Dr. Tova Yedidia
Group therapy; Development of creative tools in therapy; Marriage and Family therapy
2001 |
Ph.D. |
Bar Ilan University, Social Work |
1987 |
M.A. |
Bar Ilan University, Social Work |
1984 |
B.A. |
Bar Ilan University, Social Work |
Papers Presented at Scientific Conferences
2001 |
The Diversity Conference for Social Work Education & Practice (College of Social Work, University of South Carolina) "The Teaching of Immigrant Therapists from Ethiopia and the former Soviet Union, the Use of Artistic Tools for Diagnosis and Treatment" |
2003 |
Impact of Global Issues on Women and Children, International Conference (McMaster University, Canada and Burapha University, Thailand) "The Use of Imprinted Personal Pain as a Source of the Search for Meaning, that Motivates Adaptive Coping" |
2004 |
21st International Conference on Death and Bereavement (Haifa University Israel) "Healing Couples in the Womb of a Group: Dealing with Marital Relations in Bereaved Parents’ Support Groups" |
The Scientific Committee of the 28th International Congress of Psychology (Beijing, China) "Processing traumatic experiences in working with holocaust survivors by creating an album of memories" |
2005 |
Between Matrix and Manuals' Contemporary Chllenges in Group Analysis (Molad, Norway) "Anti-Group in a Group for Parents of Children who have Committed Suicide" |
Additional Information
Other Professional Experience:
1986-1989 Manager of “Ronen”, Department for Youth Services, Bat-Yam.
1984-1989 Manager of Marriage Counseling Agency and Divorce Mediation Services, Bat-Yam.
1981-1984 Child Protection Worker in the Local Welfare Services (Child Protection Worker is appointed by the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs and is mandated to appear in court), Bat-Yam.
1979-1981 Social Worker, Local Welfare Services, Bat-Yam.
- Developed training programs for divorce mediators and teaching divorce mediation.
- Qualified divorce mediator and supervisor of divorce mediators
- Group therapist and supervisor in groups for bereaved parents, divorced parents and their children.
- Qualified family therapist .
Public Voluntary Positions:
1998 – 2000 Developed a national project of group psychotherapy for elderly holocaust survivors.
1990 – 1995 Participated in designing of national projects for treatment of youth in distress in Israel (Ministry of Education).
Academic Roles:
2001 - today Reviewer of articles for the Journal of Society and Welfare.
Special Duties in the University:
2003 – 2004 Deputy Director of the School of Social Work
2003 – 2004 Chairman of the B.A. program
2003 – 2004 Member of the Advisory Committee
2003 – 2004 Chairman of he B.A. Committee and Admissions Committee
2003 – 2004 Member of Status Committee
2004 Chairman of Status Committee
2000 – 2003 Concentration of Social Group Work
2000 – 2003 A member in B.A committee
1999 – 2000 Re-designing the new B.A. curriculum
Professionals Degrees:
- Qualified family therapist - the Israeli Association for Marital and Family Therapy.
- Qualified divorce mediator and supervisor in divorce mediation - the Israeli association for marital and family therapy.
- Graduate of "Hidabrut" – A three year program for qualified psychotherapists - Israel Psychoanalytic Society.
Membership in professional societies:
- The Israeli Association for Marital and Family Therapy.
- The Israeli Association of Social Workers
Chapters in Books:
Yedidia, T. & Itzhaky, H. (2003). "A drawing technique for diagnosis and therapy of adolescents suffering traumatic stress and loss related to terrorism", In N. Boyd (ed.), Mass Trauma, Stress and Loss (pp. 283-303), New York: Guilford press.
Yedidia, T. & Levine-Keini, N. (2005). "Making use of family collage as a means for processing traumatic experiences in working with Holocaust Survivors", In B. Worsfold (ed.), The Art of Ageing: Textualising the Phase of Life (pp. 165-176), New York: Guilford press.
Articles in Refereed Journals:
Yedidia, T., & Yerushalmy, H. (1997). A model for the evaluation of readiness for divorce, Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 26, 115-123.
Yerushalmy, H., & Yedidia, T. (1997). The family album, American Journal of Family Therapy, 25 (3), 261-269.
Yedidia, T. (2003). Supervision, empathy and empowerment, Society & Welfare, 23(2), 227-244. (Hebrew).
Yedidia, T. (2004). Using art tools for diagnosing and treating of immigrant therapists from Ethiopia and their patients, Society & Welfare, 24(1), 27-40. (Hebrew)
Yedidia, T. (2005). Immigrant therapists' unresolved identity problems and counter-transference, Clinical Social Work, 33(2), 159-172.
Yedidia, T. & Levine-Kaini, N. (2006). Using creative means to teach basic dynamic concepts, International Journal of the Arts in Society, 1(1), 51-58.
Yedidia, T., & Yerushalmy, H. (2008). To murder the internal mother or to commit suicide? Anti group in a group of second generation holocaust survivors whose children committed suicide, Group Analysis Journal, 40(3).
Lipschitz-Elhawi, R. & Yedidia, T. (2011). Using human figure drawings as a tool for examining self-perception and emotional attitudes among Jewish and Arab children in Israel, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 35(5), 567-579.
Yedidia, T. & Lipschitz-Elhawi, R. (2012). Examining social perceptions between Arab and Jewish children through human figure drawings, Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 29(3), 104-112.
Baum, N., Yedidia, T., Schwartz, C. & Aran, O. (2013). Social work studies at a Haredi women's college: Difficulties and dilemmas, Journal of Social Work Education, 49(1).
Ezra, J., & Yedidia, T. (2016). The matrix of the group as transformative container in marital therapy with bereaved parents. Group Analysis, 49(1). DOI: 10.1177/0533316415626619
Baum, N., Schwartz, C., Yedidia, T. & Aran, O. (accepted for publication). Ultra-Orthodox women pursuing an education in social work, Journal of Social Work Education.
7681301 - Issues in Art Therapy in Health and Rehabilitation Systems
1. Group therapy.
2. Development of creative tools in therapy, supervision, teaching and research.
3. Marriage and Family therapy.
Last Updated Date : 29/09/2022