among adolescents in residential care. MA Eliel-Gev Michal
2010 Attitudes and behavioral intentions of social workers towards intimate partner violence directed towards older women vs. younfer women. MA Yechezkel Rachely
2010 Background characteristics of children in residential care associated with ADHD and the relation between ADHD and their social, emotional, and behavioral functioning. MA Besserman Taly
2010 Evaluating an Empowerment Program "From Caregiver to Shoulder-Giver" For Nepali Home Care Workers in Israel. MA Peleg Maya
2010 Examining the social perceptions of Israeli children of Ethiopian and non-Ethiopian origin and their association with background and familial characteristics. MA Kapah Reut
2010 Mothers and Fathers: The contribution of the parent. The child and the environment to the parenting style. PhD Malchi Keren
2010 Parental behaviors and the potential for child abuse: The role of abuse in childhood, attachment in adulthood, the ability to regulate emotions, and parental reflection. PhD Harel Galit
2010 People coping with mental illness: Experiences in the world of work – a qualitative research. MA Neuberger Tal
2010 Perceptions and experiences of driving and road safety among Ultraorthodox women in Israel. MA Guggenheim Noga
2010 Perceptions of social workers who work in mental illness rehabilitation centers: Difficulties and strategies of coping. MA Gabay Pazit
2010 Personal and social resources and their relationship to community activity and leadership competence among Ultra-Orthodox community activists. PhD Zanbar Lea
2010 Predicting empowerment among women volunteers: An ecological model. MA Megidna Hofit
2010 Resource loss, personal values and distress among Israelis and new immigrant terror victims. PhD Fass Hester
2010 Risk and protective factors for problem behaviors among out of home adolescents. MA Melkman Eran
2010 Risk-taking and reckless driving in adolescence: The roles of death anxiety and attachment style. MA Porat-Zyman Ginna
2010 The association between illness severity and post-traumatic symptoms among lung cancer patients: the contribution of appraisal of meaning of illness, causal attribution and social support. MA Klein Irit
2010 The association between personal. Interpersonal and organizational factors and satisfaction and persistence among business organizations' employees who volunteer in the community. MA Barzilay Heli
2010 The effect of values priming on the willingness to drive recklessly among young drivers. MA Mescheloff Faran Yifat
2010 The meaning given by national religious couples to the pre-marital period, the move to marriage and the initial marriage period. PhD Shalev Ofra
2010 The relationship between self disclosure, acculturation strategies, future time orientation and adjustment: A comparative analysis of men and women immigrants from Ethiopia in Israel. MA Amit Yonit
2010 What are the causes to effectiveness of activities in the community? PhD Ben Tzur Navit
2009 “Growing Pains”: Israeli youth after the Second Lebanon War: Contribution of level of exposure, home evacuation and school climate, to the distress reaction one year after the end of the war. MA Green Ohad
2009 A new day – A new challenge: The coping process of patients with multiple sclerosis. MA Cohen Amital
2009 Characteristics and ways of coping of mothers of children with autism/PDD who are undergoing ABA treatment. PhD Levin-Gonen Rakefet