Thesis and Dissertatations

Year Student Advisor
2011 Growth and parental self efficacy among parents to children with ADHD: The connection between emotional intelligence, social support, and perception of parenthood as challenge vs. threat. MA Averbuh-Cohen Ina
2011 Illness narratives, quality of life and perception of control over the illness of persons with schizophrenia. PhD Shor Shlomit
2011 Intergenerational transmission of exposure to domestic violence and its role in predicting mastery and well-being among women who residing in domestic violence shelters. MA Ben-Ami David Inbal
2011 Israeli and immigrant women survivors of intimate partner violence: The contribution of personal and environmental characteristics to depression. MA Refaeli Tehila
2011 Maternal status and mental distress as predictors of when women leave domestic violence shelters and where they go from there. MA Inbar Na'ama
2011 Parent's characteristics and parent-child contact as predictors of emotional, behavioral and social functioning of children and adolescents in residential care in Israel. MA Hadad Nethanel
2011 Personal growth and subjective happiness among mothers of children with various developmental disabilities – The contribution of attachment style, social support and guilt. MA Klein-Jacoby Ayelet
2011 Power relations among heterosexual and same sex couples. PhD Klonover Eyal
2011 Predicting adjustment to divorce among Ethiopian and Isreali men: A comparative analysis. MA Kasa Avero Yael
2011 Psychoform and somatoform dissociation following mild motor vehicle accidents as predictors of post-traumatic consequences. PhD Lavy Michal
2011 Psychotherapists' reactions to managed care in mental health community clinics. PhD Hadar Rina
2011 Relationships between attachment styles, hope, self-efficacy, commitment and benefit from caregiving and elderly caregivers involvement with hospitalizing spouses in long term institutional settings. PhD Eliyahou Ayala
2011 School functioning and academic achievements of children in welfare residential facilities: Their relationships with personal characteristics and emotional and behavioral functioning. MA Alterman-Shasha Yael
2011 Stressors and resources that explain pathological worry among the Jews and Arabs elderly living in Jaffa: comparative analysis. PhD Rotbart Norma
2011 The association between caregiving stressors and depression among family caregivers of the elderly: Explanatory factors. MA Nativ Yael
2011 The contribution of characteristics of violence, previous use of community services, and experience in the shelter as predictors of women's destinations after leaving the battered women's shelter. MA Palty Katzir Carmit
2011 The contribution of sensation seeking and impulsivity to the impact of Adventure Based Therapy on drug craving, mood, and social relations in At Risk Youth. MA Kesller Daniel
2011 The grandparenthood Schema: Differences in personal and social resources of ultra-orthodox as compared to secular grandparents. PhD Lazar Ronit
2011 The obligation dilemma of the social worker In the nursing home. MA Lev Sagit
2011 The relationship between self perception of poverty and user services patterns and social network. MA Lacher-Dror Dikla
2011 The relationship between social support networks and the quality of life of elderly Holocaust survivors. MA Proskurov Anna
2011 Therapist's reaction to patient's suicidal behavior (Suicide attempt/Suicide). MA Horovitz Ronit
2011 Uprooted adolescence: Posttraumatic growth and mental health as a result of crisis, and the contribution of personal and environmental resources. PhD Hefetz Michal
2011 Youth on the verge of leaving care in correctional facilities: The relationships of adolescents' characteristics, social and placement support with readiness for independent living, future perceptions and needs. MA Bibi-Gueta Batya
2010 Antecedents and patterns of suicidality in first episode Psychesis. PhD Bakst Shelly