Thesis and Dissertatations

Year Student Advisor
2015 The combined contribution of individual and community interventions in in explaining psychological resilience of disabled socially active participants MA Barda Vatury Riki
2015 The contribution of caregiver strain, parenting style and social support to psychological distress of mothers of children with cancer. MA Barzesky Michal
2015 The contribution of personal resources and mother's support to the mental health of younger and older women at the beginning of fertility treatments. MA Skvirsky Vera
2015 The contribution of self-differentiation, caregiving and maternal separation anxiety to parenting in divorced women - The moderating role of co-parenting with the father MA Hizkiya Vered
2015 The experience of doughters whose mothers are cared for by foreign workers. MA Baroth Harpaz Naomi
2015 The experience of mothering infants among women of Ethiopian origin PhD Nisan Ravit
2015 Therapist's rescue fantasy PhD Sharon Michal
2014 "Sibling relationships" between patients in the psychiatric ward PhD Baum-Mizrachi Adi
2014 Battered woman: Childhood trauma, patterns of change in PTSD, and departure destination from the shelter. MA Shaked Omer Zvi
2014 Different feelings of primary caregivers for older family members about receiving assistance from Israeli vs. foreign caregivers. MA Nevo Uziel
2014 Fear of death during the transition to parenthood and the effect of mortality salience on parental self-efficacy PhD Mei-Zahav Vered
2014 Perceptions of successful aging and good death among older adults facing the end of life in a skilled nursing facility MA Shamir Hadas
2014 Quality of life after exposure to a single traumatic event: The relationship between post traumatic symptoms and quality of life, the mediation of depression of this relationship, and the connection between treatment type and timing of treatment to change MA Mandelboim Ofra
2014 The association between fathers' addiction and parental functioning of the mother PhD Almog-Ovadia Hanny
2014 The association between personal, familial and social resources and the willingness of the young, middle generation and elderly to utilize formal and informal services in old age PhD Lauf-Rosenberg Liat
2014 The effect of death awareness on risk taking – The role of cultural worldviews PhD Katz – Ben-Ami Liat
2014 The factors that affect professionals' social workers' identification and reporting intentions in cases of violence perpetrated against persons with disabilities PhD Moral-Sagiv Ditza
2014 The perception of masculinity among veterans who developed Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder following participation in combat. MA Gilbar Ohad
2014 The relationship between length of stay in shelters, post-shelter destination site, and type of violence, emotional state, expectations and experiences from the shelter. MA Meshulam Efrat
2014 The relationship between personality and professional characteristics of therapists and the creation of the therapeutic alliance and the therapist's feelings toward the "difficult patient" PhD Gur-Arie Noa
2013 Attachment style of type 2 diabetics, and cognitive, social and emotional variables as explanatory factors of adherence to self-care behavior and diabetes control. PhD Cnaani Abarbanel Liza
2013 Battered women in shelters: The contribution of environmental and personality resources to the decline in mental distress. MA Dachkovsky Julia
2013 Battered women residents in shelters: A comparison between battered Arab and Jewish women in self-control, life threatening and depression. MA Kattoura Ola
2013 Fatherhood in the context of security threat. PhD Pagorek-Eshel Shira
2013 Fathering adolescents: The contribution of experience of childhood paternity, caregiving system, perception of parental competence and child's characteristics to paternal involvement and warmth. MA Glik Golofast Tsipi